"19th junior sister, I'm Huo Ziqing, the third senior sister. In the future, we'll be the same school. Get close to each other. If you have anything, just tell me." the second one came, Huo Ziqing. He took Murong Qianqian's hand. Similarly, he didn't have an expression like anxiety or fear because of her incarnation cultivation.

"This is 200000 fairy jade, which is the gift of the Third Elder martial sister! This is also 200000 fairy jade, which is the gift of my eldest martial brother!" Huo Ziqing took out two storage bags one after another and handed them to Murong Qianqian.

Next, in order, Lin Lan, Mo Kexin, Yu Yan and other disciples also came to meet one by one, and each gave a gift of 200000 Xianyu.

Murong Qianqian wanted to refuse, but these elder martial brothers and sisters were too enthusiastic to shirk.

Finally, Ziyan and Bihuan came. Even the two disciples with the lowest cultivation also took out 200000 meeting gifts.

There's no way. These disciples of Ye Tian are so rich that they can't use up all the fairy jade. Even if they don't have enough, any one who tells Ye Tian may give them millions.

Cleaning the battlefield like today has happened many times before. Every time you go to war, you will get a lot of booty.

Even if Bi Huan didn't go to war, any elder martial brother or elder martial sister would share some profits. Accumulated, her fairy jade reached more than a million.

Moreover, she has been practicing hard outside. She has been buried in the magic weapon cave. Now, from the original practice in the cave to the later stage of viewing the sea, the whole person has a different temperament because of the change of the environment.

Also because several elder martial sisters gave her the elixir of beauty, her appearance has changed greatly from before, and she has become a graceful and beautiful nun.

It can be said that because of Ye Tian's appearance, her fate has changed. As a female monk from the bottom, he especially cherishes this opportunity and gets along well with all senior brothers and sisters.

For this younger martial sister, who is far higher than her own realm and older, her words are very polite.

A simple meeting ceremony, Murong Qianqian received more than two million fairy jade, and his heart was filled with feelings.

What made her feel most was that when she met the Kunlun people next, those Kunlun people with wings even gave themselves expensive gifts.

Moreover, her generation changed from the youngest younger martial sister to the youngest martial ancestor. This dramatic change made her quite sad.

"Well, if you don't want these Xumi precepts, you'll give them to your younger martial sister!" look at the time. Ye Tian didn't introduce those squires and dead men, but waved and drove many disciples back to the cave.

"Give it to the younger martial sister!" the disciples said and obediently returned to the cave. They all knew that if they didn't obey, the master might not let them out next time.

"Lao 19, look, if you don't want these things, you'll have to throw them here. You can't let Shifu collect them!" Ye Tian said after putting away two magic weapons in the cave.

"Come on, let's do it!" Murong Qianqian waved to the elders, then motioned and took a Xumi ring into his hand.

The others began to clean up the battlefield.

Just now, Murong Qianqian, including Murong Qianqian, learned from this side how deep the inside information of the Maitreya palace is. In the face of Xianyu, which is rarely sought by other monks, those senior brothers and sisters are in trouble and no one wants it!

If you accuse the ancestors of this, I'm afraid the ancestors will jump up and scold themselves for nonsense.

The battlefield was cleaned quickly. Next, ye Tian took Murong Qianqian and 13 elders to walk through the underground maze. After several small battles, there were no living tufu disciples in the whole underground maze.

More than three hours later, all the closing matters were over. The disciples of Shuiyue sect were taken back to the magic weapon cave, and the martial spirit puppets were sent back to xumijie.

Situ Junru put away his stone tablet and went back to the magic weapon cave to perform the master's task.

"Old nineteen, go to the next house!"

When only Ye Tian and Murong Qianqian were left in front of the Great Hall of the figure floating sect, ye Tian called out the sixth order golden eye divine carving again and said.

Murong Qianqian naturally had no opinion. They took the golden eye statue and continued to fly to the target sect gate.

More than two hours later, we arrived at the location of the target's residence. After some investigation, the friars here have gone to Loukong. They don't hide. They really don't know where they are.

Ye Tian took the golden eye statue and looked at the underground carefully within a thousand miles of the zongmen. He didn't find any trace of people.

"If the teacher's estimation is good, other targets may not be able to find a figure." in the sky, ye Tian sat cross legged on the back of the golden eye divine eagle and said to Murong Qianqian.

"Or forget it. Shifu is anxious to get back to Zuxing. Let's start now!" Murong Qianqian thought and said.

Ye Tian shook his head: "Being a teacher means that those enemies don't know that we are in a hurry to leave Rose's spiritual realm and are unlikely to hide. It is likely that they have contacted each other and are ready to meet together to fight against the Revenge of Shuiyue sect. Which sect here has a deep hatred against Shuiyue sect and is powerful, or has a solid defense field The Pope's gate often becomes the refuge they choose. The person who searched for souls before becoming a teacher has limited knowledge. "

"Shifu's remark really reminded the disciples that there was a sect that met these three conditions at the same time. This sect was the sect with a space channel to Guanghan spirit domain. It was called Satan sect. Listen to... What a retarded name, it might as well be called Sidan sect!" Murong Qianqian thought about it and introduced it. Finally, he snorted coldly.

"It's really an interesting name. We don't have to worry about it now. No matter whether the teacher's guess is right or not, we need to do an important thing first. If we guess correctly, we also give them time to meet, so as to destroy those enemies in one fell swoop, and we don't have to spend time looking for them everywhere." Ye Tian said thoughtfully.

"Master, what else is important?" Murong Qianqian asked curiously.

Ye Tian commanded the golden eye statue to fall to the ground and said, "of course, this important thing is to cut bones, wash marrow and distribute cultivation resources to the disciples of Shuiyue branch who are new to the Maitreya palace. Since they join the Maitreya palace, being a teacher will naturally treat each disciple fairly."

"Master... Thank you!"

Murong Qianqian was moved when she heard that the important thing the master said was this. She valued cutting bones and washing marrow more than equipping everyone with a half immortal weapon.

The magic weapon is only an external thing. Although it is extremely valuable, cutting bones and washing marrow changes the cultivation physique, so that every disciple can improve his cultivation speed, even to a height unimaginable before.

Cutting bones and washing marrow for one or more disciples at the same time also requires massive resources.

Those things that sound like arabian nights have been verified one by one. There is no exaggeration in any of the things Master said. Naturally, cutting bones and washing marrow for all disciples is not empty.

Murong Qianqian's mood suddenly improved a lot. Although the Shuiyue sect led by him was suppressed in the spirit realm of rose, his strength decreased a lot, and he had a great responsibility, there is no doubt that this choice should be the most correct decision he made.

When my thoughts fluctuated and I was filled with emotion, the golden eye God sculpture fell next to a lake below.

"It's here, with beautiful mountains and rivers and open terrain!"

Ye Tian jumped down from the eagle's back, motioned and took out several magic weapons cave again.

Soon, many disciples and dead men who had just returned to the magic weapon cave came out of the magic weapon cave, and XuanRun came out of it.

Then situ Junru and Liao Tongwen also came out of their magic weapon cave.

In another magic weapon cave, mieba appeared again with the people of the Royal beast division.

"XuanRun, let the disciples of the palace out!"

"The old sixteen, the old seventeen, the disciples of the Taixiu branch and the Tiangong branch also lined up."

I also love you to give orders continuously. With his orders, magic weapon caves are neatly lined up in dozens of rows by the lake, looking like a military camp.

Many disciples rushed out from the inside and were summoned to the reserved open space.

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