"Affectation, affectation! I've been greedy for you for hundreds of years, but you're still so hypocritical! "

Taisui and his secretive hand sneer at Ye Tian's words. They are indifferent to Ye Tian's words.

"You two, you know what! What I insist on is the difference between man and beast

Ye Tian said coldly, and immediately his hand swung gently, and his eyes glanced at the wind and snow in front of him. When he saw the mountains that meandered like dragons and swam in the wind and snow, he felt more agitated, and the whole world became peaceful for a moment.

"It's time to break through the eighth floor of the cave!"

Thinking of this, ye Tian suddenly makes a decision.

The next breath, the golden black fire half immortal soldiers Dan furnace, suddenly appeared in the air, and then, his original spirit fire surging, continuous flame, with the speed of incomparable, suddenly, it ignited the fire in the Dan furnace, like a golden black, around the Dan furnace, flying around, sending out a smart breath.

Even more, the blazing firepower melted all the snowflakes in the area where the Dan furnace was located into water, then evaporated into gas, circled and ascended, and flew into a vacuum zone.

"Good furnace! Good furnace! Good furnace Feeling the vision of Danlu, ye Tian's heart is full of praise.

Compared with the Amethyst red stove he used before, the quality of this golden black fire semi immortal red stove was better. At this moment, he really had a feeling of returning to the square inch spirit realm and achieving the power of the emperor.

"Nirvana Dan, system!"

Then, without any hesitation, ye Tian lifted his hands lightly, and a miraculous drug stored in Xumi commandment soared into the air. Under the guidance of mana, it was processed. Finally, all the impurities were eliminated, turned into pure medicine, and integrated into the Dan furnace.

"Ding Ding Ding... "

Almost just a short time, along the Dan stove, there were bursts of pure and incomparable sound of quenching Dan, and with the circling of gold and black, there were more strands of rich medicine fragrance, along the Dan stove, spread to the surrounding, and even mixed into the surrounding floating snow, let the snow, all diffuse a rich fragrance.

"What happened? Why is it that the colorless and tasteless snow has such a strong fragrance that I can't help feeling like I have a big appetite? "

"Environmental pollution! This must be some unscrupulous chemical factory, put the aromatic substances into the high air, mixed with the snow

"Bullshit environmental pollution, except for jade factory, what chemical factory is there in Yudu? And the smell of pollution, can be like this, I smell, feel relaxed? If it's pollution, then I'm willing to continue to pollute like this! "

The fragrance diffuses. The strange fragrant snow immediately makes the people who haven't fallen asleep under the wind and snow give out bursts of frightened voices and whisper. They are extremely curious. They want to know what is the cause of the strange fragrant snow that they have never heard of or seen.

Some people think that this is caused by environmental pollution, but this argument was quickly refuted by a large number of people. The fragrant snow not only smells very fragrant, but also feels refreshed after inhaling into the body. Especially those who try to catch a handful of fragrant snow in the air and swallow it in the mouth feel exhausted. The whole person has an unprecedented sense of happiness At this moment, I can't feel the ease, even some minor ailments and pains that have existed for many years.

For a time, Yudu Xiangxue said, filling the Internet, and even in the middle of the night, directly on the top of the hot search, followed by a red to black "pop" word.

Ye Tian knew nothing about what happened below. At this moment, he was immersed in the process of refining the nirvana pill.

The Dan furnace of Jinwu fire Banxian soldiers is very mysterious. When the Dan was finished, the Dan furnace had become transparent, showing the shape of the Dan medicine. Moreover, a little bit of Jinwu breath flew into the Dan medicine, and it complemented each other, so that the quality of the Dan medicine was greatly improved.

"Dan's done it!"

When all the visions of the red stove disappear, ye Tian whispers. In a moment, he gently moves his hand towards the void. The red stove of Jinwu fire Banxian soldier suddenly flies into his palm. He gently touches the lid of the stove and grabs the red medicine in his palm.

"The eighth floor of the cave, here I am!"

Immediately, ye Tian raised his hand, and the nirvana pill in the stove flew up. He swallowed it and turned it into wisps of pure medicine and vitality, which spread out to all parts of his body. Just for a moment, he felt that his body had been baptized.

Every piece of flesh and blood, every bone, even the spirit, at this moment, seems to be undergoing a transformation like rebirth!

All this is similar to cutting bones and washing marrow, but it is different. It is more like the Phoenix bathing in fire and the feeling of nirvana. From then on, the body will become a channeling jade.

This is the power of Nirvana pill. Similarly, the origin of nirvana is just like this!

"The eighth floor of the cave, here I am!" In an instant, ye Tian's eyes, which were originally slightly narrowed, opened, and two fine awns flew out of his eyes like lightning. For a moment, a breath, like a storm, quickly spread along the pores. Taking his body as the center of the circle, all the drifting wind and snow around him within a range of nearly 1000 meters were washed to the four directions, creating a large vacuum area.Immediately after that, his mind, like a big net, suddenly covered the surrounding area, and every move of the people below, all fell into his eyes, as if the houses were completely transparent.

Not only that, but also ye Tian felt that every piece of flesh and blood, every bone in his body, at this moment, was filled with an explosive new force, which was extremely terrifying. Even ye Tian felt that as long as he wanted to fight forward, he could make a tank turn into fly ash and disappear.

"Compared with the seventh floor of the cave, the eighth floor of the cave is really like nirvana, which is a huge watershed! However, this promotion is very timely. It can give me more chances to win when dealing with the monsters escaping from the devil jade! "

This kind of feeling, let Ye Tian suddenly pinch five fingers, will that strong strength, all back to the depth of the body skeleton, murmur to himself in the heart.

As he said, those monsters in the devil jade are extremely powerful. As far as he feels, they are even more powerful than those who come.

Such an opponent is by no means easy to deal with. With his previous strength of seven levels in the cave, if he fought alone, or against one or two of them, he would still be invincible. But if Liu Shijun was a little crazy and put more monsters into the jade veins of the Jade Emperor, he would be in trouble.

This time, he was able to break through the eight levels of the cave, which undoubtedly increased the possibility of winning several points or retreating completely.

"Now, just wait for the Jade Emperor to come to the door!"

Ye Tian looks at the wind and snow in front of him. After a light smile, he thinks in his heart.

He believes that the Jade Emperor must have learned that he destroyed the Liu family with his own efforts. If, under such circumstances, the jade emperor did not expect to come to him for help, then it means that this guy is really stupid and not worth saving. He just needs to look at Lu Yanzhao's face and give him a way to live.

After all, for him now, it is a dispensable thing whether he can get the Jade Emperor's jade ore veins after he owns the Liu family's jade ore veins.

Thinking of this place, ye Tian's sword suddenly turns back to the hotel.

When he entered the room, he found that Ning Xue was still sleeping. He was a little relieved. He helped her pour a cup of hot water and put it on the head of the bed. Once he woke up, he could take some to drink. Then he lay on the sofa and swam around.

Time passed quickly, and the time of the night passed quickly.

"Ye Tian, did you sleep all night? I'm sorry

In the early morning, Ning Xue finally wakes up. When she kneads her sleepy eyes, she is moved and sorry to see ye Tianhou leaning on the sofa beside the bed.

She was awake last night, but after ye Tian left, she thought about it seven times and eight times, and finally fell asleep. Unexpectedly, one night later, she saw Ye Tian lying like this.

She knows, ye Tian does so, it is gentleman, it is a kind of respect to her more!

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