"Hold on, just a little longer. Qingyi and Yuechan are still waiting to see you outside..."

Ye Tian sees this and immediately says to Cheng Su Chen.

When stripping the field strength of the seizing element field array, it can not be interfered by external forces, but can only rely on the individual will and vitality of the practitioners to resist.

If Cheng Su can't hold on, all his previous achievements will be wasted.


Cheng Su snorted, and then held the sheet tightly, with a firm determination in his eyes.

Having been separated from her daughter for 21 years, now she finally has the chance to reunite. She will never allow herself to lose the chance to meet each other because of unbearable pain.

"Mother's power is really the strongest power in the world. Even the most powerful Taoist art can't be compared with it!"

With Cheng Su's murmur, ye Tian immediately feels that Cheng Su, just as inspired by some kind of stimulation, has burst out a new vitality, trying to cooperate with himself, stripping those field forces from his body. All this makes him feel tut tut.

Besides feeling, he was even more disappointed.

When he came back to earth from Fangcun spiritual realm, he realized many wishes that could not be fulfilled in his previous life, but only one thing, he had no chance to fulfill again.

That wish is to see your parents again.

Unfortunately, it's too late for him to return to earth, and his parents have died.


Thinking of this, ye Tian can't help bursting out a murderous opportunity in his heart.

If it was not for taiyimen, how could his life have such a huge change, and how could he not even have the chance to see his parents.

At that moment, he became more and more determined to destroy the idea of taiyimen. If such hatred does not return, then he simply does not deserve to be a man.

Fortunately, he is now on the fifth floor of the cave. As long as he gets a breakthrough again, when he reaches the sixth floor of the cave, it will be the time for taiyimen to disappear from the world!


When ye Tian's mind changes, he suddenly feels that the power of the field pulled out from Cheng Su's body suddenly loosens, and then a long sigh of relief comes to Cheng Su's ears.

It's a success!

Hearing this, ye Tian sweeps the jade on the ground and sees the mottled blood on it. Now it's finished, and it's turned into a big red like a blood drop. After Cheng Su's face turns a little ruddy, he immediately breathes a sigh of relief.

"Well, you two can come in."

Immediately after that, ye Tian takes a move and puts away these pieces of jade. Then he opens the door of the ward and tells Cheng Qingyi and mandala.


Hearing this, Cheng Qingyi gets up in a hurry and holds Mandala's hand tightly.

Although Mandala wants to enter the ward and have a look at her mother's appearance, she suddenly hears Ye Tian's words and looks hesitant. She looks at Ye Tian with some uneasiness.

"Go in."

Ye Tian sees this and nods to her with a smile.

When Mandala sees Ye Tian's expression, she feels that if she has a little confidence in her heart, she slowly gets up and asks Cheng Qingyi to lead her into the ward.

Ye Tian see, quietly out of the ward, and then with the door.

He knew that the mother and daughter, who had been separated for a long time, must now have endless words and emotions to vent. It would not be beautiful to have an outsider present.

Sure enough, a moment later, along the ward, came the mandala low sobs, as well as Cheng Su and Cheng Qingyi sobs.

After a long time, mandala and Cheng Qingyi came out of the ward. Mandala, with red eyes like rabbits, looked at Ye Tian with sincere gratitude and said, "thank you."

Without Ye Tian, she couldn't get rid of the prisoner and start a new life from scratch.

Similarly, without Ye Tian, she would not have found her mother and sister in her life. Maybe, until she died, she would have thought that she was an orphan with no one to love.

Moreover, without Ye Tian, even if she is lucky enough to find Cheng Su, she can only watch Cheng Su deprive her of all her life because of the field power of Yuan array, and then be separated from her.

"You're welcome." Ye Tian waved his hand with a light smile, then looked at the mandala and joked: "should I continue to call you Mandala or Cheng Yuechan?"

"Call me Yuechan. I like the name."

Mandala shyly smile, and then some happy head, way.

Mandala is just a code name for her, but Cheng Yuechan is different. It's her mother's surname, and it's the name her mother gave her and her sister.

The short three words represent a completely different life from her in the past!

"Well, I'll call you Yuechan later."

Ye Tian smiles and nods, indicating that he will change his words to Mandala from now on.Mandala, no, hearing the sound, Cheng Yuechan's two slightly red eyes all narrowed into crescent moon.

At this moment, she felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

"Doctor ye, thank you." Cheng Qingyi looks at Cheng Yuechan's happy appearance, and a smile is on her face. After thanking Ye Tiandao, she says to Ye Tiandao, "I know you have great powers. You should not be an ordinary person. Have you ever heard of tianxinzong?"

Cheng Yuechan hears the sound and nervously looks at Ye Tian to get the answer.

"The people who abandoned your mother and daughter were from tianxinzong?"

Ye Tian saw this, immediately responded to come over, then inquired.

"Yes. Not long after his mother gave birth, he left us and went back to tianxinzong. From then on, he never appeared again. And it was because of his leaving that his mother was in a big mess, which led to others taking her sister away from the hospital... "

Cheng Qingyi nodded heavily, then clenched her fist and said indignantly, "if it wasn't for him, our mother and daughter wouldn't have been separated for such a long time, and my mother wouldn't have such a thing this time."

"Ye Tian, if you know tianxinzong, please tell me."

Not only Cheng Qingyi, but also Cheng Yuechan inquired in a deep voice. When she uttered her words, her eyes flickered, making people feel that for a moment, it seemed that Mandala, the killer of prison, had come back.

Tianxinzong, who abandons her mother from beginning to end, keeps her mother and daughter from reuniting for 21 years. Facing such a person, Cheng Yuechan knows that the mountain people are very powerful, but she also wants to do her best to revenge.

As for that person is their father's question, Cheng Yuechan has not considered at all.

A man who forsakes his mother and sisters and murders his mother is not worthy to be their father.

"I know tianxinzong, and you two can rest assured that if I guess correctly, that guy should come to the hospital soon. We just have to wait here and wait for the hare."

The leaf day hears speech, lightly smile a, slowly way.

The evil of Yuan seizing array is not only that the field strength can infect the blood relatives, but also that after the death of the master, a seed will be produced in the body.

Although this kind of thing is vicious, it has the effect of prolonging longevity.

Moreover, the younger the surgeon is, the higher the seed quality will be, and the longer it will nourish Shouyuan.

Ye Tian believes that since the man of tianxinzong has been so cruel that he can fight Cheng Su, he will never miss the seed left after Cheng Su's death.

Moreover, when he just pulled out the field power for Cheng Su, he found that if he didn't arrive in time, Cheng Su's death should be within three days.

At this point in time, the person of tianxinzong may appear at any time.

"When he comes, I will kill him!"

Hearing this, Cheng Yuechan clenched her five fingers and was full of murders.

Hearing this, Cheng Qingyi feels relieved, but she is still frightened by the murderous spirit in her words. She says in her heart that Yuechan's elder sister is not a cleaning supervisor in the University. It is said that people working in the school should be very scholarly. How can murderous spirit be so heavy?

"I agree with revenge. Such people should be killed, and I will stay and help you!"

Ye Tian nodded with a light smile. Without waiting for Cheng Yuechan and Cheng Qingyi to thank him, he waved his hand and interrupted them. Then he said, "it's just that your sisters want to take revenge. Did you tell your mother?"

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