The requirement of pulling Hou Yi's bow on mana and power is very high, and the cost of mana is also very great. The peak cultivation of Qingshan monk's sea view can only be pulled to half open, Rao is so, it also costs nearly half of mana.

In addition to consuming a large amount of divine thoughts to manipulate Hou Yi's arrow, it also requires the divine thoughts to lock Hou Yi's arrow and target all the time, and it also needs mana to bless him at any time.

At this time, monk Qingshan was in a state of excessive consumption of mind and mana. Originally, with his idea, ye Tian could be killed with one arrow, so he used this unknown card.

What he didn't expect was that ye Tian could avoid repeatedly under Hou Yi's arrow.

Moreover, ye Tian didn't know what method he used to suppress Hou Yi's arrow, which made Hou Yi's arrow lose control and fall to the ground quickly. The monk Qingshan broke out his magic power and divine thought twice in succession, but he couldn't take back Hou Yi's arrow. He couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and his heart was cold.

Looking at the flash of Ye Tian's figure, monk Qingshan cut off the divine connection with Houyi arrow and turned to fly to the location of the burly monk in the distance.

Hou Yigong consumed a lot of his mana and divine thoughts. Now he has no confidence to fight ye Tian again.


Ye Tian, who is in the process of pursuing and killing, suddenly bends his finger to pop up the golden ball and shoots it at the monk Qingshan. With a bang, the golden light explodes behind him.

The green shirt Friar's body suddenly smothers, and ye Tian's flying sword has been cut to the edge of thunder. A red sword light shield reflects his whole body red to the green shirt friar.

The voice of Buddhist Chanting is still hovering in my mind. The monk Qingshan's idea is booming, and the influence of illusion is being washed away. Almost at the same time, he points to the flying sword around him, and the flying sword rises to meet Ye Tian's fierce flying sword.


the two swords collided with each other, making a clear sound. The fierce soldier's flying sword knocked open the green shirt Friar's flying sword, rebounded slightly, and then chopped down the green shirt friar again with the light of the sword flashing.

The friar in green shirt stepped back, reached for the sword, held it in his hand, and welcomed the fierce soldier again.

In this short period of time, ye Tian followed the Feijian to kill him, and the left fist was ready to break the empty fist. A red shadow of the fist came out and hit the monk Qingshan.

There was only a distance of less than two Zhang between them. Facing the attack of Ye Tian's fists and swords, monk Qingshan couldn't help changing his face. At such a distance, with the speed of breaking empty fist, he had no time to dodge, so he had to wave a wall Taoist art to resist the fierce attack of breaking empty fist.

The shadow of the fist hit the earth wall. With a bang, the earth wall was scattered. The shadow of the fist smashed it away in a flash, and the rest of the force continued to hit the monk Qingshan.

In a panic, the green shirt friar made a right fist and hit the shadow. The two collided fiercely, and the shadow disappeared in the sky.

But the green shirt monk was also under the fierce attack of Ye Tian. His right fist was dripping with blood and his body was flying backward.

"Emperor boxing!"

Ye Tian keeps up with him and chases the figure of the monk Qingshan. He doesn't hesitate to make a fist.

At this time, monk Qingshan's mana cost is extremely serious, and his body is in a state of imbalance. Facing Ye Tian's strong fist, he quickly gathers a layer of earth armor on his body.

The earth armor has just formed, and ye Tian's fist has fallen on his chest.

More than 100000 Jin of force smashed the earth armor and landed firmly in front of the monk Qingshan's chest. With a dull sound, "bang", a stream of blood came out of the monk Qingshan's mouth. His chest was smashed and deformed instantly. The broken bones pierced into his heart and his body was like a sandbag flying out into the distance.

All this happened in a very short moment, at this time, the companion of green shirt friar, the burly friar, was about ten feet away.

Ye Tian doesn't pay attention to this person, and goes straight to the figure of green shirt friar.

Then another sword flashed straight away. This time, the sword cut off the man's head without any hindrance.

Ye Tian's body doesn't stop. He shoots at the corpse. In the blink of an eye, he reaches for it. He grabs the green shirt monk's arm and lets it go. His Xumi ring is already in Ye Tian's hand.

