Yan Bing's words fell, and the classroom, which was originally a little low and noisy, was immediately silent and could be heard.

Every student lowered his head like eggplant.

University thought, more than 200 pages, text content.

Reciting the whole book is too difficult.

Even Xueba can't do it!

"Recite the whole book?"

Ye Tian's eyes changed, and suddenly remembered that at the beginning of the school, ye Tian had it at his fingertips now, and it was the same as the content in the textbook.

"What are the characteristics of the ideal?"

Yan Bing also slightly Zheng Zheng, and then continue to.

"Ideal is the product of people's social practice. It is characterized by transcendence, realistic possibility, difference and practicality. "

Ye Tianping replied.


In the class, the voice of inverted air-conditioning slowly rings out, looking at Ye Tian's teasing and taunting eyes, and all changes greatly.

"Law means..."

Yan Bing stares at Ye Tian's clear eyes. After a careful look, she says slowly.

In a word, ye Tian and Yan Bing are just like experts in a duel. As they ask and answer questions, it becomes more and more difficult and the answers are faster and faster. While the students around are flipping through the books, they are shocked.

Yan Bing's questions have no coherence, and they are all small knowledge points full of books, which has been a great test for teachers.

What's more terrible is that ye Tian's answer is as good as flow.

It's really like a duel between two top swordsmen. How about you come and go!

Around the students in the heart of admiration, but also a strong sense of loss.

Xuezha, why did you suddenly become Xueba? Is this unscientific? !

"well, I'm sure you can recite the whole book by heart."

After a long time, Yan Bing wiped down, because of the extremely fast speed of speech, after the sweat from his forehead, he looked at Ye Tian and nodded with satisfaction, saying: "how long did it take you to do it?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?"

Ye Tian smiles and says.

"True or false."

Yan Bing's rare corners of his mouth curved slowly.

"The lie is two months, the truth is ten minutes."

Ye Tianping replied.

This guy, he began to put on airs and play these self righteous humor again.

Those envious students, with their mouths curled, think that ye Tian must have been able to recite the whole book for two months to please Yan Bing.

Yan Bingsi ignores the students' words and stares at Ye Tian tightly.

She felt that ye Tian didn't lie.

He did seem to have taken only ten minutes.

But it's amazing that you can recite a 200 page book in 10 minutes?

"Very good, you sit down, we remember to learn from ye Tian in the future."

After a little silence, Yan Bing nodded and motioned for ye Tian to sit down. Then she looked at the class and opened the textbook and said, "next, we'll start roll call."

Hehe, what about being in the limelight? Ice devil didn't give you any green eyes!

Funny people, always do funny things, this is going to be a nerd in the future!

Class students, see Yan Bing unexpectedly so understatement a word, let Ye Tian sit down, originally in the heart of sour they, immediately jokingly to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian turns a deaf ear and just turns a book quietly.

He just wanted to satisfy his previous regret, which had nothing to do with whether he got anything.

"Cow! There is a set of leaves! Next test, let me sit next to you

Only Shi Xiong, pointing his thumb at Ye Tian, is full of praise and is not stingy of his worship.

Two hours later, the bell rings after class, Yan Bing rolls up her textbook and leaves.

"Ye Tian, come to the office with me."

But when she came to the door, she suddenly turned her head, looked at Ye Tian and said.

Damn it!

Miss beauty, please!

Those students who were originally reciting the whole textbook for ye Tian but didn't receive any favor from Yan Bing immediately looked at Ye Tian in shock.

After Yan Bing appeared in Nanhai University, she did not know how many teachers and students she attracted.

But up to now, no teacher or student has been to her office with Yan Bing.

Even how those people attract attention is not effective.

But now, ye Tian has broken this law!

"I can only tell you more about the way I hit Niu Xu later..."

After ye Tian hesitates, he smiles at Shi Xiong, and then gets up and walks to Yan Bing.

"What's wrong with the leaf? Why do I suddenly feel that I don't know him... "Shi Xiong looks at Ye Tian's back and mutters enviously.

Not only Shi Xiong, but also other students in the class have the same feeling.

At this time is the end of the class, the office building, teachers and students come and go.

"Teacher Yan, are you free tonight? I heard that the Italian opera company came to Nanhai to perform Turandot and bought two tickets. Shall we go together

Just walked to the door of Yan Bing's office, a white shirt male teacher who was obviously guarding here early welcomed him with a bright smile.

Xu lie, a teacher in the Chinese Department of Nanhai University, was secretly liked by many teachers and female students because of his handsome appearance and gentle and elegant temperament.

"Sorry, I have something to do."

Yan Bing said faintly and shook his head.

"How about western food? There's a new one outside the school. The decoration is very emotional. It's authentic new Yorker style. The steak and red wine are also very good. It's strange for me to eat alone. It's almost noon. Why don't we have a meal together? "

With a smile on his lips, Xu lie continued to smile. Behind his well-dressed gold glasses, his eyes swept back and forth on Yan Bing, flashing a few animal colors.

From the moment Yan Bing entered the school, he made up his mind to hook this woman.

No matter body appearance, or temperament, Yan Bing is absolutely outstanding.

What's more, Xu lie finds out from some channels that Yan Bing's life experience is unusual and has a bright future. Even Yan Fei, the president of Nanhai University, looks at her with new eyes.

Otherwise, a teaching assistant in Yanbing district will not be able to enjoy the best treatment of having a single office and the best location of the office building.

If we can catch up with such a woman, we will be in the fast lane. The position of head of Chinese department is just around the corner.

"Sorry, Mr. Yan and I have something important to talk about. I'm afraid we can't go with you."

When Yan Bing's eyes flashed some irritability and impatience, ye Tian stepped forward and looked at Xu lie.

Yan Bing hears the sound and looks at Ye Tian in surprise.

She didn't understand why this guy would suddenly stand up and speak for himself

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