"Don't do this, ally leader. Although we are wrong, our sin doesn't kill us!" five of the six changed their faces, and the middle-aged friar apologized.

Ye Tian ignored this person and turned to the old man who didn't respond very much: "Chen Xiangqian, please tell the reason why you are late in front of many allies. If there is a half lie, it will be dealt with as a capital crime!"

Chen Xiangqian was the friar who urged others to hurry on his way. Hearing the speech, he looked at five other friars whose faces changed greatly, and then looked at Ye Tian, who was expressionless in front of his face. Finally, he made a decision in his heart and hugged Ye Tianyi and said: "Alliance leader, we were wrong. Because the monster was too fierce, our disciples of the sect were afraid and didn't enter the cave, so we delayed some time. On the way, we thought that the left and right were also late. In order to avoid damage to the disciples of each sect, we didn't hurry to go at full speed. We thought that once the alliance leader won, there would be no danger when we arrived. 1 Once the alliance leader was defeated, we could meet the returning allies along the way and come back together. Later, I thought it was not authentic, so I wanted to come quickly, but... "

Ye Tian listened to him and looked at the other five friars: "You are greedy for life and fear of death. Are you the only one who is afraid of death? Do you have only disciples? If you don't obey orders, why join the demon alliance? Before joining the demon alliance, you have read the league rules and declared that those who disagree with the league rules can quit the alliance. But you want the protection and resources of the alliance, and you are greedy for life and fear of death. Don't think of it Li, dead friends don't die. Poor people hide behind their allies and receive ready-made. Ben Meng, the leader of the alliance said, "you know you don't die unjustly!"

"Alliance leader, we are wrong. Please forgive me!"

The five people knelt down with extremely ugly faces and kept begging Ye Tian for mercy.

Ye Tian ignored it and shouted, "execute the league rules and execute!"

As soon as the voice fell, a white light suddenly swept over, and the head of one of the friars was splashing blood on the ground.

When the other four saw that ye Tian really started, they were shocked. They flew up in the air and wanted to escape. Suddenly, a dark shadow fell out of thin air and turned into a hundred mu. It was the mountain and river seal of Ye Tian.

Under the suppression of shanheyin, all monks nearby felt their bodies tightened and lost their ability to move.

Only the white light was unrestricted and flickered continuously. All the heads of the four sect leaders were cut off, and even the yuan God was broken one after another by the terrible sword light.

After the white light disappeared, only Chen Xiangqian was left standing in his place among the six monks who were late.

Ye Tian put away the mountain and river seal and looked at the many monks behind him: "remember the league rules and take it as a lesson! He Dayuan deals with the aftermath!"

With that, ye Tian's body flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

All the people present looked at each other, but they were shocked so that they didn't belong to them.

He Dayuan did not dare to neglect, but sent Chen Xiangqian, who had been expelled from the town demon alliance. Then he took out the magic weapon cave of the five dead friars xumijie, released one of the sect disciples, announced the league rules and sanctions, and dismissed them.

After a busy time, he Dayuan sorted things out and wanted to find ye tianfuling, but he was stunned to find that ye Tian had disappeared. He also disappeared with senior brother Liao Tongwen and senior brother situ Junru.

Even in Muyun City, the disciples of Tiangong sect and Taixiu sect never found one again.

"Pass my order. The General Alliance of the town demon alliance is located in Muyun city and renovates the city. Build an alliance rule monument, engrave the alliance rule on it, the monument is thousands of feet high, and then build a sinner platform and five broken heads of sinners to alert the allies." after pacing in the room for half a day, he Dayuan summoned all the allies of the town demon alliance and handed down the first order of this meeting

At this time, ye Tian, Liao Tongwen and situ Junru have come to a huge underground black vortex in the demon family area.

The whirlpool has a circumference of thousands of feet. What forms the whirlpool is the majestic black gas rotating at high speed. The momentum is very amazing.

It was dark under the deep vortex. I didn't know where it was.

"Master, this is what the disciple said!" situ Junru pointed to the vortex and said.

