Jinsha group is also one of the best enterprises in Nanhai city. Naturally, it has independent office buildings.

Xu Zhaoyun likes classical buildings. Even the office buildings are built in the style of ancient Chinese architecture. The corners of each floor are covered with flying eaves and animals, and the unified dark gold exterior wall makes it look like a magnificent family.

At the gate of the office building, there is a seven or eight meter high stone, carved into a wave shape, with the head of good intention of making water from gold. In the center of the stone, it is made of pure gold powder, with the four big words of "Jinsha group" written in domineering manner!

At the door of the office building, there are three or five groups of security guards patrolling, and the cameras are dense, so the guard is very strict.

At this time, it was working time, and the building was full of people. Instead of rushing to act, ye Tian took a few turns around Jinsha group to confirm the layout of the whole Jinsha group, the distribution of security forces inside and the location of the monitoring room.

Not only that, ye Tian also made a circle around the streets to check the evacuation route without surveillance cameras.

After planning the route, ye Tian went to a small shop on the street and had a meal. Then he found a small park not far away and sat by the lake. After calming down, he began to practice breathing.

In a flash of time, at midnight, ye Tian's figure appeared at the gate of Jinsha company again.


After glancing at the group building and finding that it was completely dark and empty, ye Tian immediately came to the monitoring room according to the plan of the day. He grasped the data transmission cable with both hands and pulled it hard.


A light blue electric spark flashed, the cable broke, all the monitoring screens in the monitoring room immediately became pitch black, and all the cameras became blind.

"What's the matter? Go out and have a look. What's wrong with the monitor! "

Almost at the same time, the sound of the security guards in the monitoring room was noisy, and then the security guards around rushed here.

Take advantage of this opportunity, ye Tian speed to the extreme, like a floating shadow, quietly floated into the office building.

As for the security guards of Jinsha group, they did not find any abnormality at all.

Ye Tian is not unfamiliar with the layout of the office building, because he used to follow his father to work here or chat with Xu Zhaoyun. Even if he closed his eyes, he would not go the wrong way.

A few minutes later, ye Tian came to Xu Zhaoyun's office on the third floor.

Ye Tian closes his eyes, releases his mind and penetrates through the door. After confirming that there is no one in the office, he taps the lock cylinder with his hand, and the door opens suddenly.

In the dark office, a faint blue light flickered in the corner.

It's not the LCD screen of the safe. What can it be?!

"Xu Zhaoyun is as cautious as ever."

Ye Tian stoops and squats in front of the safe to sweep, and can't help feeling gently.

Xu Zhaoyun's safe is the most advanced one on the market. It needs fingerprints and iris to unlock. It's made of titanium alloy. It's extremely strong. Even a chainsaw can't cut it open.

If it's a common thief, he will quit immediately when he sees it.

"Unfortunately, you met me..."

Ye Tian smiles indifferently and takes out the fragment of the golden flying sword from his pocket. He infuses the magic power. The pale golden fragment immediately blooms a faint light. In a moment, he swipes to the safe with the fragment.

In front of the fragments, the solid titanium alloy seems to turn into tender tofu. Just after two strokes, a piece of metal plate sniffs and drops, revealing the contents.

This fragment is so sharp. Did you underestimate it before? It's not a magic weapon of semi immortal soldier, but a real semi immortal soldier?!

Ye Tian looked at this scene, slightly tongue.

The truth is just around the corner!

The next second, without any hesitation, ye Tian quickly reached out and swept everything in the safe into a small cloth bag he had bought before he came to Jinsha building.

Immediately after that, he quickly left the Jinsha building.

From the beginning to the end, his figure was like a ghost. The security guards didn't even see a shadow. They were still busy repairing the cables of the monitoring equipment.

After galloping for a while according to the established retreat, ye Tian appears nearly five blocks away from the Jinsha building. He is sure that even if Xu Zhaoyun finds the safe stolen tomorrow and calls the police for investigation, he can't find any clues about himself. After that, he reaches for a taxi and goes back to his rental house.

"Xu Zhaoyun, you'd better pray. It's none of your business!"

Back to the rental house, ye Tian closed the door, turned on the light, picked up the bag, and emptied the contents to the ground.

In the safe, in addition to some paper bags, there are many colorful foreign banknotes and more than ten gold bars.But ye Tian didn't take a look at these things, so he picked up a thick book.

"The account book of Jinsha group!"

Ye Tian opened the account book, looked at two pages, then frowned, ready to throw aside.


But when he saw the last page, his eyes were stunned.

On the last page of the account book, the cash on Jinsha group's account book is only five million!

Five million, for ordinary people, this is really a lot of money.

But ye Tian knows the details of Jinsha group very well. According to his father when he was alive, Xu Zhaoyun's wealth is conservatively estimated to be 500 million, and the company's working capital should also be calculated in 100 million.

But now, with a cash flow of nearly 100 million, there is only 5 million left. How can this not be surprising.

Thinking of this, ye Tian did not leave the account book, but continued to read it.

"It's strange. What has Xu Zhaoyun done? Every few years, he has such a large amount of expenses..."

After turning over the account book, ye Tian's brow turned into a knot in one's heart.

When his parents were alive, his father taught him to read the company's account books and knew that it was a private account recorded by Xu Zhaoyun. This thing can best reflect the real situation of enterprise operation.

What's strange is that it's in this private account that every three years, Xu Zhaoyun will withdraw a large amount of liquid cash from the company's books, leaving only the basic funds for the normal operation of the company.

The more he gets to the back, the higher the frequency of Xu Zhaoyun's withdrawal of working capital, from once every three years to once a year, and even more recently, once every six months.

According to this frequency, ye Tian estimates that Xu Zhaoyun's Jinsha company will undergo major changes within half a year.

This is exactly what ye Tian doesn't understand. Even though Xu Zhaoyun is the owner of Jinsha group, he is not afraid to fish in the dry when he withdraws the company's cash flow so frequently. Jinsha group will be destroyed once, and Xu's family will accumulate for many years and become empty completely?

Moreover, according to his father, Xu Zhaoyun has no bad habits, does not gamble, and does not like luxury goods and collectibles. In short, he has none of the bad habits of the rich.

What is such a person doing to misappropriate such a large amount of funds?!

But there is no doubt that, according to the performance of this private account, Xu Zhaoyun is absolutely a complete pseudo rich!

As for the Xu family, it's just an empty shelf.

"February 19!"

Ye Tian looks at it one by one. When his eyes fall on the time when Xu Zhaoyun withdraws cash flow from Jinsha group for the last time, his eyes are suddenly awe inspiring.

This time node is the day after the parents were killed.

The time of the two is so close, if it's just a coincidence, it's a bit too coincidental!

Is it because Xu Zhaoyun wanted to take the assets of the Ye family to fill his hole that he took this bad policy and started fighting against his parents?

Ye Tian frowned and put down the account book. After thinking a little, he reached out and opened another file bag!

"This is..."

File bag opened, when ye Tian's eyes fell on the familiar signature at the bottom of the pages, his nose suddenly acid, tears fell down.

Two hundred years of cultivation, countless times of life and death crisis, distress, he never shed tears, but this moment, but tears!

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