The giant bird is big enough to be the size of a house. The most prominent feature is that the feathers of the bird's two eye sockets are all golden, and the two bird eyes are also golden.

These did not attract tarriel's attention. All his attention fell on the stranger on the big bird's back.

Seeing the man above, tarriel turned, deflected a direction and fled quickly.

At this time, he only felt a flash of light in front of him. Suddenly, his body tightened and lost his ability to move. Where his eyes could reach, he was surprised to find that he had been trapped in a strong and incomparably bright net.

This change made Tali extremely frightened and immediately lost his blood color on his face.

XuanRun Tianluo netted and caught tald. He didn't look at the local friar with a big eagle hook nose. He thought and sent him directly into the spirit beast ring.

"It's... So easy to catch him?" Murong Qianqian next to Ye Tian was stunned.

Ye Tian sent an idea to the golden eye divine eagle and asked him to return. Then he looked at Murong Qianqian and said, "it's just to capture a monk who turns the peak of the divine realm. Even if it's a big monk in Yupu realm, it's OK to capture one at a time. XuanRun... After the war, search this man's soul, and then give it to old 19 to avenge him. Don't accidentally kill him!"

Murong Qianqian immediately felt very speechless, and his heart was shocked again

She thought that since she saw hundreds of thousands of monsters in the Maitreya palace, even if she had a thorough understanding of Ye Tian's cards, she could not imagine that the capture of tald this time made her feel the unfathomable depth of her master.

Ye Tian once mentioned the great friar of Yupu territory twice. Last time he said to kill two people in succession. Now he says to catch one accurately. It's true to see it. It can't be fictional!


Murong Qianqian repeated the word again in his heart.

Just when her little thoughts were not completely exhausted, the golden eye divine eagle with the power of heavenly spirit wings had flown back to the battlefield.

Then, ye Tian's magic weapon printing has been sold and turned into a hundred mu size, covering a small area of the battlefield.

There is a Wulin puppet at the peak of Yuanying territory intercepting a local friar in Huashen territory. The friar can't help the Wulin puppet because the defense of the Wulin puppet is too abnormal and almost immortal.

However, the martial spirit puppet could not help the local monk who turned into a God, because his mana was so powerful that he shook the martial spirit puppet away when he raised his head and threw his foot.

However, this situation changed immediately under the cover of mountains and rivers.

One India shocks all directions!

The powerful gravity field even assimilated the role of ordinary stones. The local god territory friar immediately lost his ability to move. He even couldn't struggle, so he was killed by the martial spirit puppet.

However, the martial spirit puppet did not leave immediately, but took off the Sumi ring from the local monk's finger and put it on his own finger.

Then he turned and left to hunt down another local monk.

It's so simple to kill a friar in the realm of God!

Murong Qianqian could not help sighing when he witnessed the whole process. This is the terrorist power of mountain and river seal!

"Master, your martial spirit puppet is very human. She knows how to clean the battlefield!" she couldn't help sighing the wonder of this puppet when she thought of the action that the martial spirit puppet just saw wearing Xumi ring on her hand.


Seeing that ye Tian didn't answer and didn't drive the golden eye god eagle to kill local friars elsewhere, she always stared at the martial soul puppet who had just left, showing a thoughtful look, she couldn't help calling again.


Ye Tian promised and took back his eyes. The next moment, he drove the golden eye eagle to fly to another place. The mountain and river seal was released again to suppress a local monk in huashenjing who fled. Xuan run released his flying sword on the eagle's back. The cold light of the flying sword cut the monk into two sections.

Although XuanRun is doing it with the help of Ye Tian's mountain and river seal, ye Tian's mind is not on the mountain and river seal at the moment.

Just now, the action of the martial spirit puppet to collect xumijie shocked his heart.

He confirmed that the Wuhun puppet at the peak of Yuanying territory was indeed the Wuhun puppet under his control. The Wuhun puppet under his control was completely obedient to his divine orders. He gave a series of instructions to those Wuhun puppets, including which were the enemy, which were his own people, the primary attack target, the demon attack target and the main protection task, Arrangements after the battle

He gave all these instructions in detail and added them at any time during the battle. However, among many instructions, ye Tian never let his martial spirit puppet clean the battlefield during the battle.

In such a great war, every minute counts. Sooner or later, ye Tian has resources. He doesn't need to waste his precious fighters to do these trivial things that are irrelevant to the overall situation.

Ye Tian remembers this very clearly.

But just now, the puppet of the peak martial soul in Yuanying territory made an unusual claim and collected the xumijie obtained in the battle, which has never happened before.

Just now, ye Tian tried to feel the divine connection with the martial soul puppet. There was nothing unusual, which made Ye Tiangang very strange.

He also sent several instructions to the martial soul puppet one after another and tried it. For example, he asked him to turn back, raise his hand and turn around in situ. The martial soul puppet did all the same without any delay or error.

In that case, ye Tian kept this matter in mind for the time being. It is urgent to host the war with all his strength first.

With the continuation of the war, the scope of the battlefield is expanding. When a large number of high-level monks are killed, those local monks have no courage to fight with monsters and puppets.

They ran around one after another. Between chasing and fleeing, the battlefield of this war has expanded to thousands of miles.

Looking at the sky, you can see two people fighting everywhere. They are not very dense, but they are scattered everywhere, with great momentum.

Ye Tian let go of his mind and covered a thousand miles. The sixth order golden eye divine carving went from east to west. Where he found the local friars in huashenjing, he drove the divine carving to kill them.

On the battlefield thousands of miles away, the golden eye God carving, like a terrible ghost, suddenly appeared here and there.

Every time they appear, a local monk in the divine realm will be killed. There is no accident.

Even some low level friars who were lucky enough to get rid of their opponents tried to escape from the battlefield. Ye Tian did not let go. It was just the time for the golden eye eagle to flap its wings. Ye Tian would never allow any local friars to attack or leave.

If the golden eye eagle is a ghost, the leaf sky on the back of the eagle is like a murderous God.

Where the God of killing refers, the local friars there are doomed to be dead.

In addition to Ye Tian, there are a number of murderous gods that also frighten local monks.

That is the combination of 13 elders of Shuiyue sect branch and 30 monks of huashenjing branch and Taixiu branch.

These monks are like a torrent, cutting through thorns and thorns everywhere they go, and their stumps fly everywhere.

The division of labor of the 30 monks in Huashen realm was very clear. During the war, the people of Tiangong sect released Huafan stone. When they magnified in the battlefield, suddenly, the monks of Taixiu branch or Shuiyue sect branch stepped on Huafan stone and wantonly killed the local monks whose mana was closed by Huafan stone.

This method has been tried repeatedly.

If you encounter some local friars with low state, you don't have to sacrifice any stone slabs. With their own strength and the magic weapon of half immortal soldiers, it's natural to chop melons and vegetables.

As the battlefield was expanding, sporadic battles were too scattered. Later, the combination of 30 killing gods gradually turned into a scattered combination. One heavenly division of Shenjing friar, together with one or two disciples of Taixiu division and Shuiyue sect division, was still unstoppable.

A large number of local friars were killed by these people. The puppets and monsters who lost their opponent's soul flashed and rushed to the enemies in other places. Gradually, the battle groups everywhere showed a situation of fighting more and less.

Such a regiment naturally ended the battle in minutes.

There are also some monsters and martial spirit puppets who can't even intervene in the war with more and less. They only have to find other enemies everywhere.

In a short time of more than an hour, the two sides have changed from a fierce battle between the two sides to a situation in which the Maitreya palace is cleaning up the remaining enemies., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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