
Seeing this, ye Tian's eyes were awe inspiring. Without any hesitation, he suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and cut off the connection between his mind and mirage with the help of pain.


But even if his reaction speed is extremely fast, his mood and mind have been greatly impacted. His whole body falters, and a black blood spurts out along his mouth.

At this time, if the mirage lost its target, it would slowly dissipate after a little stagnation.

This mirage is absolutely a kind of life!

And it is a kind of life with strong evil spirit!

Ye Tian quickly transferred the idea of suihuangguan, guided the mana, moistened the damaged ideas and vitality, at the same time, his eyes showed different awn.

"Ye Tian, what's the matter with you?"

At the same time, Yan Bing and Wen Cheng ask Ye Tian with doubts almost at the same time.

Not only the two of them, Yun Fei, Mu Qingqing and Xu Qing, but also quickly look to Ye Tian.

Just now, ye Tian was exploring with his mind, so he didn't let them find anything strange. He just saw that ye Tian's breath was numb and he vomited blood.

"It's OK. Before I came here, I had some friction with people and suffered internal injury. Now the internal injury recurred. Just take care of it..."

Ye Tian reaches out his hand to wipe away the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth, and shakes his head to Yan Bing and Wen Cheng.

"Take good care of yourself. Next, I'll help you protect the Dharma!"

Wen Chengwen hears the sound, slightly relieved, looking at Ye Tianwen's voice.

Yan Bing smell speech, first surprised to see Wen Cheng one eye, then suspicious looking at Ye Tian.

She can't understand why Wen Cheng is so interested in Ye Tian's affairs, and can't understand why Ye Tian is hurt internally.

You know, after ye Tian killed taiyimen with his own strength, he is still alive and kicking. The opponents who can make him suffer internal injuries are probably only the top experts like Liu Bufan.

But now the leaf day stands not to move, actually suddenly vomits the blood, the breath Weidun.

So, there must be something strange in it.

"This mirage is not simple. If you don't pay attention to it, you will be worried about your life. Are you three going to act alone or with us? "

At this time, ye Tian saw Yunfei, muqingqing and Xuqing, and then said in a deep voice.

"We'd like to go with you."

Yunfei and others smell speech, look at each other, Yunfei quickly made a decision.

What happened just now really made them feel that this mirage has not only great fortune, but also great terror. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid they will fail to find treasure and lose Qingqing's life.

One more person, can help more, and ye Tian's strength is strong, she saw with her own eyes before.

This kind of master proposes the alliance voluntarily, naturally cannot miss.

"Wait a minute!" But at this time, Wen Cheng suddenly raised his hand, looked around the crowd, looked at Yunfei, Mu Qingqing and Xu Qing, and said, "if you three want to go with us, I think there are some things that we need to make clear in advance."

"It should be."

Yunfei heard the sound and nodded.

"Well, I'll give you my opinion. In the mirage, if there is any easy harvest, then according to who needs more, to whom. But if it's rare, it should be distributed according to the amount of effort. The person who makes the most effort has the priority to choose. If he chooses to give up, the rest will continue to choose according to the amount of effort... "

Wen Chengshen said his distribution plan.

"Yes, that's the proposal."

Yunfei nodded.

Wen Cheng's proposal to distribute according to work and needs is reasonable and fair.

And in the mirage, no matter how many things a person gets in the process of mirage, when he leaves, he can only choose one thing, and there is no need to worry about someone trying to plot more.

"In that case, do as agreed."

Seeing that Yunfei had no objection, Wen Cheng nodded slightly, then glanced at the crowd and said, "since the alliance, no matter what prejudice you have before, you need to throw it all away. When a companion is in danger, unless it is the irresistible power of mirage fog, he must never abandon his companion, and try his best not to cheat or cheat, but to preserve his strength intentionally. "

"Don't worry, we will never do that shameless thing!"

Mu Qingqing hears speech, crispy living should a, then Dynasty leaf sky saw one eye.

The expression, as if to say, among the people, only Ye Tian will do that kind of despised things.

"It won't be the best, but if I find someone cheating, I will be severely punished!"

Wen Chengchen answers with a voice, and then nods to Ye Tian.

Soon, a group of six people along the beach, landing on the island, toward the inland area.

Along the way, ye Tian saw many broken ruins, mottled walls, engraved with the vicissitudes of time.

He went into the ruins and found several dull tiles. After wiping away the dust on the surface, he found that the tiles were made of Lingyu.However, because the time is too long, or the aura is hollowed out, the extraordinary things of the past have become commonplace.

But even so, just from these, we can see that a long time ago, there was a great power on this island, and there were countless people with strong accomplishments in life!

However, how was such a magnificent pure land of cultivation destroyed?

And where did the practitioners who once lived in this pure land go?

Walking all the way, ye Tian explores every broken wall he sees, even if it's just a dilapidated Pavilion. He wants to find the traces left by the past forces here and their origins

But unfortunately, he went through a lot of places, but did not find a legacy with words, or even some patterns.

Even so, he found a difference.

It seems that all the information about the history of this place has been erased by some force.

This point, he found a plaque in the pavilion, but it was cut by a sharp blade. After erasing the words that might have existed, it further confirmed this conjecture.

"Master lecheron, are you here to look for opportunities, or are you coming out for sightseeing?"

Ye Tian's stop and go attitude is not worried. It's not like looking for treasure. It's more like the attitude of clocking in when he's touring. It soon leads to Mu Qingqing's dissatisfaction and murmurs.

This little girl, listen to Yunfei's words very much, call ye Tian "big sex wolf" although the appellation does not change, but in the back, still added two words of elder.

However, the long tone, how to listen, how not like respect, but like metaphor and irony.

"Ye Tian, every time the mirage opens, it only lasts three days. If you follow this speed, I'm afraid that even if there are good things, they will be taken away by the people in front of you."

Wen Cheng also puts forward his dissatisfaction to Ye Tian tactfully.

Although Yan Bing, Yun Fei and Xu Qing don't speak, their expressions show that they have the same attitude towards this matter as Mu Qingqing and Wen Cheng.

Ye Tian was dumbfounded when he heard the words, but he forgot that he was more interested in the history of the mirage, but the other five people around him were more interested in the things in the mirage.

"Well, let's speed up."

Ye Tianping smiles and accepts these people's suggestions with an open mind.

Just after this exploration, he also found that it is very difficult to find clues from these ruins. Maybe he can find something in the complete buildings in the core.

After ye Tian accepted the proposal, his party speeded up a lot and headed for the core area.

"Heavenly heart grass!"

Not long later, a few people in the group saw a clump of Tianxin grass by the roadside, swaying with the wind, and the branches and leaves twinkled with faint light. Even if they were far away, they could smell the fragrance of medicine secreted from them.

This kind of Tianxin grass, if placed in the outside world, will certainly attract the attention of many mountain people. But now, people passing by turn a blind eye to it, just like wild grass growing in the mountains.

It is obvious that every mountain dweller who enters here wants to obtain a more precious elixir, rather than such a leisurely thing.

Ye Tian didn't dislike so much. He picked a plant of Tianxin grass and explored it carefully according to the cultivation of emperor Dan.

It has abundant medicinal properties and strong vitality. Refining Peiyuan pill with tianxincao not only has a high probability of becoming a pill, but also has a significant improvement in the quality and effect of the pill.


But a moment later, ye Tian's brow slightly wrinkled, low exhaled voice.

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