One before and one after, six figures flashed in the sky like meteors.

At one moment, the friar in blue shirt spewed a mouthful of blood essence into his flying sword. He chanted a word in his mouth. Then he drank "blood bite", and the white flying sword turned into bright red in an instant. Then the red light flashed, turned into a red line, and flew to Ye Tian. Its speed was nearly twice as fast as before.

"Third Elder martial brother, why use hemophage for this?" A beautiful nun behind the blue shirt monk saw the scene and exclaimed with concern.

You should know that although this blood eating secret method is extremely powerful, it will cause certain degree of damage to the performer's body. It takes ten and a half days to recover. If it's not a last resort, it won't be used easily.

Even in Fangcun Lingyu, the Third Elder martial brother in danger didn't use this secret method when Dongzhen market was fighting with Danxia Fudi.

Since the Third Elder martial brother used this secret skill, and the other side was a little monk in the early stage of the sea watching realm, the four monks, including the nun, were relieved. Since the secret skill of blood eating came out, there was no suspense about the chase.

Waiting for the result of that Danxia blessed monk, there is only one way out.

The blood line quickly shortens the distance from ye Tian, and ye Tian's mind always pays attention to the situation behind him. When the blood line is about to arrive behind him, he also spurts out a mouthful of blood essence, and his breath rises rapidly. The speed of the flying sword at his feet increases sharply, which once again draws a distance from the red line of the flying sword.

"Hum, unexpectedly, he also used the secret skill to increase his strength. However, it's useless. As soon as the blood comes out, he can't escape death!" the blue shirt friar snorted coldly and followed the red line.

At this time, ye Tian's face in front of him is gloomy. As a great monk in the square inch spiritual realm, how can he not know what blood bite is?

For this kind of secret skill, practitioners need to practice a secret method called "blood evil" first, take the Qi of Yin to condense blood evil, and then use flying sword as the carrier to display blood bite.

There is evil spirit in the sword. The blood mist emitted by the flying sword contains this kind of evil spirit. There is no need for the flying sword to attack directly. As long as the blood mist lingers and the opponent gets a touch of it, the blood evil spirit will enter the body and coagulate with his own blood.

If the blood is broken by the evil spirit, the blood will coagulate and die.

Only those with high level of cultivation can suppress blood evil from entering the body, can they be free from the influence of blood evil. Even the friars at the same level will regard blood evil as a plague and avoid it.

Because the blood evil spirit is extremely difficult to refine, so even if this kind of secret skill is declared to be magnificent in the square inch spiritual realm, few people can refine it.

I didn't expect that the disciple of the Dongzhen market had made such a secret skill. Knowing the power of this skill, ye Tian couldn't break it for the time being, so he had to use it to improve his cultivation temporarily.

Ye Tian's speed rises abruptly, and the blood line opens up a distance, but his heart also secretly says that it's dangerous!

If the blood line gets closer to half a minute, it will turn into a ghost fog. At that time, you can't avoid it. Although there is a liquid of nature that can delay the erosion of the blood ghost, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. The opponent still has five strong players. In a bloody battle, you certainly don't have a bargain.

In the blink of an eye, the blood line chases Ye Tian and flies tens of miles in the sky. After a while, ye Tian's secret method of temporarily increasing speed will be invalid. He has already locked the ghost mask in Xumi ring and is ready to use it at any time to kill these five people.

However, this mask of grimace can improve one's cultivation in three realms, namely, the cultivation of Yuanying realm. Even if one of the three top monks in the sea viewing realm has reached the half step Longmen realm, it's not worth using it.

After all, according to Hua Xu, this object can only be used three times, and after three times, it becomes waste.

Ye Tian doesn't know how dangerous the road ahead is and how many high-level monks he will meet, but this will certainly happen. Therefore, he is always hesitating whether to waste this precious opportunity.

Between hesitation, ye Tian suddenly had an idea. A familiar scene from the far ground came into view. Three continuous peaks, like a pen holder, stand tall in the boundless forest with the uncanny workmanship of nature.

Jiuxi primeval forest, Bijia mountain.

