"What for?"

Ye Tian's percussion just fell, and the robber's voice came from the cockpit.

The noise on the plane is very loud, and the sound insulation effect of the cockpit door is very good. Therefore, the leader robber in the cockpit didn't find anything. Moreover, he didn't feel that in front of his group of armed robbers, any passengers could play tricks. When he heard the sound, he immediately thought it was his men knock at the door.

"Boss, there's a boy outside who's clamoring to see you. There's a big rich man in the first class!"

The leaf day hears a voice, immediately coarsening a voice, learning the voice of the robber of the beard, big voice way.

The reason why he spent so much time with that guy just now is not only to bring those robbers here, but also another reason. I intend to listen more to his voice and habits, so that I can imitate them later. Now, it's really useful.

"What great man?"

The robber hijacked the plane. He ran for the money. At the moment, he was excited to hear that there was a rich man on the plane. In addition, ye Tian's imitation was very similar. The leading robber, without any hesitation, pushed the door of the cabin open.

This guy is a chicken thief!

The door opens a seam, the eye eye of leaf day immediately a draw.

I saw that the leading robber was very careful. When he opened the door, he only opened a gap. Instead of sticking out his head, he first pointed out the black muzzle of the gun.

"Who are you?"

Leading robber through the door, immediately saw the people standing outside, not his men, but ye Tian, immediately low voice, followed, without thinking, will pull the trigger.


Ye Tian doesn't have any hesitation. His magic power is surging, and a fireball suddenly gathers in his palm. He rushes to the barrel of the gun before the leader shoots.

The secret of fire burning is powerful. All refined steel can be turned into soft fingers. The fire starts. In an instant, the robber's barrel turns into a red hot metal and sticks together.

"Water transport!" Immediately after, ye Tian drinks in his mouth, and the flame in his palm suddenly turns into a water ball, touching the barrel of the gun.

Hiss Hiss

In an instant, with the sound of a red hot iron thrown into the water, there was a terrible white fog rising up around the barrel, and then the red barrel, which had been burned into hot metal, turned into a black iron knot.


At this time, the robber's fingers had been pressed on the trigger, and the terrible gunfire rang out.


All the passengers no longer doubt the authenticity of the hijacking. They scream and go under the seat, and look at Ye Tian's position along the gap below.

There are even a lot of timid young girls, who close their eyes involuntarily. They are worried that they will see the tragic picture of Ye Tian being shot through.

But they can see that ye Tian is standing well at the moment, and there is no sound of warhead landing in front of him.

There's something wrong with the gunshot just now!

Immediately after that, everyone noticed that the sound of the gun was very strange. It was not clear, but rather dull. Moreover, the sound of the impact was very strange. It was not like hitting the flesh, but like hitting a steel plate.

"I grass, I grass, what's the matter?"

At this time, the leading robber had already seen his gun barrel. At this moment, it turned into a terrible scrap metal. He could not help but exclaim in astonishment and scold. Then he would shrink inside and close the cockpit door.

"Climb out!"

But without waiting for him to make any action, ye Tian sneered, raised his hand and held the barrel of the gun, forced to face the outside area, pulling the robber to a stagger.

However, the robber, obviously trained, has a keen reaction. He feels that ye Tian is pulling the barrel of the gun. He can't help but release his hand immediately, and wants to let Ye Tian take the gun, and then close the cockpit door.

"Do you think you've played with me by the means of your three legged cat?"

But unfortunately, ye Tian had already expected his hand. One hand grabbed the gun, while the other hand held the edge of the cockpit door and yanked it outwards.


In an instant, the robber immediately fell out.


At the same time, ye Tian has already prepared a knee lift, fierce incomparable top in the robber's chest.


Rao Shi, the robber, had practiced for several days, but he couldn't bear Ye Tian's terrible blow. He fell forward, opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of red blood.

"Pa! Bang

Immediately after that, ye Tian's hand fell on the back of the robber's head. Facing the front area, the robber fell to the ground. The brain door and the engine room floor collided with each other.This collision immediately made the robber feel that thousands of stars were rising in front of him, and his body, which had already faltered, immediately collapsed.

This is Ye Tian left his hand, did not take out all the strength, otherwise, the robber's head, must be like a ripe watermelon, he slapped burst, split.

After slapping the robber in the face, ye Tian strode toward the cockpit. Seeing that the captain and the vice captain were in a panic, he comforted them and told them that the hijacking was over and that they had nothing to worry about.

"Wow, little brother, you are so fierce!"

"Niu, you're a real expert. Are you practising

"Pa pa pa Pa pa... "

When ye Tian came out of the cockpit again, he immediately saw that all the passengers in the cabin stood up, cheered, clapped and rushed to him.

Everyone is not stingy praise words, slap red, eyes are all worship and admiration.

The whole process of Ye Tian's hands-on work is really amazing. Every step seems to have been elaborately deduced. It seems to have been elaborately designed. If not, these people would not have the illusion that they are making a movie just now.

But the more they confirm the truth, the more shocked they feel.

Single handed, one person got so many armed robbers, after all, it was even more intact, without any sign of injury.

This kind of means is not seen with one's own eyes. Who can believe it is true?

Especially before that a few ridicule Ye Tian disorderly, want to implicate them of that a few people, is full of shame, hate can't find a ground crack to drill in.

Fortunately, ye Tian didn't pay any attention to these people.

He has already seen through the two generations of people. In the face of crisis, he can see the human nature. Moreover, these people are not doing anything wrong. After all, they are all trying to save their lives and survive. There is no right or wrong, and there is no need to criticize them.

Soon, the security personnel on the plane and ye Tian tied up all the robbers and threw them in the corner of the first class cabin. They quietly waited for the plane to land at Yanjing airport and handed them over to the police, so that these crazy people could get the punishment they deserved.

During the next four hours of flight, ye Tian has always been the focus of attention of all passengers. Everyone's eyes have been staring at the position of the first class, and the eyes of the first class passengers are constantly circling on Ye Tian.

In order to reduce the trouble, ye Tian and Yan Bing immediately showed their strength far beyond the ordinary people after they got off the plane. They quickly separated the crowd, crossed the fence of the airport and ran out like rabbits.

Even the airport's already prepared thank-you ceremony was lost, and the object of performance was lost.

"Ha ha ha, I found that you can't escape the life of being chased and photographed."

After leaving the airport, Yan Bing sees that there is no one around him. Then he looks at Ye Tian and laughs.

Ye Tian heard the sound, but also a wry smile on his face.

In Nanhai University, it's a stop to be photographed by the president. Now I've been on a plane, and there are so many people following me.

It's just that he's really not interested in being a net star.

"By the way, what do you mean when you were on the plane? What do you mean you're good at body searching? "

And at this time, Yan Bing's eyes turn, suddenly looking at Ye Tian, playful smile asked.

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