"Xin'an Hall Ha ha, I'm so afraid... "

If it's the last life, maybe Ye naivete will be timid, but now, even taiyimen is destroyed, not to mention a small Xin'an hall. After hearing this, his face is not afraid, but mocks and laughs.

It's best for people in Xin'an hall not to come to him for trouble. If they come, he doesn't mind fulfilling his long cherished wish when he was a teenager and fighting with these words in Haojiang.

"What happened, sir?"

And at this time, the waiters at the door of the hotel also rushed over, looking at Ye Tian, respectfully.

"This bastard robbed my friend's bag and tried to stab me with a knife. I taught him a lesson."

Ye Tian saw someone come over, put away again teach this rotten son's mind, point to him, light way.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's our hotel's negligence that has affected your mood."

After hearing this, the waiter apologized to Ye Tian in a hurry. Then his face sank and he gave the rotten boy a few cold reprimands in Haojiang dialect.

Although Ye Tian doesn't understand Haojiang dialect, he vaguely hears the word "he family".

For the he family, he has seen countless gambling films, and is no stranger at all.

The he family is a gold lettered signboard on Hong Kong Island. Mr. He of the he family has the title of "king of Chinese gambling", and his assets are amazing.

The rotten boy heard the waiter's scolding, and his eyes showed a trace of fear. He struggled to get up from the ground, looked at Ye Tian, snorted coldly, and then turned his head and walked to the crowd.

"Sir, he doesn't dare to trouble you again, but recently when you go out, you should be more careful. You'd better not go to places where there are few people. Although our he family has a little face in Haojiang, it's hard to ensure that some rotten kids are desperate."

Waiting for the rotten boy to leave, the waiter turns and looks at Ye Tian and he Shandao.

"Well, thank you. I remember."

The leaf day smell speech, looking at that waiter smile to nod, then then then carry the bag to rather snow front, handed her.

Soon, the group walked towards the hotel.

Before boarding, Ning Xue ordered a hotel. Because of the large number of people, she directly ordered a presidential suite, so that everyone could live together and take care of each other.

After everything is settled, the cicada looks forward to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian doesn't need to ask about the little girl's mind. She kneaded her head and then turned to look at Yu Qing and Ning Xue and said, "I'll take Yu cicada to the casino. Are you going?"

"I'm with you."

Ning Xue nodded with a smile, saying that she has not seen this characteristic industry of Haojiang.

"I'm a little tired. I want to have a rest. Have fun. Don't worry about me."

He Qing's cheek was slightly red, he shook his head and said.

Just after entering her room, her eyes were attracted by the massage bathtub in the room. She couldn't wait to go in and have a good feeling. Now everyone left, it was just convenient for her to have a comfortable bubble and experience the life of a lady she had never enjoyed before.

"OK, let's go down first. If you need anything, please call room service and check out when you leave."

Ning Xue smiles and nods, then walks downstairs with Ye Tian and the cicada.

"So soft So comfortable... "

As soon as ye Tian, Ning Xue and Yu Chan left, Yu Qing rushed into her room and lay down on the bed, feeling the soft touch of the latex mattress and goose down quilt under her body, almost all of them would sing aloud.

After a few comfortable rolls in bed, she hurried into the bathroom, filled with a bathtub of water, and then lay in.

The warm water and the slight impact of the water from her back made her close her eyes comfortably, her head tilted back slightly, and she sighed a long time along her mouth and nose.

This It's life!

At the same time, ye Tian, Ning Xue and cicada have come to the entertainment center of Jinsha hotel.

At the entrance, there is a sign with the words "gambling is not a sure thing to win, you can be happy with a light note, play in your spare time and keep entertaining" in Chinese, English and Portuguese.

"That's a good thing..."

Ye Tian looks at these words and nods slightly.

It's nothing to be happy with small gambling, but it's hard to be happy with big gambling. As everyone knows, the so-called ten bet nine lose, idle home in any case, it is impossible to win the banker.

Entering the door, the entertainment hall is full of people under the dim light. Looking around, there are slot machines, Pai Gow tables, 21 o'clock All kinds of play facilities are available, only you can't imagine, there is nothing here.

And in front of every table, there were crowds. After betting, they yelled and yelled, hoping to kill all sides.

The business of the he family is worth a lot of money every day!

Ye Tian looks at the crowd, and he feels that, not to mention ten bets and nine losses, the pumping of every table is a huge income.And this, also let leaf day in the heart also can't help but gave birth to some curiosity.

He is not curious about the assets of the he family, but thinks that such a lucrative business, according to the character of those mountain people, can't be ignored. Behind the he family, there may be three schools and five schools.

"Master, can I play for a while?"

The cicada looked at the tables and looked at Ye Tian with a full face.

Ye Tian thought, after all, cicada is the charm of green cicada, rather than ordinary minor children. After a little taste, he went to the counter to exchange chips and handed them to cicada.

But just at this time, ye Tian suddenly felt that there were several bad eyes around him. He followed his eyes and immediately saw five or six young people with colorful hair and dressed up as a flow. They were staring at him fearlessly. Among them, there was the rotten boy who had been cleaned up by him before.

It's obvious that these guys should be the people of Xin'an Hall who came to find the place.

"You two are here for a while. I'll go out."

See these people, ye Tian light smile, the chips handed to Ning Xue, and then put his hands in his pocket, swagger to the door.

They are in Haojiang these days, it's hard to avoid going out to play, if no matter where they go, they are surrounded by such a few messy pieces, what they do will make people feel bored, so they have to use Thunderbolt means to beat them.

As soon as he saw Ye Tian walking to the entertainment field, the five or six young people immediately followed him out.

Haojiang respects the he family. They don't dare to do anything in the he family's playground. But now that ye Tian has left the Jinsha entertainment center on his own initiative, why don't you teach this kid a lesson, who doesn't know how lofty the heaven is and how generous the earth is? Isn't it that people underestimate Xin'an hall.

Ye Tian walked out of the amusement park, three or two steps later, he walked into an alley with dim lights and few people.

"Boy, did you take us here to let us beat you down and let the two women around you go?"

Those young people see this, quickly step forward, will ye Tian encircle in the middle, the leader of a yellow youth, sneer.

"Why can't I beat you up?" Leaf day picks eyebrow to smile, light way.

"I'll go, boy, you are arrogant! But since you dare to be arrogant, I'll show you the price of being arrogant in front of our Xin'an hall! " With a scornful smile, the Yellow haired youth raised his hand, sneered at the corners of his mouth and said in a loud voice: "together, fight to death!"

After a word, the five or six little gangsters immediately swarmed up, reached out and grabbed the sticks and other blunt tools in the alley, and wanted to hit Ye Tian.

With a sneer, ye Tian grabs a broken bed thrown in the box with his hand. With a shake of his hand, he pours the magic power into it, and then pulls out the sheet like a whip to the five or six little gangsters with the roaring wind.


As soon as the sheets were drawn out, there was a whistling sound like tearing air, which made people's eardrum ache.


After that, a series of dull noises, the long whip of the bed sheet touched these little gangsters, which made their bodies fly upside down like paper paste, hit the corridor on both sides heavily, fell to the ground, vomited blood, and even a deep depression appeared in one guy's chest.

A group of little gangsters cry bitterly, at the same time, they look at Ye Tian in fear. Their eyes are full of disbelief. A broken sheet has burst out so much power. Is this guy human?

"How's it going? Now do you think I have the ability to be arrogant? " Ye Tian shook the broken sheet lightly and looked at the little gangsters who collapsed on the ground. He said faintly: "is there anyone else in Xin'an hall near here? Let's call together, so that I won't clean up one by one these two days! "

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