"Five times the time field?" Gu Xiangjun and the other three female practitioners were stunned at the speech.

At this time, ye Tian waved his hand: "don't talk about these useless topics. Ye came in to have a look at this matter. Since it is impossible to break through in the short term, there is no need to take measures and you can safely pass through the space channel. Ye is leaving now. All Taoist friends can practice at ease!"

"Ye Daoyou, please stay!"

A beautiful nun hurriedly called Ye Tian.

"Taoist friend Lin, is there anything else?" Ye Tian remembers that this woman's name is Lin Qi, who is the daughter of the master of the Lin family in the taiman spiritual region.

"If ye Daoyou doesn't enter the space channel immediately, can we let our sisters breathe outside? This opportunity is rare. I really don't know when to wait until ye Daoyou comes next time!" Lin Qi said with a smile.

Ye tianlue pondered: "such a small thing is naturally no problem, but we can't stay away from the cave. Maybe we have to start at any time."

"Naturally, everything follows ye Daoyou's arrangement!" Lin Qi's face brightened when she heard Ye Tian's answer.

Ye Tian said no more and walked outside the cave.

Gu Xiangjun and Lin Qi went out with the other two nuns.

Outside the magic weapon cave, the four nuns were surprised when they saw countless magic weapon caves and countless monks around.

"Ye Daoyou, these are the disciples of the Maitreya palace?" Gu Xiangjun asked in surprise when ye Tian didn't go far and caught up with the first few steps.

"Hehe, naturally, only you four monks here are not disciples of the palace, and the rest are people of the Maitreya palace!" Ye Tian said with a smile.

"Taoist Ye is really the Lord of the Maitreya palace?" Gu Xiangjun's eyes swept over some monks and asked suspiciously.

Ye Tian asked with a positive look: "I don't know why Gu Daoyou asked like this. Do you think what ye said before is deceiving you, or that ye is pretending to be the leader of the Maitreya palace?"

"No... no... Lord Ye misunderstood. I mean, those friars in Huashen realm should be the elders of the supreme elders of the Maitreya palace?" Gu Xiangjun knew he was speechless and hurried to explain, but she didn't feel very suitable, but she couldn't manage so much.

"Ah... It turns out that Taoist friend Gu is for this reason! Some of the monks who transform the divine realm are ye's disciples and some are under Ye's disciples. How many of their disciples are still the patriarchs and leaders of some sects. The Maitreya palace was created by Ye and is not inherited from ancient times. There are no supreme elders at all." Ye Tian suddenly explained again.


Gu Xiangjun and Lin Qi stayed there without exception.

Ye Tian has a thing about turning old slaves in the divine realm. These four female nuns all know that they only think that ye Tian has a strong background and the so-called old slaves are old people of the previous generation.

Although some people have a high level, they are excusable to be slaves and servants for some reason.

However, it is not so hasty to worship the master. It is impossible for high-level friars to worship low-level friars. Apart from the friars of high rank, the friars of different realms, who had nothing to do with each other, can match those of high realm with those of low realm as Taoist friends. Such peer relationship is already very open-minded.

As for apprenticeship?

It's impossible, never!

However, ye Tian said so now. Is it true or false? Why don't you trust him?

The four nuns had different thoughts, and they couldn't help thinking of finding someone to inquire about.

At this time, situ Junru suddenly flashed and came to Ye Tian: "master, the treasure clothes have been arranged for the disciples to take off, and the stones have been arranged. Wait for departure at any time."

Situ Junru had just finished, Murong Qianqian and Liao Tongwen also flew over.

"Master, the disciples have finished the layout, and then listen to master's orders."

"Master, so are the disciples. The layout is over!"

Hearing the report from the two men, ye Tian nodded slightly, glanced at the distance and said, "check again to ensure that all magic weapons, caves and spirit beast rings are checked in place in case of loss. Now the Royal beast division and Xuan law enforcement envoy have not finished. After checking properly, wait in place!"

"Yes, master!"

The three disciples of Huashen realm immediately bowed down. They had shot away from the original place and continued to arrange according to Ye Tian's instructions.

"Four Taoist friends, please help yourself. Ye also needs to make some preparations, so I won't accompany you much. When you return to the cave later, ye will take you away."

At this time, ye Tian turned back and looked at the four women of Gu Xiangjun who were stunned.

After that, regardless of their reaction, he left here directly. He also had some spirit beast rings, because he was the owner of the spirit beast ring. He could only put Huafan stones in it himself.

"Taoist Ye is really amazing. So many friars in the realm of God worship him as a teacher. They must have something extraordinary!" Lin Qi murmured, looking at Ye Tianyuan's back.

"This is natural. You don't think about it. Ye Daoyou first brought the dead back to life, and then used magical means to refine pills to restore our memory. By these means, which monk in the golden elixir realm can do it, even the monk in the spirit realm can't do it!"

Gu Xiangjun's eyes followed Ye Tian's figure and said: "I believe the three sisters must clearly remember that in the holy demon realm, ye Daoyou's cultivation realm is only the early cultivation realm of the golden elixir realm. Now, our sisters have only broken through one small realm, while ye Daoyou has broken through two small realms. You know, we have always been meditating and cultivating in the magic weapon cave, and ye Daoyou has a variety of affairs and crosses different spiritual realms, no matter what It is said that the cultivation time is not as much as ours. That can only explain one problem. The five times time field mentioned by Ye Daoyou is really true. Do you know what this means? "

"We're not stupid. Don't you know what it means?" a female nun named Du Xuechun brightened her eyes and answered.

"I think we have to think about some things. If all the monks in Huashen realm worship Taoist Ye as their teachers, you don't have any ideas?" Gu Xiangjun said here and looked at the other three female monks with meaningful eyes.

"Let's go, let's go back to the magic weapon cave and have a good discussion!" Gu Xiangjun continued when he saw the three people frowning and thinking.

"Well, if we follow ye Daoyou like this, it's time to discuss the next step. After all, ye Daoyou said that all the disciples here are from the Maitreya palace except the four of us!" Lin Qi said softly.

With that, the four nuns looked at the continuous magic weapon cave and many disciples of the Maitreya palace, and turned to enter the cave.

More than two hours later, Murong Qianqian and others have repeatedly checked several times to ensure that they have achieved the degree of no omission as ye Tian said, and the disciples of XuanRun and the beast control division have also handled all the spirit beast rings.

Those who should enter the magic weapon cave have entered the magic weapon cave and have been collected one by one.

The continuous scenery of the original magic weapon cave no longer exists, leaving only Ye Tian, Murong Qianqian, Liao Tongwen and situ Junru.

"Come in!" Ye Tian glanced at several people, released a magic weapon cave that had been arranged to turn ordinary stones, and said: "this time, being a teacher is still going through the space channel alone. Your realm is too high, so..."

"Hehe, we believe in master's Taoism, so... We'll go in now!" situ Junru said with a smile and entered the cave.

Murong Qianqian and Liao Tongwen also followed in.

They all knew that it was the only choice for master to take them through the space channel leading to Guanghan spiritual region.

Seeing the crowd disappear in sight, ye Tian gestured and collected the magic weapon cave into Xumi ring. Then he moved, turned and flew to the peak.

The next moment, all the Wuhun puppets were included in xumijie by him. These Wuhun puppets have no mana fluctuation and will not have any impact on the space channel. Naturally, the treasure clothes need not be removed.

When everything was ready, ye Tian took out an empty magic weapon cave again, held it in his hand, took a deep look at the gray space channel with a rumbling sound, and then jumped into it.

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