A burst of ecstasy in Ye Tian's heart, and then suddenly turned around, the golden ball of light in his hand popped up.

The burly monk's face changed, he suddenly turned around, and the sword ran away. In a moment, he ran away.

Ye Tian's eyes change, and finally he can't let go. He calls back the golden ball, turns and flies away from here.

A moment later, he found Hou Yi's arrow on the ground that he had shot down. He took a black object from the shaft and put it away.

This is exactly the one yuan heavy water that ye Tian got from Changbai Mountain. It was embedded in the arrow shaft by Ye Tian's means. No matter how powerful the monk Qingshan's magic power was, he could not control more than 100000 Hou Yi's arrows.

The green shirt monk didn't think out until he died. What kind of means did ye Tian use to break Hou Yi's arrow.

If Hou Yi's arrow and one yuan heavy water had not been recovered, ye Tian would not have let go of the last monk of the enemy easily.

Seeing that the man had disappeared, ye Tian released his mind and made a mark on the monk's Xumi ring. Then with a gesture, the bow of Hou Yi appeared in his hand.The arrow was on the bowstring. When ye Tian pulled the bowstring a little, he felt that the bowstring was like a boundless black hole, and his mana poured out onto the bowstring.

Ye Tian released the bowstring in a hurry, and satisfied himself with the bow and arrow.

Later, ye Tian took out the phone and dialed an Yiyi. When the phone was connected, ye Tian was relieved.

"Where are you? Are you in danger? "

There was a lot of noise on the other side of the phone. Anyi was almost shouting back: "brother, are you ok? Are you out? I'm so worried. My grandfather is flying with me

"I'm ok. I killed two and one ran away. Tell your grandfather not to fight the sword. It's dangerous in the air. If you fall to the ground, find a safe place to escape for a while and improve your cultivation. If there is no place to go, go to the Qin family manor in Jiangnan City to find Qiu Changchun and call me there. " Ye Tian worried that they would run away from the burly friar, and quickly reminded him.

"OK, I'll tell my grandfather, brother, you should pay attention to safety." Anyi cried out.

"OK, that's it. Call me whenever you need anything!"

Ye Tian just hung up the phone, seems to be aware of looking to the distant sky, that direction, with the naked eye can not see anything, the same blue sky clouds.

However, ye Tian's mind coverage has reached 3000-4000 feet, so he naturally has a sense.

At the moment when he felt it, there were seven streamers coming from the direction he had just seen.

Without hesitation, ye Tian's sword flies in the opposite direction.

Now he is not sure the exact realm of these seven people, but from the speed point of view, they are not inferior to the previous three people.

Ye Tianyi, a pair of three, was extremely reluctant. After seven, he was not confident that he could retreat completely. In particular, that direction was the direction of the burly Friar's escape. Maybe he was his partner!

Ye Tian was watching the situation behind him. The seven black spots in the sky were bigger in a short time. With the passage of time, the black spots became bigger and bigger. After a while, he was able to recognize the human form.

"It's the big friar!"

After a few breath, ye Tian's mind has clearly observed that one of them is the fish who escaped.

It seems to be another fierce battle!

With each other's speed, ye Tian knows that it's not easy to get rid of them, so he can only act according to the situation, looking for opportunities to break each one.

It's also because of the liquid of nature. If ye Tian didn't have such a treasure that can quickly recover his mana, he would not be so confident. His fighting experience can only make up for a part of the gap, and suihuangguan's idea can only make up for a part of the gap. After all, if the gap in cultivation level is too big, it can't be made up by dexterity.

Just like an ant, no matter how fierce the war is, it can defeat other ants at most. If a big foot falls down, it will surely be destroyed.

This is the age of the law of the jungle, that is, the world where the strong are respected. Everything is based on strength.

Feeling the closer and closer pursuit behind him, ye Tian draws the original spirit fire from the Dantian and begins to weave the spirit fire lotus.

This kind of magic power is most suitable for facing a group of enemies, because it can only be used once in a short time. Ye Tian will not use it easily when he has to.

Just like the grimace mask in xumijie, he never uses it until he is in a critical moment of life and death.

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