"So what? What if not? "

Leaf day ponders a smile, light way.

"I advise you that it is very ominous. From ancient times to the present, many people have got it, but no one can control it except my Lord!"

Zhuang Cheng Jie sneered and said.

The secret hand was not created by the dark age leader behind Zhuangcheng. It has another origin?!

Hearing this, ye Tian suddenly caught a crucial message, and then he said with a faint smile: "the dark age is over. I'm afraid the one behind you has suffered a lot of damage! In this way, he didn't seem to have the ability to restrain that ominous! Besides, at the moment of the battle of life and death, don't you think it's ridiculous for you to frighten me with the ominous things in your secret hands and make me dare not use them? "

As ye Tian said, he is very clear that Zhuang Cheng may not have the idea of killing himself, but he must also have the idea of taking him down. Therefore, his so-called advice is more like a bluff.

"Those who humiliate my Lord, die!"

Zhuangcheng's eyes sank, and his killing opportunity appeared. The flying sword in his hand swayed, and his mana poured. With the sharp sound of breaking the air, he suddenly attacked Ye Tian. Moreover, the speed was a little faster than before. He firmly locked his Qi, making him unable to dodge.

"If you have only such means, you must be the one who died today."

At the moment, ye Tian's face is not afraid. He snorts coldly. The fierce flying sword in his hand suddenly swings under the infusion of mana. It suddenly brings up a whirlpool of sword light in the air, which attracts all the sword Qi, and then breaks up with the fierce edge of the fierce flying sword.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The blade of the fierce swords and the air of the swords collide with each other, and a burst of air is heard around them. Like raindrops, the air of the swords roars away in all directions, turning the hard huanghuali furniture in the grand hall into sawdust.

Even the reinforced concrete dome is pierced by the chaos of sword Qi, bricks and stones are flying down, dust is all over the sky

"Go on!" Immediately after that, ye Tian drinks a lot. The light in his eyes is bright. He jumps up and rushes towards Zhuang Cheng.

"To die!" Zhuangcheng drinks coldly. Without any hesitation, he holds a flying sword and faces Ye Tian.


But at this time, ye Tian's eyes suddenly show fun, and the other hand hanging around him suddenly opens and grabs at Zhuangcheng.

No, he wants to use the power of the secret hand to deprive me of the power of this blow!

When Zhuang Cheng saw this, he felt a sudden chill in his heart. He could not help but stop the attack and swept back to escape.

"Damn, he's playing with me!"

But at the moment when Zhuangcheng stood on the ground, he immediately felt that although Ye Tian's claw came out, the Qi of his whole body didn't change at all. It was obvious that ye Tian was shouting at him.

"Emperor boxing!"

In this moment, the Qi of Ye Tian suddenly changed. He felt like walking on the flame. He appeared in front of Zhuangcheng and hit him on the chest with a fist.

This blow, fast to the extreme, but also with a terrible pressure on the soul, Zhuangcheng did not have time to do any Dodge, he was hit in the chest with a punch, flying backward towards the rear, mouth blood spray.

"That one is in return for your one! This punch is the interest I charge! "

After a successful attack, ye Tian drinks coldly. His body is like a ghost. He bounces up from the ground and hits Zhuangcheng's chest with another powerful blow.

Zhuang Cheng didn't dare to hesitate. His eyes were awe inspiring, and he blocked it.


In a flash, along the position where the two fists contacted, there was a terrible explosion immediately, ye Tian's wrist was shaking wildly, and there was blood trickling down the face of the fist, which was extremely fierce; and Zhuang Cheng also blocked the fist, his right arm was chapped, and his body retreated.

"Come again!"

But ye Tian can't feel any pain, so he fiercely attacks Zhuangcheng again. He abandons the flying sword and fights with him. One punch after another, his mana surging. Every punch is over the speed of sound, with a terrible sonic boom.

"This guy, isn't Dante famous for alchemy? How do you come to earth and become like an individual? What's more, his cultivation of mental method is not the secret of Qingming Taoism. His majesty is so blazing, just like the emperor

Zhuangcheng kept blocking, but his heart was more and more frightened. He felt that the situation in front of him was beyond his guess.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One punch after another, ye Tian is as tired and painful as if he didn't know anything about it. Even if there are cracks on his right arm, he doesn't feel it. He looks like a mad tiger and keeps fighting with his power.

What's more, ye Tian didn't just punch, but also used the evasion method to the point of being unpredictable. At the moment of boxing, without waiting for any reaction from Zhuangcheng, his figure had dissipated, and immediately, from another tricky angle, he launched an attack.It's hard to guard against all this. Even though the town is now on the seventh floor of the cave, there is still a feeling of being stretched out.

"No, it's weird with his fist!"

What's more strange is that when ye Tian punches one after another, Zhuang Cheng suddenly finds that his body seems to be getting heavier and heavier. He not only has to fight with Ye Tian, but also has to spare part of his energy to control his body, just like an old cow pulling a heavy cart.

"All his attacks are aimed at the places where my spirit body and flesh body don't fit perfectly. By bombarding these areas, the degree of fit becomes lower, and even affects the areas where other spirit bodies and flesh bodies almost fit perfectly!"

Immediately after that, Zhuangcheng made an amazing discovery.

Although Ye Tian's fists are hard and fierce, they seem to be made at will, but the placement of each fist is so accurate that it is the worst fit between his spirit and body.

"How does he see through this mismatch?"

Although Zhuangcheng has already understood Ye Tian's intention, he really can't understand it. The combination between the spiritual body and the physical body is not his own internal vision. He can't see how ye Tian found his weakness.

But he didn't know that ye Tian had the eye of heaven, which could shine through all things.

From the moment when he confirmed that the other party was the one who came, ye Tian never closed his eyes and illuminated the other party's spirit body. When he lost the flying sword fight, he changed his mind and kept looking for the places where the spirit body and the flesh body didn't fit perfectly in Zhuangcheng's body. Then he attacked these places to maximize the result.

Or, in other words, let the long dyke of Zhuangcheng be destroyed by seemingly insignificant ant colonies.

"Get out of here!"

Almost at the moment when Zhuangcheng finds out why Ye Tian suddenly changed his method and chose to fight in the flesh, ye Tian's mana surges, and the golden flame of the original spirit fire in the elixir field flickers, emitting unparalleled terrible power and infusing Ye Tian's right fist.


Followed by, with the thunderbolt like terrible sound, ye Tian this punch, hit heavily in the position of Zhuang City waist eye.

Click! Click! Click!

There was no way to stop this terrible blow. When it fell, Zhuangcheng suddenly felt that there was a terrible crack sound coming from his body.

The place where the sound broke out was exactly the riveting place where the spirit body and the body of Zhuangcheng merged.

"It's over! Spirit and flesh, separated

When the terrible voice came to his ears, a thought suddenly appeared in Zhuangcheng's heart. Without time to do anything, he felt that his body suddenly became light, as if he had got rid of the mire, and became extremely light.

What's more strange is that he saw that with this terrible blow, he saw the back of his body, and it was getting farther and farther away.

At this moment, if there is an outsider here, surely you can see that behind Zhuangcheng, a milky white figure with the same shape as Zhuangcheng suddenly flies out!

That picture, it can be said that it is extremely treacherous. It seems that there is a translucent himself running out of Zhuangcheng's body!

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