Many kamikaze sergeants have endless regrets in their hearts and constantly curse themselves. Why didn't they stand up? It's clear that Lord Ye has given everyone a chance, but they didn't stand up.

Isn't it because of fear of death?

However, now Lord Ye has accepted Qin Feng as his own disciple. How could he let Qin Feng die? Moreover, most of the first to take the initiative to participate in this task are Lord Ye's own disciples.

What about this?

If I had stood up without hesitation at that time, wouldn't it be me who became a pro disciple?

Even if you are not the first to stand up, you can at least become a formal disciple within 30 breath, with envious cultivation resources.

When these people secretly regretted, they heard Ye Tian say here, "old 20, go and meet your senior brothers and sisters!"

"Yes, master!" Qin Feng quickly agreed. He could feel that his voice was sweet.

"Hahaha, mieba, elder martial brother, you don't need to introduce. Younger martial brother, this is 200000 fairy jade. Take it as a small gift!" at this time, mieba came over, patted Qin Feng on the shoulder and said, and then handed him a Xumi ring.

Qin Feng excitedly picked it up and thanked mieba.

Next, many disciples came one by one, met Qin Feng according to the established rules, and gave them expensive gifts.

Those who send fairy jade follow mieba, with 200000 all the same, and others send pills and half immortal soldiers' magic weapons.

When Liao Tongwen came here, although he was only the 16th, after all, as the leader of a sect, the current head of the Taixiu branch of the Miluo palace, who was more generous, he directly gave Qin Feng a bottle of pills, a total of six.

Situ Junru and Murong Qianqian are the fairy jade given, one million fairy jade per person.

These scenes made the soldiers of the sacred wind army look straight. Until now, they really know what benefits they will have besides becoming the personal disciple of Lord Ye.

Apart from the master of the palace master, these disciples of the palace master play an important role in the Maitreya palace. Anyone can relax his hands and don't worry about resources anymore.

What's more, even Bihuan, who has cultivated in the cave, has a lot of resources because ye Tianshou is a disciple. Lord ye will still be poor for Qin Feng.

Lost the opportunity!

Countless people are grieving.

But it's too late to say anything. They miss opportunities again and again. Every time the opportunity comes, they don't grasp it. Who can blame?

This scene is very similar to when Lord ye asked them to make a choice in the valley of the Holy Spirit domain!

On the other side, ye Tian just looked at the scene quietly, with an indifferent smile on his face.

Taking Qin Feng as his own disciple is not to take a fancy to this person's cultivation qualification. His cultivation qualification can only be described in general.

All accepted him just because he was the first to stand up.

It's just a means for ye Tian to control the Maitreya palace.

He wants everyone to see the opportunity, and this opportunity comes from absolute obedience to himself and the active implementation of every command.

Even in the face of danger, he rushed out regardless of any cost.

Ye Tian knows very well that most people are selfish and have their own interests, whether they worship themselves as teachers or join the Maitreya palace.

There are no people who don't think about themselves. The so-called thinking about others is mostly done within their ability. It is not ruled out that some special existence and special feelings will sacrifice themselves to complete others, but such people are only a few, not universal.

So are Murong Qianqian, Liao Tongwen and situ Junru. They all have their own interests. This is human nature, and ye Tian can't change it.

Even the eldest disciple mieba and the second disciple Duan Jingxiu were in this situation.

XuanRun follows him. Naturally, there are reasons for his longevity and promotion.

This is the fact. It is human nature. It is a normal thing. Ye tiannai to the Maitreya palace is the one who is needed.

Ye Tian couldn't have foolishly thought that the disciples of the Maitreya palace would be completely in personal feelings, with life and death for themselves and the Maitreya palace. The strategy he adopted was to combine kindness and prestige, reward and punishment, bind the interests of most people with the interests of the Maitreya palace, and form a joint force to make both losses and prosperity.

Only in this way can everyone consciously safeguard the overall interests of the Maitreya palace.

In the final analysis, individuals consider their own interests, while the Maitreya considers the interests of the Maitreya. If these interests are all in the same direction, it is the best result.

Taking Qin Feng is to let everyone see his absolute authority in the Maitreya palace. One word can make people die and one word can also make people progress.

Let everyone know that a thing that may be inadvertent may be a great opportunity. If you miss it, you can only miss it and never come back. We have to wait for the next opportunity, and the wolf has more meat and less meat, and the opportunity is limited. If we want the opportunity, we can only rush forward without hesitation.

Just like Qin Feng in front of him, he seized this opportunity. When others were still hesitating and retreating, he rushed up first.

As a result, the return to him is unimaginable.

Fairy jade alone has reached millions, not to mention that you can use the elixir to improve your skills right away. These cultivation resources alone are definitely something that an ordinary monk in the golden elixir realm can't dream of.

At this time, after Qin Feng officially met with many senior brothers and sisters, he bowed to Ye Tian and stood back in front of the queue.

Ye Tian glanced at the sergeant of the sacred wind army with different looks, and then said: "Just now I just talked about the horror of robbing embers. As the twenty year old Qin Feng said, the leader of the palace will not let the disciples in the palace die for nothing. Because the Maitreya palace has mastered the method to dissolve the robbing breath. Kunlun monks have been eroded by the robbing breath and have been completely eliminated, leaving no negative impact..."

At this point, there was a sound of stamping and sighing from the sacred wind army. Originally, they thought that these people who stood up might not die. Lord ye must have strategies to deal with them. They had guessed in their hearts, but they guessed after all, and didn't sit down at last.

When ye Tian said this himself, the situation was different immediately.

This is a real result. As the leader of the palace and facing the infection of robbing and killing breath, he can't talk freely.

But why didn't the palace leader say it earlier?

Isn't it just the smell of robbing embers? As long as it can be completely removed, what's the big deal?

Some people have this idea in mind.

However, think about it. If you had said this earlier, all kamikaze troops would not have to rush out. How can they be screened and selected?

That makes no sense!

Anyway, the next time you have a chance, the palace leader will say whatever he wants. Even if the palace leader says, he will be the first to rush out, even if he knows he will die.

I believe the palace leader will not let these people die in vain. Tests are everywhere, and opportunities are always left to those who are prepared

Many kamikaze Sergeants are secretly determined to show their indomitable, fearless and obedient side in front of the palace master at any time.

However, ye Tian didn't give these people too much time to sigh. He paused and continued: "What I said before is only the worst result. It is eroded by the looting breath and then removed. According to the calculation of the palace leader, this treasure dress refined by Xuanyin stone has the function of resisting the looting breath in theory, but it has not been verified in practice. The best result is to wear this treasure dress, collect the looting embers, and then have no impact."

These words have just landed, and sad and thorny sighs appear again in the kamikaze Sergeant queue, one after another, mixed together, which is extremely obvious.

Once this situation is established, does it not mean that the task will be completed and there may be no damage?

Those people's hearts were repeatedly impacted by Ye Tian's words, forming a strong heart gap, and they couldn't help worrying about gain and loss.

"Mieba, distribute five Xumi rings to each person and go to collect the looting embers. The dozens of friars in the spirit realm of rose kill at will, and all the booty belongs to themselves!" Ye Tian said after introducing it, pointing to the distance., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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