"Is this elder the God of heaven?"

Jiang Ming stared at Ye Tian's eyes, and his expression became more respectful. A bold guess appeared in his heart.

Which of these means is not the only one possessed by the legendary immortals!

And find a kind of magic power that used to have in Fangcun spirit domain!

Ye Tian's eyes scan the circulation route of aura, feeling gently in his heart, and the corners of his mouth are full of smiles.

This trip to Merlin really brought him a lot.

"Let's go downtown. You can arrange your affairs and remember what I said to you. Of course, if you don't want to, it doesn't matter if you don't go. I won't force you

After a long time, ye Tian looked at Jiang Ming and said peacefully.

Yuan Tianyan is extraordinary. He can not only see the circulation of aura, but also shine through everything. If he looks at Jiang Ming with Yuan Tianyan, ye Tian is worried that he will not be able to eat for several days.

"It's an honor for me to be able to follow my predecessors. I'll go to the Qin family in Jiangnan as soon as I've finished my work."

Jiang Ming shook his head and said respectfully.

Ye Tian's various means are extraordinary and admirable. At the same time, he feels that if he can follow such a strong man, it will definitely bring a earth shaking change to his way of cultivation.

"You are a wise man. "

with a smile, ye Tian takes Jiang Ming to the railway station in the far city.

Ye Tian bought a high-speed rail ticket to Jiangnan City, while Jiang Ming went back to his hometown to arrange for his family.

"Why is she here?"

But just as ye Tian was sitting in the waiting hall, waiting for the high-speed railway, he suddenly saw that Mandala was also in the waiting hall, looking at the train timetable, and his brow was slightly wrinkled, which seemed to be a little anxious.

This scene really surprised Ye Tian.

You know, according to the previous arrangement, Mandala was working as a cleaning supervisor in Nanhai University. How could she not even say hello to herself and then go to other places.

Is it the prisoner of heaven who went to the South China Sea and forced Mandala to ask for help?!

But in that case, Mandala should also go to Jiangnan City. How could it come to the present city.

If it's just a coincidence, it's a bit of a coincidence.

Seeing this, ye Tian pressed down his doubts and went to the side of Mandala, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Why are you here?"

"Who are you? What are you doing? "

But to Ye Tian's surprise, when his palm fell, Mandala turned his head and glanced at him. He shook off his palm and stepped back. He watched him warily and coldly.

"I'm Ye Tian You don't know me? "

Ye Tianyi was stunned and looked at the mandala again. Then he found that although the mandala looked very similar to the mandala, there were several small black spots in the corner of his eyes that the real Mandala did not have.

Obviously, this is not a mandala, but a person who looks very similar to her.

"I'm sorry, I mistook you for a friend of mine. You really look like her."

Ye Tian sees this, looking at "Mandala" in a hurry with an apologetic smile, explains.

"I've heard so much about this excuse! I'm not interested in you. Get out of my sight now! "

"Mandala" is indifferent, and looks at Ye Tian with ridicule. The tone and manner obviously regard Ye Tian as the person who uses the old saying to chat up.

"You understand wrong. I didn't mean to chat you up. I really know a girl who looks very similar to you. I don't know if your family has ever told you that you have a sister or a sister, but separated when you were very young? "

Ye Tian shook his head with a bitter smile and looked at the mandala.

Mandala is not the kind of public face, and now that the girl and mandala are so similar that even he can admit his mistake, ye Tian thinks that the girl and mandala are likely to be twin sisters.

Moreover, ye Tian remembers that Mandala once told him that she had been cultivated by heaven since she was a child and had no family.

If the prisoner really abducted Mandala from the girl's home, it would be a very lucky thing for the girl who has experienced too much suffering to help Mandala find her family.

"This excuse is something new."

"Mandala" glanced at Ye Tian, his face was more taunting, and said coldly: "but I can tell you clearly that I am an only child, and I have no sister at home. I've already answered your question. If you don't leave again, I'll call the police and sue you for harassment! "

"I really mean no harm." Ye Tian was helpless and said slowly: "I really know a girl who looks very similar to you, almost carved in a mold. She was abducted from her home when she was a child. I suspect you are sisters.""The story is more and more complete!" "Mandala" sneered at Ye Tian and said coldly: "since you say so, show me the girl's picture and let me see how similar we look. "

Ye Tian felt out his mobile phone, but before unlocking it, he burst into a bitter smile.

He has never been in the habit of taking photos for others. There are no Mandala photos in his mobile phone photo album.

"I can't get the picture, can I? Please don't fool people with this method that even a three-year-old knows! "

"Mandala" see, disdain a smile, a face has long guessed that it will be such an expression, coldly way: "immediately disappear from my eyes."

"Well, I'll give her a call and ask her to make a video with me. You can see it."

Ye Tian helplessly shakes his head, and then calls out the mandala number, ready to dial in.

"Qingyi? What's the matter? Are you being harassed? " But at this time, a young man came over from afar in a hurry, and then looked at Ye Tian with bad eyes, and said in a deep voice: "boy, I warn you, stay away from Qingyi, otherwise, I'm not polite to you!"

Do I look like that kind of villain who is plotting against others?

Hearing this, ye Tian shakes his head, then picks up his mobile phone and continues to look for Mandala's number.

"Boy, you don't understand people, do you? Let you roll, you don't roll, also want to take a picture of Qingyi, I see you are itchy skin! "

Young people see ye Tian holding a mobile phone scribbling there, face a cold, split hands toward Ye Tian's mobile phone to grab.

"Go away!" Ye Tian sees this, eyebrows a wrinkly, hand lightly toward the young man's arm.


Ye Tian is now on the fifth floor of the cave. Even though he only used less than one point of strength, he is not what the young man can resist. At the moment, the young man stumbles back and sits on the ground.

"You You... "

The young man sat down on the ground and pointed to Ye Tian. He was in panic and anger.

Ye Tian didn't even look at him, but directly pressed the number of Mandala.

But unfortunately, the phone rang a few times, but no one answered.

This woman, busy what to go, should find her time, how can't find a person!

Ye Tian speechless hang up the phone, and then dial in the past, but still no one answered.

Don't you think it's boring? I said, I'm not interested in you. Don't disturb me any more! "

At this time, Qingyi glanced at Ye Tian, then looked at the young man who was sitting on the ground and said impatiently, "Chen Mo, I don't have any interest in you. Please don't pester me any more. Let me be quiet, OK?"

"Qingyi, I come to see you this time. It's not malicious. I know that you go home this time because your mother is ill and very ill. The hospital can't help it. It's the last time to accompany her. But a friend of mine told me that there is a famous doctor in Nanhai who can cure many difficult and miscellaneous diseases. I came to tell you that if you go to Nanhai to find him, maybe you can help. "

Hearing this, the young man looks down and looks at Qingyi sincerely.

Famous doctor of South China Sea?

The leaf day hears a sound, in the heart suddenly slightly move, this name, sound, how to make a person feel some familiar?

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