Ye Tian's mind slowly probes into the vortex and gradually goes deep into the vortex to explore the situation in the vortex. When he goes deep into hundreds of miles, he feels that his eyes become more and more difficult because the rolling force of the space inside becomes stronger and stronger, so that his mind is also disturbed.

The source sky's eyes shine through, and you can only see that below the vortex is a black hole with unknown depth, and you can't see the bottom at all.

After a long time, ye Tian took back his mind and began to meditate.

From the situation observed at present, it must be a space channel, but it is uncertain whether it is a space channel leading to the realm of the ten thousand emperors.

It is not impossible for this holy demon spirit domain to have space channels to multiple spirit domains.

Anyway, ye Tian is ready to explore this space channel. If this is not his way to the wanhuangling domain he wants to go to, it's a big deal to return from the other side.

If it is indeed a space channel leading to the realm of the spirits of the ten thousand emperors, you don't have to use the space channel in front of you, but ride donkeys everywhere to find donkey land to do useless work.

Thinking so, ye Tian said to Liao Tongwen and situ Junru, "old sixteen and old seventeen, as teachers, have crossed space channels many times. They are very experienced. If they encounter danger, they can have many means to deal with it. If they take you with them, if they wear emergency clothes, they may not be able to take care of them!"

"Let's enter the cave! We won't be the master's oil bottle!" situ Junru glanced at Liao Tongwen and said to Ye Tian.

Liao Tongwen also nodded in response.

Although master has only the cultivation of the golden elixir realm, there is an extremely powerful XuanRun around him, although most of the time, this XuanRun is in an invisible state. They knew very well that if there was a real danger and XuanRun couldn't resist, they would naturally be of no help.

If XuanRun can cope, the first thing to protect must be the master, not their two disciples.

Therefore, no matter from which angle, entering the magic weapon cave is the best choice.

"Old seventeen, stay and escape from the sky shuttle!" seeing that the two disciples were obedient, ye Tian immediately took out an empty magic weapon cave and magnified it in front of them.

Situ Junru motioned, took out Ye Tian's Dun Tiansuo and handed it back to his master. After saying a fist to Ye Tian, he and Liao Tongwen entered the magic weapon cave one after another.

Put away this magic weapon cave. Ye Tian took out another magic weapon cave again. Then XuanRun, who was invisible, showed his body and respectfully saluted Ye Tian: "master, be more careful!"

Ye Tian nodded slightly. When XuanRun also entered the magic weapon cave, he put the magic weapon cave away again.

At the next moment, ye Tian thought, took out a thick stack of talismans from xumijie and looked at them carefully.

These talismans are obtained from Xu Mijie of Lin Youdao, the leader of Beichen Taoist sect. Their defense level is almost equal to that of Dun Tiansuo's defense shield. They are the highest defense talismans Ye Tian has so far.

Then, he hit Dun Tiansuo with a mana, replaced all the eight best fairy jade consumed by more than half of Dun Tiansuo with a new best fairy jade, and then stepped into it step by step. With a mana, he opened the field shield of the shuttle.

Sitting in duntiansuo, ye Tian slightly adjusted his breath for a moment and began to fly into the vortex with duntiansuo.

Although the rotating force of the vortex is huge, it has no great impact on duntiansuo. On the contrary, with the deepening of duntiansuo, the vortex in the depths of the black hole is smaller, and the force of space rolling is stronger.

Ye Tianyuan, who holds the talisman, shines through his heavenly eyes, slows down the speed of escaping from the shuttle, flies forward slowly, and observes the situation of the black hole at any time.

If he finds that there is an irresistible force of space, he can only give up this crossing. After all, no one needs to die.

However, although the rolling force of space is getting stronger and stronger, it is still within the range that duntiansuo can bear.

Until two or three hours later, a huge vortex suddenly appeared around the slow flying duntiansuo. What appeared in the vortex was not the force of space rolling, but extremely strong suction.

Although Ye Tian controlled duntiansuo to fly backward at a very fast speed to balance the suction, duntiansuo still rushed forward uncontrollably in this irresistible suction.

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