"I really haven't enjoyed it for a long time. Let's treat you two as appetizers."

The young girl did not panic when she saw the man's action. On the contrary, a smile of expectation appeared in the corner of her mouth. It seemed that for her, the two male passengers were the prey, while she was the hunter.


When the girl raised her arm, the fist thick stick that the male passenger smashed down was blocked in two by her.


Then the girl flew up and the man with the stick fell to the ground.


This scene, directly to the leading male passenger to see, stupefied, staring at the young girl, for a long time did not respond.

At this time, the young girl smiles indifferently, reaches for her hand to pick up the broken stick and throws it at the leading male passenger.


As soon as the stick was thrown out, it came to the front of the passenger's chest like a sharp arrow. Then the sharp fracture surface of the stick, like a piece of tofu, went directly into the passenger's chest, and the blood gushed out.

But even so, the young girl still did not stop. With a lift of her hand, another broken stick, like a sharp blade, stabbed into the chest of the male passenger who was kicked to the ground by her foot.

In the blink of an eye, there was a bloody smell in the woodland. Looking around, it was full of blood red.

All from the beginning to the end, but just less than four or five minutes!

How strong and murderous the girl is!

Ye Tian's eyes are slightly surprised. Judging from the girl's skill, he has already judged that this girl is definitely a well-trained professional killer. She learns all kinds of killing skills in one move.

But for the two dead guys, ye Tian doesn't have any sympathy in his heart.

This kind of cowardly, vicious and despicable guy deserves to die.

"You've got a lot of guts!"

At this time, the young girl has swept her eyes towards Ye Tian. When she saw that he was still sitting quietly in the same place without any fear, she raised her eyebrows and said faintly.

"You're good, too."

Ye Tian gets up and responds faintly.

"The people I killed, these are all mine. "

no matter what blood stains, the young girl fumbled in the pockets of the two male passengers, took out two wallets and stuffed all the money in them into her own pockets.

The leaf day didn't matter to see her one eye, turn round then continue to walk toward the mountain.

The young girl casually looked for some dead leaves, covered the bodies of the two male passengers, and then continued to follow Ye Tian to the mountains.

If there is no dialogue between the two people, I'm afraid they will be mistaken for a couple of young lovers who have leisure in the mountains.

Soon, the young girl found something unusual.

It is obvious that ye Tian didn't go to the mountain to see the scenery. He didn't even stop for a long time. Instead, he was looking at some strange places like cold stone cracks

"This guy, what are you looking for..."

The young girl frowned slightly, and her heart was full of doubts. But along the way, ye Tian didn't mention anything about why she would be found no matter how she hid. She could only suppress her doubts and continue to stare at Ye Tian.

"There must be dew grass on this mountain!"

All the way to climb, the closer to the top of the mountain, the stronger the aura of heaven and earth, which makes Ye Tian's mouth gradually draw a touch of radian.

However, the dew grass can not only increase vitality, but also improve cultivation. I hope it hasn't been discovered by the mountain people yet.

"Wheezing Wheezing... "

Climbing all the way, just as we were approaching the top of the mountain, the bushes in front of us swayed and there were heavy breathing sounds.


The next second, two wild boars with red hair, white tusks, nearly 1.5 meters in length and two or three hundred jin in weight rushed out of the bush with a few small wild boars, just to bump into Ye Tian and them.

"What a big boar..."

Although the young girl was good at it, she couldn't help being stunned when she saw the two huge wild boars.

"Wheezing Wheezing... "

At this time, the two wild boars with their cubs suddenly showed fierce light in their eyes. They walked wildly, and then rushed towards Ye Tian and the young girl.

Why are these two wild boars so fierce!

Ye Tian saw this and frowned.

You know, although pigs are synonymous with stupidity, they are actually extremely intelligent.

The wild boar is an omnivore, not a carnivore. He and the young girl didn't provoke them at all. They should have gone their own way. How could they hurt people"Damn it

At this time, the young girl saw this, her eyes were cold, she reached out and picked up a stone, then threw it at the wild boar heavily, trying to drive them away.


To the surprise of the young girl, even an adult would be knocked to the ground when she threw this stone. However, when it hit the boar, the stone fell apart like a piece of iron. The boar didn't even snort. The ferocity didn't decrease. He continued to "snort Wheezing... " They're coming straight at them.

As soon as the young girl's eyes were cold, she was ready to pick up a bigger stone.

"Don't waste your time, it's useless!"

Ye Tian saw the young girl's movements and said in a deep voice.

Wild boar has few natural enemies in the deep mountains and forests. After eating and drinking enough, it likes to roll in the mud and then rub with the old trees.

Over time, their skin has been covered with mud and resin to form a thick layer of natural armor.

Don't say it's a stone, even if it's a flying knife or iron nail, it's impossible to plunge into them.

The young girl's smashing will not hurt the wild boars, but will increase their ferocity.

"You don't care about me! "

the young girl gave a cold voice to Ye Tian, picked up a big Bluestone and threw it at the boar.


When a stone fell, the boar didn't even shake his body. After throwing the stone away, he shook his body indifferently. Then he stared at the young girl, hummed twice, bowed his head, ran with all his hooves and tusks up, and rushed to the young girl. It seemed that he was going to use his tusks to put her through.

"Damn it..." Even the young girls are used to the big scenes of life and death. They have many lives on their hands. But where have they seen this kind of invulnerable fool? For a moment, they are all at a loss.

"The wind is coming!"

But at this time, ye Tian suddenly stretched out his hand forward, cold and indifferent.


Almost at the moment when ye Tian's words fell, in the silent mountain forest, suddenly there was a strong wind, followed by a pale green wind blade, like a terrible long knife, appeared in Ye Tian's hands out of thin air.

"This This is... "

Seeing this scene, the young girl's eyes were wide open. She stepped back uncontrollably and looked at Ye Tian in horror.

She can't understand how ye Tian can control the wind and make the wind condense into a long knife.

All this, for her, is too incredible, never seen, never heard of.

Even to put it bluntly, it subverts her understanding of the world!

"Disease Ye Tian ignores the young girl's panic, such as Tianxian, gently waving her hand forward.


In an instant, the wind blade came out and fell heavily on the ground in front of the boar.

A blow down, dust splashing, sand flying, hit the jungle rustle.

"Hum "Hum..."

After the dust fell, the wild boar, which came towards the young girl, was stuck in a gully about one meter wide, deep and long. His body twisted wildly and his eyes were full of fear.

And the other wild boar, who was going to follow him, also trembled and stepped back.

As for the little wild boars, they were lying on the grass, humming and hawing.

He Is he a fairy

The young girl looked at this horrible scene which was almost created by a shell. After leaning against the tree, she stabilized her trembling body. Looking at Ye Tian, she was not only frightened, but also revered!

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