"Master Is there no other possibility? "

Ye Tian is silent. After pondering a little, he looks at Wang Duo and asks in a deep voice.

"If you don't wake up, maybe there's a chance to survive in the natural spirit jade. With the only remaining spirit, you can suppress the internal force and wait for those who are against heaven to help us break up the internal force and restore the former physical body. But now, there's no chance." Wang Duo shook his head and sighed bitterly.

Ye Tian is silent. He knows that what Wang Duo said is the truth. He can feel that the power of Wang Duo's body has become stronger than ever, just like an active volcano blocked by people when it is about to erupt.

The present peace is the ultimate terror that will erupt when the future power spreads.

All this makes people sigh, but also makes people feel disappointed. Even if Kunlun is as strong as it used to be, it will be overturned, leading to irreparable.

"Live a good life, pursue the road of Kunlun in the past, and fulfill our wishes. If there is a chance, resurrect the rest. " Wang Duo saw Ye Tian's expression, his face showed a ferocious, but moving smile, a warm voice, immediately, again: "send me on the road."

Now his state is no different from that of death, and even more painful than that of death. It is the greatest relief for him to be able to start when he is awake.

Ye Tian hesitates. At this moment, Wang Duo, no matter what, is a Kunlun monk with a clear mind. Now he has the brand of Kunlun. He can be regarded as a classmate of Kunlun, but he still can't bear to start. But the next moment, his mana is working, and the original spirit fire suddenly twinkles. He knows that if he changes himself into Wang Duo, he will be happy I hope I can die when I am sober, rather than live like a devil.

"Roar!" almost at the same time, Wang Duo suddenly growled, his eyes suddenly red as blood, and became ferocious and terrifying. His flesh wings flapped and sent out a kind of ferocity, but his body was shaking. It was obvious that Wang Duo's residual consciousness was suppressing these negative emotions, but it was on the verge of collapse.

If Wang Duo is an active volcano now, he is about to reach the edge of eruption. Next time, he will be occupied by the marauding demons.

"Do it, kill me, send me on the road!" Wang Duo's body trembles and sends out his last request to Ye Tian.

"Master, I'll take you on the road!" Ye tianmeng clenched his teeth, and immediately made a decisive move. The original spirit fire was shining, and the fire was surging. It was like a rosefinch appearing in the world, flying to Wang Duo, to engulf him and burn him to ashes.

Not only that, but also at this moment, he turned his mana to the peak, exuding the power of terror. He knew that the more powerful he was, the more gratified Wang Duo, who was also a Kunlun monk, would be when he left the world because he knew that Kunlun had successors.

"Boom!" The original spirit fire was extremely powerful. When it came to Wang Duo's body, it enveloped his body in the terrible fire.

"Roar!" Wang Duo's eyes were red with blood and roared with the terrible pain brought by the burning fire all over his body. He immediately approached Ye Tian. The evil nature of robbing and destroying had completely occupied his body and wanted to burn with Ye Tian's jade and stone.

Not only that, along his body, there are more bone spines sticking out like swords to pierce Ye Tian, so as to make him become nothing.

Ye Tian's secret way is not good. He doesn't have any hesitation. With one hand, he uses emperor's fist to fight against Wang Duo. With the other hand, he holds the fierce flying sword tightly. One sword is as fast as a sword. He blocks Wang Duo's bone spurs to avoid being hurt by him.


I don't know how long it has passed, the flame around Wang Duo suddenly disappeared. Not only that, his strange appearance, at this moment, is also in a crazy twist and change, as if he is carrying out some kind of reorganization. Finally, those originally ferocious and terrifying looks like demons, like ice and snow, melt away, and restore the original appearance.

However, although Wang Duo has recovered his original appearance, ye Tian can feel that the breath of vitality emanating from his body is disappearing like flowing water at this moment. It's just that after a few breath, it's going to disappear.

"Master..." Ye Tian sighs, want to stop, but there is no way to change the situation at this moment.

He knew that Wang Duo's body had been completely destroyed by the power of destruction. All the life in Wang Duo's body had been extinguished. What he looked like at this moment was just a reflection when his life came to the end.

This situation, not to mention that he is now only eight levels in the cave, even if he used to have the fighting power of the great friars in Yupu, there is no way to reverse it.

All this made Ye Tian feel sad. Every Kunlun monk he met came to an extremely miserable end and could not get a good death. Is this the fate that all Kunlun monks must face?

"This is my best destination, the best ending, younger martial brother. Thank you. For us, live well, and if possible, revive the others. "From the newly recovered body, the blood color in Wang Duo's eyes faded. Although it was dark, he murmured to Ye Tian with a relaxed smile.

"Don't worry, elder martial brother. I will do my best!" Ye Tian nodded hard and gave a positive answer.

"It's a long time to wait for this day Take me out and have a look at today's world! Take another look, Kunlun

Wang Duo murmured and sighed, immediately, looking at Ye Tian, word by word, eyes with hope, slowly.

At this moment, he is full of vitality and can't move any more. But he hopes to see the long lost sky and Kunlun which is haunted but never seen from now on.

"I'll take you out." Ye Tian nodded, followed, hand suddenly fell on Wang Duo's arm, will he carry on the back, followed closely, fierce sword operation, with two people, toward the dark pit, quickly swept away.

"Master, master..." Fat Taoist sees Ye Tian leave, and his courage is about to break. He wants to chase after ye Tian. He is afraid that there are monsters like Wang Duo in the mine. He takes advantage of Ye Tian's chance to take Wang Duo away and takes away his life.

Just, his speed, where can compare with the speed of fierce soldiers flying sword, can only watch helplessly, ye Tian like streamer, disappeared in the mine.

"It's over It's over... " The fat Taoist priest sat down on the ground and howled bitterly. Especially when he looked at the dark mine ahead, his voice was full of crying.

"What are you crying for?! I don't see. Is Miss Ning still here? Even if I abandon you and me, will you leave Miss Ning alone? Fool The jade emperor heard the wailing voice of the fat Taoist priest. He couldn't help but show his speechless color. After a glance at him, he despised him.

"Great, great, aunt, you must not fly away."

Fat Taoist hears the sound, immediately tears into a smile, and then ran to Ning Xue's side, looking at him with a flattering face, the way.

The Jade Emperor listened to this sentence and shook his head speechless. The performance of the fat Taoist made him disappointed to the extreme. He even wondered how he had been fooled by such a liar before. He was really stupid to think that this fool could help himself solve these problems!

"This is the world today That's Kunlun In the past, Kunlun had such a snowstorm.... "

At the same time, ye Tian and Wang Duo appear in the sky outside the mine. They are bathed in the wind and snow. Wang Duo turns his head and looks at the shadowy Kunlun Mountains in the wind and snow, murmuring.

What's more, at this moment, he has a bright smile on his face. Although he has gone through endless years, at this moment, he seems to have become the young man before he stepped into nature Lingyu again. He is simple and clean, and has unlimited vision for the future in his heart!

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