"Go straight along the outside road, you can go to the place where you are doing the experiment, but my level is too low, I can't enter those places at all, and I can't touch the things about the experiment, so I don't know what experiment they are doing..."

The killer pointed to the door and then said in a panic.

But although his voice was flustered, ye Tian still recognized that when this guy said that he was not qualified to participate in the experiment, there was a fluke in the voice besides his fear of himself.

"You seem to be afraid of that experiment? What's going on? Say

Ye Tiannian and here, sword edge a shake, and close to the neck of that day prisoner killer a few minutes, cold way.

"I don't know what the experiment is doing, but it seems very terrible. Once, when I walked outside the altar of the laboratory, I heard the shrill cries coming from inside. Moreover, the experiment often killed people. I and several other people have been responsible for cleaning the corpses several times. Those people died miserably. When several people came out of the laboratory, they were all meat pieces. "

The killer shivered and said in horror. In the end, his eyes showed a strong fear.

The eyes, straight let Ye Tian feel, I'm afraid in this guy's eyes, he is afraid of experiment, more than fear of the sword hanging on his neck.

"Laboratory altar? Why the altar? "

Ye Tian hears the news and sweeps his eyes at the killer of the prisoner, wondering.

The laboratory and the altar are quite different. One is a symbol of science and technology, and the other is the power of unknown mystery. How can these two be confused by this guy in front of us?

"I don't know. I heard those guys in the lab call me that."

The prisoner killer explained hastily.

Is the experiment made by the prisoner killer a kind of sacrifice?

Ye Tian frowned, and many doubts appeared in his heart. He felt that the experiment being carried out by the prisoner was not right.

"You should have identification passwords and codes, right? What is it today? "

Ye Tian continues to ask.

"The day of God's coming..." The prisoner killer said in a hurry.

God down?

Ye Tian frowned. These two words contain too many meanings. He didn't understand how Tiangong chose this word as the code.

In particular, the combination of Shenjiang and the altar made Ye Tian feel that there was a layer of fog in front of him that he could not see clearly.

"It's said that today is a critical time for the experiment. There is great hope of success, and it will be an extremely significant breakthrough, which is quite different from the previous successful ones. So those lunatics hope to get some good color heads with this code..." "

The killer swallows his saliva and explains.

"Good color? This code is really a good color

Ye Tian hears the sound and smiles.

No matter what kind of experiment Tiangu is doing, but in terms of the style of this group of people, they will never do anything good.

However, these people's code names are really good. Today, his sword is flying down from the sky, just like a magic weapon from the sky. Isn't that what these people are looking forward to?

"Please, please spare me. I'm just a little killer. I haven't carried out a task. I can only do some chores for them. I don't have any life on my hands. Please give me a way to live..."

At this time, the killer fell on his knees and kowtowed to Ye Tian, hoping to be forgiven.

"Go back to your seat, sit down and get down!"

Ye Tian glances at this guy and finds that he doesn't have any evil spirit. He doesn't even have the breath of Suozhou Taoism. After that, he confirms that he doesn't lie. He's just a small character who can't be more peripheral. He immediately says.

The prisoner killer looked at Ye Tian in horror and wanted to beg for a few more words. But when he saw Ye Tian's long sword, he could only sit back and lie on the table, shivering, for fear that ye Tian would suddenly give himself a sword.


Ye Tian waited until this guy lay down, his hand suddenly raised, a palm heavily cut on the back of his head and neck, then knocked him unconscious.

Although he came with the idea of killing and revenge, it did not mean that he would kill indiscriminately. Naturally, it would not be difficult for such a person to have a small role without human life in his hands.

After knocking out the killer, ye Tian walks out of the monitoring room. Feijian enters Dantian and is ready to fly out at any time. After injuring someone, he strides along the passage and walks forward.

The underground space is huge and the lights are bright. As far as ye Tian can see, there are not only training areas, but also living areas. As far as ye Tian can feel, I'm afraid the lower part of the island has been hollowed out by the prisoners.

This scene, let Ye Tian can't help but secretly speechless, unconsciously under an island, built such a huge building, have to say, the strength of the prisoner, is really extraordinary.

Not only that, but also the skin color of these killers is different. In addition to the yellow people represented by the Chinese, there are many white and black people.But without exception, these people are all fully armed, or with heavy weapons, or with long knives and other things, and stare nervously at the depths of the passage, just as they are making preparations to prevent monsters from rushing out to kill.

Even in this tense state, they didn't even realize Ye Tian's face, who came all the way from the outside. They didn't even stand up to verify his identity and connect his password.

What kind of experiment is Tiangong doing to make these notorious Tiangong killers afraid to look like this

Ye Tian looked at this scene, his heart can not help but be full of doubts, more curious about the experiment in the laboratory altar.

"Stop, who are you? Password

Just when ye Tian came to the area separated by a silver alloy wall, two killers stood at the entrance and stopped him immediately. They scanned and said in a cold voice.

"The day of God's coming. I'm a patrolman. Just now, a monitoring unit is damaged. It's suspected that someone is sneaking in. I've been ordered to go to the laboratory to check whether the situation is safe. "

Ye Tian does not hurry to stop, say the password at the same time, will already think of good wording said.

Hearing Ye Tian's command, the two killers who guard the entrance of the laboratory nodded, then separated the two sides and gave way to a passage.

Seeing this, ye Tian strode toward the entrance.

"Wait a minute. What's your name?" But when ye Tian came to the middle of the two, a prisoner killer suddenly looked at Ye Tian's face. His expression suddenly became dignified. While he touched the trigger, he asked in a deep voice.

Show off!

Ye Tian, with a smile on his face, is ready to release the flying sword. As a result, he drops the two guys who are full of evil spirit. Then he rushes into the altar of the laboratory to see what the prisoner is doing.

"Drip "Drip..."

However, before the flying sword flew out, there was a sudden burst of sound along the laboratory. Then, along the door of the laboratory, a red light suddenly and madly flickered.

What happened?

When ye Tian saw this, his eyes suddenly changed.

"Subject 37 escapes, be alert, level one alert, shoot and kill at will!"

At the same time, along the horn above the laboratory door, suddenly came a cold and heartless mechanical female voice.


At the same time, the killers behind Ye Tian's body get up one after another, load the guns, open the insurance, and wait for them one by one. The killers who have been interrogating Ye Tian before are no longer willing to continue to interrogate Ye Tian, but turn around the muzzle and aim at the door of the laboratory.

Even ye Tian saw that the legs of the two killers were shaking!

How can these guys be so afraid?

Ye Tian's heart is full of doubts. Even if he is ready to spread his mind, he will investigate the situation behind the alloy wall.

Boom! Boom!

But before his thoughts came out, along the back of the metal wall, there was a violent roar. First, a heavy object fell on the wall and smashed, followed by a dull sound. Then, along the heavy and solid alloy wall, there was a palm print, with five distinct fingers, which was taken by hand!

I'll go. What a strength!

This scene makes Ye Tian's eyes twitch a few times. As far as he feels, the strength of this palm is absolutely equivalent to half a step of the sky!

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