"Little brother, let's go. It will snow again after a while."

At this time, Lu Yanzhao looked at Ye Tian and said.

Ye Tian nodded and followed Lu Yanzhao to the direction of the mountain temple.

The sky in Kunlun Mountain is like a child's face. It changes as soon as it changes. After a while, the snow begins to fall again. Moreover, the dense snowflakes make the world in front of you hazy, and you can hardly see the way ahead.

The sudden heavy snow makes Ye Tian admire Lu Yanzhao's experience. This old hunter, who has been dealing with Kunlun mountain all his life, has extraordinary perception ability. He can predict the weather more accurately than the weather forecast.

"Little brother, are you not afraid of the cold? Shall I take off my fur for you? "

Ye Tian marvels at Lu Yanzhao. Lu Yanzhao is full of doubts when he looks at Ye Tian. He unties the old wolf's fur and looks at Ye Tian with concern.

On Kunlun Mountain, as long as it snows in winter, it will be extremely bitter and cold, and the dripping water will turn into ice. Not to mention, as it is now, on the snowy days, when he is wearing a good old wolf fur, he feels a chill drilling into the bone, but ye Tian is wearing a thin coat.

This is just, dressed so thin, ye Tian is not half afraid of cold, his body does not shake, his eyes are scanning everywhere.

"Hahaha, old man, do you think I'm afraid of the cold?"

The leaf day hears speech, toward Lu Yan Zhao ha ha a smile, way.

Lu Yanzhao can't help laughing when he hears the news. Ye Tian doesn't seem to be afraid of the cold. It's just that this scene is amazing. Walking on the snowy Kunlun Mountain, he only wears a jacket. He has lived for so many years, and this is the only one.

Then, he could not help thinking that, as he had seen in some novels in the past, some martial arts masters could not be afraid of the cold and the heat after practicing their internal skills to the extreme.

It's just that, not to mention martial arts novels, they are fictional. Even if they are true, ye Tian is a college student at his age at most. How do you think it's not like a master? Just, think of before oneself shoot, by Ye Tian easily avoid of action, let him completely confirm, oneself this is to meet the expert in the legend.

"Little brother, this is the mountain temple."

A moment later, Lu Yanzhao took Ye Tian to the mountain temple.

The mountain temple, in fact, is just a simple thatched cottage with a incense table and censer in the courtyard.

When ye Tian and Lu Yanzhao walked in, they found that although the thatched cottage looked simple from the outside, it was very clean inside, clean and spotless, and there was no air leakage or snow leakage. Besides, there were many traces of offering in the censer, but the plate for offering was empty.

"It seems that grandfather Shanshen has been here recently Not long ago, I put a sack of apples here... "

At this time, Lu Yanzhao turned around the incense table, saw an empty sack, and a pile of apple cores in the corner, and laughed.

This mountain god grandfather is a real eater!

Ye Tian smiles and shakes his head. In a moment, he looks around. Soon, he sees that around the incense table, there are many long golden hairs, just like the one he picked up in the snow.

"Why is there only a incense table here and no statue of the mountain god?"

After that, ye Tian scanned the temple and found that although it was a temple, there was no statue in it.

"It's just In the past, there were statues of gods, but we made them and put them in, but they were thrown out of the mountain temple within two days, and they were smashed to pieces. We guessed that the grandfather of the mountain god didn't like the statue, so we didn't do it any more. "

When Lu Yanzhao heard this, he explained with a smile. Then he lit a incense stick in the censer. After bowing for a few times, he lit the bonfire. Then he took out the snow leopard's leg, washed and peeled the skin, put it on the bonfire and barbecued it.

For example, Lu yanzhao, an old hunter who is used to running in the mountains, naturally has first-class barbecue skills. After the legs of snow leopard are burnt yellow, he takes out a lot of seasonings from his girdle and sprinkles them on the legs of snow leopard, which makes the original fragrance more intense and makes Ye Tian's fingers move.

"Come on, try..."

Lu Yanzhao saw Ye Tian's expression, took a dagger to cut off a piece, handed it to Ye Tian's face, and said with a smile.

"Leopard meat, it's my first time to eat..." Hearing this, ye Tian took the barbecue from the dagger, chewed it in his mouth, and immediately felt a strange taste and fragrance. He really tasted the meat of snow leopard for the first time.

"The last time I ate it was many years ago. At that time, snow leopards were running all over Kunlun mountain. Some time ago, a researcher specializing in wildlife research told me that now snow leopards have become rare giant pandas. There are only two or three thousand snow leopards in Kunlun Mountain and the vast snow plain If you think about it, it's all up to you. Those rubbish are still doing such kind of bad things. They are not afraid of retribution! "Lu Yanzhao was also full of emotion. After a few sighs, he took a wine gourd from his waist and handed it to Ye Tian, saying: "little brother, the aftertaste of this meat is a little fishy. You have to use wine to press it. It tastes good. Try the medicinal wine I made."

Ye Tian was never a pusher. When he heard Lu Yanzhao's words, he took the wine gourd from his hand and took a sip of it.

Sure enough, the faint fishy smell of snow leopard meat, mixed with the taste of Lu Yanzhao's pot of medicinal wine, produced a strange fragrance.

What's more, after drinking this wine, he felt that his whole body was hot and warm, and even there was a hot line. He swam along the Dantian to the human body, making his whole body warm and comfortable, just like soaking in warm water.

Obviously, there should be some magic medicine added to this medicinal wine, and the quality is very good.

"Good wine!" After tasting the wine, ye Tian turned to Lu Yanzhao and said, "old man, did you add snow ginseng in your wine?"

"You can drink all this, little brother, you can!"

Lu Yanzhao hears the sound and looks at Ye Tian inconceivably and gives him a thumbs up.

Snow ginseng is a kind of special plant in Kunlun mountain. It is very rare and has a strong effect on Nourishing life. It is even more powerful than ginseng. However, because Kunlun Mountain was too remote and inaccessible in the past, its reputation is not as big as ginseng, and few people know about it.

He really didn't expect that ye Tian could drink it in one mouthful. He added snow ginseng to his medicinal wine.

However, he didn't know that ye Tian, as the emperor of Dan, had never seen any miraculous medicine in the past. After smacking the taste, he could naturally judge that snow ginseng was added to the wine.

"Ha ha ha, I just heard the old man in my family mention it. I guess it casually. Unexpectedly, I got it right." Ye Tian chuckles and shakes his head. After explaining, he says, "do you know where there is snow ginseng? I want to take two back. "

Snow ginseng is not a common product. It can not only be taken frequently, but also strengthen the body and prolong life. What's more, it is an indispensable medicinal material for breaking through the sea view.

Although Ye Tian knows that snow ginseng grows in the snow plain, he did not expect to find its trace in Kunlun

"Hahaha, little brother, you're asking the right person. I used to be a ginseng picker in Kunlun mountain. Besides hunting, I also picked two snow ginseng to make wine when I went into the mountain these years." When Lu Yanzhao heard this, he immediately burst out laughing, and then said, "let's drink and eat meat first. When we are satisfied, I'll take you to look for it. When I entered the mountain a few years ago, I saw a snow ginseng nearby, because it was not harvested before the year. Now it should be OK."

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