"Tut Tut, that young man just now is really evil. He said that he would be punished for his wickedness, so he was punished."

"Ha ha, other people saved her and saved her face. Instead of being grateful, she still looks like this. It's strange that she won't get retribution for such a wonderful flower."

"If heaven doesn't know, don't do it yourself! It's not that we don't report, it's not the time... "

Looking at this scene, people in the vegetable market who have just heard the whole story one by one look at Luo Chao and Gan Li with sneers and disdain.

"What are you talking about? Who is a wonderful flower? You're talking nonsense about students? This is the market, the quality of construction is not up to standard, and we have what relationship, the market leader, come out, give us money! So many of our dishes have been destroyed. You have to pay for the money... "

As soon as Ganli heard this, she stopped going to the toilet. She turned her head, looked at the crowd and roared.

"Ha ha, Ganli, listen to what you say. Is it human? All the stalls in the market are in good condition, but your house is broken. Why don't you find the reason from yourself? Do you forget that we only provide venues, and the boards of these stalls are bought by you! Who knows if the quality of the board you bought is not up to standard, so it's broken? "

"Besides, don't talk about what happened just now, just talk about the mess of your dishes. You can open your eyes and see that the culprit is not someone else, but your own urine! You pee everywhere in the vegetable market and disturb the business. I haven't settled with you yet. How dare you call me? "

The person in charge of the market pointed at Ganli and said angrily with a cold face.

"You I... "

When Ganli heard this, she gaped. Her mouth opened again and again, but she couldn't say a word.

"Mr. Li, don't be angry. Let's eliminate the fire. We'll clean up immediately. We'll bear the losses ourselves."

Seeing this, Luo Chao quickly bows to the marketing manager and laughs. Like a pug, he looks shy and says.

"Clean up by yourself, don't affect your business. Besides, today you defecate everywhere, and you will be fined 500 yuan! Oh, by the way, I suggest you handle your personal affairs well and don't bring them to the market. Otherwise, it will delay your business and you two will go away! "

The marketing manager snorted twice, glanced at them, turned around and walked towards the office.

"Do it yourself! Evil is rewarded with evil

"You deserve it! Such a wonderful flower should be punished like this! "

"By the way, we don't dare to come to them to buy vegetables in the future. This kind of dishonest person will definitely be short of weight, and these vegetables are stained with urine mud. As they both look, they are afraid that they will not just throw them away, but also stay and cheat people!"

When the onlookers heard this scene, they sneered and looked around with disgust.

"No No We have always been conscientious in our business, and we certainly will not do such a thing. "

Luo Chao heard the sound, immediately anxious, his face full of smiles, waved to the people repeatedly, indicating that they must not think more.

What do vegetable sellers fear most? First, they are short of weight and second, they are not clean. Now, these two points occupy the whole of their family. If they don't explain to these people well, then their business will be completely impossible.

"Conscience? People like you who have lent you hard-earned money to save your life and have not heard from you for more than ten years mean conscience? "

"Ha ha, if you want me to say that, I'm afraid you've not always been very conscientious, you've always been very black hearted!"

"I said that in the past, every time I bought food at their home, I always felt less than other families. Now, it's not the feeling, it's their real black heart and lack of weight!"

The crowd couldn't believe this kind of nonsense. They sneered one by one and kept making sarcastic remarks. Hearing that Luo Chao's two faces turned red, they wished they could find a way to get in.

Luo Chao's face was bitter and he didn't dare to say anything more. Instead, he found a mop to clean the dirty things on the ground. In front of everyone's face, he threw the vegetables into the garbage outside for fear that everyone really thought he would recycle the vegetables stained with urine mud.

"What a pity, such a good dish..."

Gan Li was full of regret, looking at the dishes, sighing repeatedly, just like being stabbed.

"It's so good. Do you want to eat it?" Luo Chao is also a little annoyed. He stares at Gan Li and says angrily.

"Bullshit, how can we eat this..." Gan Li hummed, looked around and said in a low voice, "take it back, flush it with water, and come out to sell it in two days. Isn't there an old saying that it's not clean and dry, and you're not sick? "


Luo Chao completely speechless, Zheng Zheng looking at Ganli, almost speechless, in the heart is unable to help waves of nausea.

He really did not expect that Ganli really moved such an idea, which is also a little disgusting!

"Well, well, I just said it casually. I won't really do it." Looking at Luo Chao's appearance, Ganli sighed, waved her hand, and then angrily said, "it's all that old thing. If it's not him, we won't encounter such things!""Don't scold, no matter what, at the beginning, your face was saved by the money given by Uncle Yang, otherwise, I don't know what it looks like now." Luo Chao sighed, shook his head, and said, "we are really not authentic in doing this. Two old people, such a sum of money more than ten years ago, is really not a small number. Why don't we give him the money back? "

"No! We don't have any money now. We have to buy a house in our hometown and go to school for our children. Besides, we have to ask me to buy the medicine to wipe my face. Last time I told you about Xueji cream, others have tried it and said it was good. I've inquired about it. The scar on my face is basically cured after a course of treatment, and the cost of a course of treatment is about 30000 yuan Right Husband, you don't want to see all the scars on my face... "

Ganli shook her head in a hurry, then longed.

"Well, listen to you, but when the scar on your face is healed, we really have to return the money to Uncle Yang, otherwise, I always feel uneasy. Let's do this as if we are accumulating some virtue for our children... "

Luo Chao hesitated, nodded, then looked at Gan Li and prayed.

"OK, OK, listen to you." Ganli just wanted to attack, looking at the expression on Luo Chao's face, she laughed and said.

But, in her heart, she was thinking, what uneasy, after a period of time, things forget, delay, also passed.

Luo Dynasty hears a sound, this just long sigh of relief, way: "just that person says, Yang Bo now lives where come, let's remember, at that time good look for."

"It seems to be Zhonghai No.2..." Gan Li felt out her mobile phone and said casually.

"What? Zhonghai-2 When Luo Chao heard these four words, he took a breath of cold air. He was surprised and said, "how can I remember that there are villas and no houses in Zhonghai! And it seems that a villa will cost hundreds of millions, even tens of billions! Do you think uncle Yang's distant relative lives there? "

"Ha ha, that old thing? Think too much, he doesn't deserve it! I see. Maybe he went out to work as a cow and horse for another family. "

When Ganli heard this, she shrugged with disdain and didn't believe it at all.

Luo Chao hesitated for a moment, but thought about it again, and then nodded his head. If he could really afford Zhonghai No.2 villa, how could he accompany a bad old man to buy vegetables, and even if he came out, no one would support him

"Husband, don't think that some of these are gone. Anyway, today's business can't be done. So, you can accompany me to buy Xueji ointment. I just saw the news on the Internet that there is a drugstore nearest to our vegetable market. It's in stock today, and some people are queuing up there..."

At this time, Ganli took her mobile phone and looked at Luo Chao with hope and joy. She said, "I'm usually busy, but I don't have a chance to buy it. Today I'm just free. Let's go there together!"

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