After a while, a bowl of mutton soup came to the bottom

Steaming mutton soup into the stomach, Yunfei immediately feel, the body becomes warm, all the chill are dissipated.

"If it's not enough, add it again. It's cold on the mountain. There's something in the stomach to resist the cold wind. We are all people in the Jianghu. There's no need to pretend to be a lady in front of me. It's OK. " Ye Tian can see that this bowl of mutton soup doesn't satisfy Yunfei, so he looks at her and says with a smile.

Hearing this, Yunfei looks at Ye Tian awkwardly. Then she goes to the pot and adds a big bowl to herself, and cuts two pieces of roast mutton.

Cloud Fei this time, be regarded as suffer a big crime!

Ye Tian looks at Yunfei's wolf like eating method, and he can't help sighing.

In the past, Yunfei's image in his heart was that kind of fairy who didn't eat fireworks between people. When eating, she was slow. No matter what she did, it was light. It seemed that everything in the world could be ignored by him.

But now Yunfei, where there is a little bit of the old fairy look.

But the more so, the more respect Ye Tian had for Yunfei.

You know, Yunfei didn't have to suffer this crime, but she was for her younger martial sister. He even felt that he was afraid that Yunfei was ready to ignore life and death when she decided to come to Kunlun to look for snow rabbit.

For the sake of the younger martial sister of the same school, I can't help but be moved by my sense of loyalty.

It's snow leopard, looking at Yunfei's eating, the color of resentment in Sen Green's big eyes, at this moment, it has become rich again.

It felt vaguely that, according to this way of eating, I'm afraid I would lose the idea of picking up some leftovers. I'm sure I can't taste the taste of mutton soup and roast mutton.

Fortunately, although Yunfei was very hungry, she was a girl after all. She didn't eat much. After drinking a bowl of mutton soup, she didn't continue.

"Don't look around. Come and have dinner. The rest is yours..." Seeing this, ye Tian took out a large iron basin, threw the remaining soup and half baked leg into the iron basin, and waved to the snow leopard crouching in the corner of the cave, laughing.

On hearing Ye Tian's words, the snow leopard ran over in a hurry, and then, like a sudden plunge into the iron basin, began to chew with a bang.


Ye Tian looks at the snow leopard's appearance and shakes his head with a bitter smile, and scolds with a smile.

However, he also knows that the reason why snow leopards want to drink mutton soup and roast mutton is not that these things are fragrant, but that they also need the salt. After all, if they want to live in the freezing Kunlun Mountains, the salt must be indispensable.

Many snow leopards usually like to lick the soil layer on the rock wall in some saline alkali land to meet the body's demand for nutrients.

The taste of salt and alkali is not as good as that of refined salt.

After a while, the snow leopard licked the big iron basin clean, even chewed the bone of the roasted leg into pieces and vomited on the ground.

Not only that, after eating these things, snow leopard is even more satisfied, actually take the initiative to rub the big head on Ye Tian and Yunfei, to show intimacy, this scene, make ye Tian and Yunfei can't help laughing.

"Have a good rest. We'll go back to the market when the snow stops tomorrow."

Immediately, ye Tian looks at Yun Fei and says with a smile that he knows that the reason why Yun Fei's situation is so serious this time is that in addition to the severe cold, another reason is the serious lack of rest and a good sleep. For her, it's more effective than taking any panacea!

"Well, thank you."

Yunfei understands that ye Tian is understanding himself. Otherwise, with his strength, he will go to Kunlun to return to the market.

"Good night, see you in the morning."

Ye Tian nodded with a smile, and immediately put out the campfire, leaving only some embers to provide temperature.

As night fell, the whole cave fell into the dark, but listening to each other's breathing, whether ye Tian or Yunfei, at this moment, there was a feeling that the way was not clear, just like some invisible fog flowing in the air.

In the end, it was the snoring of snow leopard, which finally broke the atmosphere and became the best lullaby to let them fall asleep.

A night without words, soon, it was the next morning.

Ye Tian wakes up early, makes a bonfire, and rolls some raw meat sealed in the snow into a pot of mutton soup.

After drinking the mutton soup, they set out to go to Kunlun Guixu. However, what ye Tian didn't expect was that the snow leopard didn't know whether he was addicted to the mutton soup or whether he was really turned into a sticky cat. He ran around them and became a pioneer. From time to time, he took two snow rabbits to offer treasure to Ye Tian.

"Your charm is really great. Even the snow leopard has been conquered by you..."Yunfei looked at the scene and was amazed.

You know, snow leopard, a wild animal, is extremely fierce and tenacious. Even if it is raised from childhood, it can not be domesticated. But now, such a big snow leopard, just a short day, has become like Ye Tian's pet, not seen with his own eyes, who dares to believe it is true!

"I also think that my charm is great..." Ye Tian heard this, smilingly raised eyebrows, and then joked: "how, have you conquered?"

I'm going to say something wrong

After all, after yesterday's events, Yunfei's attitude towards him has always been strange. If Yunfei misunderstands something, it's not good.

At the same time, the cloud Fei hears this words, also is already will attain the head to droop, in the vision some bashful, also some Youyuan.

Even if you conquer yourself, after all, it is impossible.

What's Yunfei's expression? Is she interested in me?!

Ye Tian sees Yunfei's expression, his expression suddenly changes, his eyebrows slightly wrinkle, and his secret way is not good.

A Ning Xue, now has let him some dilemma, feel like a slag man, if say, one more cloud Fei, then what to do?!

"Meow Meow... "

At this time, the snow leopard suddenly rushed to the front of a few big stones, growled low, followed closely, jumped over.

"Beast! The beast surnamed Ye bullies us, and you also bullies us. Do you really think our brothers are soft persimmons? "

Without waiting for ye Tian to spread his divine perception, the voices of Chen Qiang and Ma Teng came immediately after walking along the big stone.

These two goods are so lucky that they are still alive? But the luck of both of them is really bad!

Ye Tian hears the sound and raises his eyebrows slightly, showing a playful smile.

"Beast, take off your skin and make a fur coat for your grandfather!"

Immediately after that, Chen Qiang and Ma Teng, who had a piece of antelope skin rolled on their body, rushed out from behind the boulder, holding a sharp stick to kill the snow leopard.


But before they could wait for their sticks to fall, they heard a low cough not far away. When they blinked, they immediately saw that ye Tianzheng was standing not far away, smiling at them.

He's still alive Why is he still alive

This scene, let Chen Qiang and Ma Teng instantly dull, can't believe looking at Ye Tian, suddenly sprouted a kind of want to cry without tears mood.

They thought that after the avalanche, even if ye Tianxiu was extremely high, he would be killed in the wind and snow if he could enter the ice cave to save people. So they took the opportunity to escape and kill two antelopes. They used their skin to keep warm and flesh to feed themselves. Only today can they survive.

But where do they think, ye Tian actually survived, and intact, as if, that terrible avalanche with him, just like Pediatrics!

Almost at the same time, snow leopard felt the strong breath of these two people and was extremely smart. She turned around and ran. Then she hid behind Ye Tian, stretched out her head from his leg and rubbed it on her thigh. It was like asking Ye Tian to do justice to him!

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