"Keep dreaming. There's everything in the dream, but don't wake up!"

Ye Tian hears the speech and sneers.

"We'll see!"

The man on the other side of the phone said coldly and hung up directly.

"Which hospital are those disfigured patients in? We'll be right there!"

When ye Tian heard the phone hang up, he immediately turned to look at Qin Luoshen and said in a deep voice.

"Nanhai people's Hospital What, you're worried that something might happen to them? "

Ning Xue hears this words, the vision one stagnates, then nervous ask a way.

"Yes, we'll be right there."

Ye Tian looks awe inspiring and nods solemnly.

Just the guy on the phone, attitude is too fearless, a sure look of them, this let Ye Tian feel, in addition to disfigurement of each other after this move, there must be a backhand.

And the arrangement of these hands must be on the three disfigured patients.

Ning Xue hears the sound, excites Ling Ling to beat a shiver, follow Ye Tian, then hurried toward the door.

"Miss Ning, what do you want to say about the disfigurement of three patients caused by Xueji cream? Do you feel guilty? "

"Unscrupulous and unscrupulous businessmen, unscrupulous manufacturers, your kind of enterprises are national scum and internal tumor of the industry! If I were you, now I would go to those patients and apologize by caesarean section. I'd like to thank them by death! "

"Rubbish, you still have a face. You look pretty, but how can you be as black as a crow? Why don't you take some medicine and disfigure yourself? "

As soon as Ning Xuegang walked out of the door, the reporters would Hula around, or ask questions sharply, or directly scold repeatedly.

Flash flash, as well as a noisy question, let Ning Xue's head almost burst open, even involuntarily have a kind of whirling feeling.

Although she had long expected that as long as she appeared, she would certainly lead to these questions, but she did not expect that the scene was so noisy that it was frightening.


Not only that, when Ning Xue was flustered, along the distance, suddenly came a whistling sound.

She looked up and saw that someone had thrown a fist sized stone at her.

The roaring trend made her feel that as long as she hit it, not only her head would be broken, but also her face would be completely destroyed.

Just, at this moment, look flustered of she, already forgot to dodge, just Zheng Zheng stand at the same place, Leng Leng of looking at that stone whistling head-on fly.


But at this time, ye Tian stretched out his hand and squeezed the stone firmly in his palm.


Immediately after that, ye Tian's hand shakes, and the stone flies back along the original road. Not far from the center, Cheng San is holding a mobile phone, and his face is full of expecting smile.


The stone's speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he was on the middle of the third forehead. In a flash, his smile solidified on his face. After a touch of bright red blood trickled down his forehead, his body fell like a wall and fainted.

What ye Tian dislikes most is Cheng San, who is like a cockroach hiding in the dark to put a cold gun in the garbage. He must not be soft hearted to this kind of person, otherwise, the other party will not think you are kind, but will think you are weak and can be bullied, and will make it worse.

"Ah, someone fainted..."

"Something happened, someone died..."

Cheng San's fall immediately causes a riot among the people who surround Ning Xue.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, ye Tian reaches for Ning Xue's wrist and pushes the crowd away. Then he strides into the car parked not far away. With one foot of accelerator, he drives away from the crowd and rushes towards the hospital.

"Sorry, I I... "

On the way, rather snow this just wake up from amazement, looking at Ye Tian, full face apology way.

She can't imagine what would happen if she didn't have ye Tian to deal with the scene just now. I'm afraid she would not be able to get away from the siege, but would be smashed to the head and blood.

This let her to own incomparable disappointment, blame oneself how all have no handle affairs not surprised appearance, feel ashamed to Ye Tian's trust.

"Needless to say I'm sorry, no one is superman. It's impossible to deal with such a thing easily."

Leaf day smell speech, looking at rather snow to smile.

Although Ning Xue didn't deal with it very well this time, ye Tian didn't lose confidence in Ning Xue. Rome wasn't built in a day, and cultivation couldn't be achieved overnight. A person's ability to deal with things, let alone being born perfect.

He believes that with this experience, Ning Xue will be more able to handle things in the future.

"Thank you. I'll try."

Ning Xue looks at Ye Tian's appearance and feels more guilty in her heart. She slowly pinches her five fingers tightly. She secretly vows that she will never let Ye Tian down again!But, guilt, her heart is full of curiosity, don't understand, clearly just a college student Ye Tian, in the face of these things, how can be so calm, deal with freely.

Is it difficult? There are some strange people in this world. They are born with a strong heart.

But she didn't know that when ye Tian was in Fangcun Lingyu, he had been beaten and attacked by many famous elites of Dan Dao. Those means were much more cruel than those of Ning Xue.

Even ye Tian suffered a few dark losses at that time.

It was at that time that he sharpened his strong heart and his way of doing things.

It is just like this that he will not be surprised when facing the threat from the person on the phone, and will not take the other person's words seriously at all.

Big wind and big waves are coming. If you turn over a boat in a small sewer, it will make people laugh!

A moment later, the car came to the gate of Nanhai people's hospital.

"Why so many people?"

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the hospital, Ning Xue immediately saw that many people gathered at the gate of the hospital. Besides some media reporters, there were also many ordinary passers-by.

"No, someone jumped off the building..."

"Ah, Ning's pharmaceutical industry is really black hearted. The scar removing medicine sold by Ning's pharmaceutical company has made people disfigured. Now, it's good. They've jumped from the building in pain. They're waiting to lose their property..."

"Yes, this kind of unscrupulous pharmaceutical company, working without conscience, earns money with a black conscience. I heard that the boss of their family is a pretty girl. Unexpectedly, he only has a pretty face, and his heart is black! "

As soon as Ning Xue got out of the car, he immediately heard the low noise of passers-by.


Disfigured patients want to jump!

Ning Xue hears the sound, her head immediately hums, and her expression is immediately flustered. But the next second, she forcefully pinches her leg, calms herself down with pain, and then looks toward the inpatient department building in the distance.

As soon as she could see, there was a figure hovering on the edge of the roof above the inpatient building.

Obviously, this is the patient who was disfigured by Xueji ointment.

"It's broken!"

When you see the shadow of the moment, rather Snow's heart, immediately suddenly sink down.

You know, there is a Chinese saying that "the dead are the greatest". Once this patient jumps out of a building, it will cause an uproar. The topic of "Ning's pharmaceutical industry kills people" will fill the front pages of major media and the hot search list of major websites.

At that time, Ning's pharmaceutical industry and Xueji ointment will fall into verbal criticism and be completely engulfed by public opinion.

Even if it is found out in the end that Xueji cream has no problem, the storm of "disfigurement of Xueji cream" and "Ningshi pharmaceutical killing people" will still persist, which will have a very serious negative impact on Ningshi pharmaceutical and Xueji cream, and even directly lead to the bankruptcy of Ningshi pharmaceutical and the suspension of sales of Xueji cream!

What's more, she realized now that I'm afraid that the guy on the phone had been so bold and confident that they would give up when they got there. I'm afraid that the good play of jumping from a building had already been arranged.

It's just that what kind of handle did the patient have? In other words, what problems did he encounter? He would not hesitate to destroy his appearance and was willing to commit suicide by jumping off a building.

"She must be saved!" But at this moment, rather snow has no time to think so much, but looking at the side of the leaf day, word by word of the sink way: "if she has a good or bad, that guy's plot on the phone will succeed, snow cream is completely over!"

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