The sword light was like an unimaginable light. It just flashed and came to the friar. Then the sword light flew by. I saw that the Friar's head had been separated from his body, splashing bright red blood and falling to the ground.

Murong Qianqian played his sword and pinched his fingers. The flying sword turned in the air and turned into a terrible sword flower. It seemed to stir at will, but it directly stirred the yuan baby out of the monk into pieces.

The local friars had only the accomplishments of Yuanying territory, but how could they be Murong Qianqian, the enemy of the powerful in the later stage of Huashen territory?

There was a great war on the lakeside, and almost all the strong in Rousseau city came out. At this time, only a few of the friars in Yuanying territory existed in the city master, and the rest of the friars were not worth mentioning. They were vulnerable to many friars in Shuiyue sect.

People shot up in the sky. Some of the disciples of Shuiyue sect killed in the air, while others wanted to escape Rousseau city and fled in all directions outside the city.

A massacre began.

Under the leadership of Murong Qianqian and 13 elders, the disciples of Shuiyue sect swept through the local friars who came up to face the battle. Screams sounded from time to time, sword shadows and blood light rose one after another, and many figures fell towards the ground under the city.

Those local monks who wanted to break through encountered many high-level monsters when they were about to cross the city wall.

The monsters that covetously surround the surrounding walls have already received XuanRun's instructions. The local monks in the city will stay in the city honestly. They will not take the initiative to attack. But once you take action, you want to break through the wall.

So... Sorry, no matter you are a man or a woman, an old man or a child, as long as you are two legged, you can't get out of their eyes.

Of course, more than two legged people, four legged, five legged, even a hundred legged centipede, is no exception.

Every living thing in the city is within the range of resistance.

The battle... No, it's a massacre. It's going on in the city, everywhere, in the direction of the wall.

There were cries everywhere in the city... Screams

"Come on... Don't you want to destroy our Shuiyue sect all day?"

"Don't you want to kill us foreigners?"

"Come on, what's the matter... Don't you have the courage to fight?"

"Do you know today?"

"Blood debt... It should be paid with blood..."

"Can't you imagine that we also have a chance of revenge?"

Sword light and sword shadow, a knife a drink, a sword a shout

The disciples of Shuiyue sect are happy to vent their hatred. They are demanding to repay their blood debts.

Tens of thousands of monks in the city seem to be in large numbers, but they can't resist the crazy revenge of the disciples of Shuiyue sect, even if they want to die together.

Nearly half of them died in the breakthrough and were torn to pieces by those monsters.

The other half died entirely at the hands of the disciples of the Shuiyue sect branch. With the passage of time, more than an hour later, the sound of fighting gradually disappeared, and peace gradually returned to the city.

Finally, after the last local monk who tried to resist was killed, Murong Qianqian and others finally stopped.

Her mind covered the whole Rousseau City, searching for the friars with the above accomplishments in the golden elixir realm. A moment later... Murong Qianqian and several other elders of the Shuiyue sect branch moved and turned into a virtual shadow to rush in different directions in the city.

Once again, people in the city flashed, and some hidden local friars rose up in the air, trying to escape from heaven after being found.

However, under the strong resistance, all the local monks did could only be in vain.

After a brief attack and killing broke out in some places, Rousseau returned to calm again.

Murong Qianqian and the elders stood still in the air for a moment, and finally determined that there were no local monks above the golden elixir in the whole Rousseau City, so she took them back to Ye Tian.

"Master, stop here, old, weak, women and children... We didn't move. As long as we didn't take the initiative to attack, we didn't move the friars below the golden elixir territory. Now clean the battlefield?"

"Good... Clean it quickly, and all the things you get belong to your Shuiyue sect branch." Ye Tian nodded slightly, satisfied with Murong Qianqian's sense of propriety.

Murong Qianqian promised to ask the disciples of Shuiyue sect to fall on the ground, quickly clean the battlefield and collect the cultivation resources of local monks.

After more than an hour, all the disciples returned one after another and returned to the magic weapon cave again.

At this time, only Ye Tian, golden eye divine carving and XuanRun are left.

"Master, this way, please!"

XuanRun's mind moved, summoned many monsters from the outer wall, received them in the spirit beast ring, and then bowed to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian put away the golden eye divine carving. One by one, they followed the underground passage of a main hall to a spacious underground secret room, where the transmission array to the Almighty sect was located.

Standing in front of the transmission array with complex symbols, ye Tian observed silently for a moment. Then he gestured and encountered mana somewhere in the transmission array.

The rune on the transmission array flickered several times and lit up again and again. Ye Tian's eyes flashed and looked at the bright rune.

"Master, it seems that the transmission array here is intact!" Xuan run glanced at the transmission array and said that although he has limited knowledge of the way of the field, he still has some basic common sense.

Ye Tian nodded and said softly, "it's strange that not only the transmission array here is intact, but also the transmission array on the other side of wannengzong is not damaged at all. It's reasonable that the news in Rousseau city will reach the Almighty sect, and they have enough time to destroy the transmission array, but in fact, the other party didn't do so."

"Did the other party deliberately leave this transmission array and set up an ambush there?" XuanRun said in a deep voice.

Ye Tian frowned slightly and said: "We don't rule out this possibility. There is another possibility that the other party really doesn't want to destroy the transmission array. This kind of long-distance cost is expensive. Destroying it is a huge loss for the Almighty sect. If you want to repair it after destruction, it must cost a lot of money and time. However, you will know the specific reason immediately!"

As he spoke, ye Tian gestured, and four Wuhun puppets at the peak of Yuanying territory appeared in the transmission array. After thinking about it, he summoned a four-star heartworm, stirred his wings and landed on the shoulder of a Wuhun puppet.

"Let them take the lead!"

Ye Tian murmured and put down a pile of Huafan stone tablets in the transmission array. The next moment, he shot out with a mana and hit a rune in the transmission array.

The shining transmission array Rune hummed and vibrated for a few times, and suddenly burst into a dazzling strong light. Then the four martial spirit puppets and the heartthrob disappeared from the dazzling strong light in an instant.

At this time, ye Tian has focused on the picture brought back by the heart bug in his mind.

A chaotic streamer color returned, which was a normal phenomenon in the transmission process of the transmission array. Then, the picture in Ye Tian's mind suddenly lit up, and four martial soul puppets appeared in a spacious and bright hall.

Almost at the moment when the Wu soul puppet appeared, two sword lights suddenly attacked the Wu soul puppet, very fast, like a flash of light. However, the next moment, under the influence of Huafan stone, the two streamers were lightly hit by the Wu soul puppet, and the two figures after the streamer were cut in half by the Wu soul puppet.

No matter what the state of these two friars is and how strong they are, under the suppression of Huafan slate, they have only become mortals, and they are simply vulnerable in front of the martial soul puppets.

Ye Tian looked at the picture in his mind without expression. Until he waited for more than ten seconds, he still didn't see any other local monks.

"Only these two?"

Ye Tian could not help frowning. Judging from the speed, the two local friars should be the cultivation of transforming the divine realm, but as a large door of rose spirit realm, they should not only arrange these sneak attacks.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Lianxin insect flew around the hall and didn't find any danger. Ye Tian said to XuanRun and stepped into the transmission array., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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