Once upon a time, when Qin Luoshen's plane crashed, he fell into the primeval forest of Jiuxi. He came to look for it with his sword and passed by.

At that time, due to the peculiar shape of the mountain, I paid more attention to it.

Yes, it's Bijiashan.

Ye Tian made a confirmation, then the fierce sword sank suddenly, the flying height dropped sharply, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and flew towards Bijia mountain.

Ten miles away from Bijia mountain, there is a small stream. Beside the stream, there is a valley with natural life and death rhyme field.

That is Death valley.

Ye Tian originally went to a small town near the primeval forest of Jiuxi in Western Fujian to explore the valley of death. It was only when he met Anyi that these changes occurred.

"Lei Mi!"

"Earth wall!"

At this time, ye Tian's secret method has come to an end. His speed has dropped down a little. Seeing that the red line behind him is close to a distance, ye Tian drinks twice. Several thunderbolts fall from the sky with a terrible momentum and fall on the blood line. At the same time, a thick wall keeps in front of the blood line.Blood line suddenly struck by lightning, a little shaking, through the wall, continue to shoot toward Ye Tian.

Although these two Taoist Arts only blocked the blood line for a breath and a half, ye Tian's body shape has already opened a distance, lowered the height, and rushed to the death valley against the ground.

There are many bones in the valley. Ye Tian ignores it and flies into the valley of death at the moment when he catches up with the blood line.

At the moment of entering the valley, the fierce sword at the foot of Ye Tian turns to the side to avoid the direction of the blood line. The blood line flies straight into the valley of death. During the flight, the blood line suddenly turns into the body of the sword. Under the impact of inertia, it flies a certain distance and lands on the ground.

Ye Tian holds the fierce sword and walks into the valley for more than ten steps. Then he stops and looks out of the valley.

The rhyme field of life and death in the valley of death cuts off the vitality of heaven and earth. Once the blood line flies into the valley of death, the blue shirt friars outside the valley naturally lose control of the red line.

In this way, no matter how severe the blood bite is, it will break itself.

At this time, outside the valley of death, the blue shirt Friar and four of his disciples had fallen into shape.

"Bloodbite cracked, flying sword out of control, this valley can isolate mana?" Looking at Ye Tian and the flying sword in the valley, the friar murmured to himself.

Then, he took out a map from xumijie, looked at it carefully, and put it away: "yes, this is the destination of our trip, death valley. It seems that there are really many strange things!"

"Even if it's weird, what can we do? The boy of Danxia Fudi has entered. How can we not enter? I'll go first and find out the truth. " The burly friar spoke in a low voice, not caring.

The friar in blue shirt pondered for a moment and nodded: "OK, go to see the situation inside. If there is anything wrong, come out immediately! It seems that the man is not afraid of us going in. Be careful of his tricks. Safety first. "

"Don't worry, Third Elder martial brother. I'll be careful this time. I won't be taken by that thief." The big friar nodded, holding the flying sword, and stepped into the valley of death step by step.

At the moment when the burly friar entered the mouth of the valley, he suddenly saw Ye Tian disappear from where he was, and his mind could not lock his position. The burly friar had been ready for a long time. He immediately stepped back, and the flying sword circled in front of him to protect his body, so as to prevent Ye Tian from stealth attack.

In the light of sword flying, the big monk's face changed greatly with a light voice.

The speed of his retreat was not fast, and it was only three or two steps into the mouth of the valley, but the short distance seemed endless, and he could not get close to the mouth of the valley in any case.

At the same time, he also found that when the mana was used, he could not communicate with the vitality of heaven and earth. In this valley, there seemed to be a kind of invisible five qualities. The invisible things were eroding his body and consuming his vitality. The loss of mana was faster than expected.

Feeling these strange situations, the burly monk was shocked in his heart and ran out of the valley again. He was still as close as before, and could not get out of the mouth of the valley.


All of a sudden, a wind was heard, and the burly friar flashed to the side in a hurry. However, he felt that his shoulder was like a heavy hammer, and his body was inclined to fly out. He fell more than ten feet away and fell to the ground.

A mouthful of blood gushed from his mouth, and the burly monk looked at the place where he was attacked.

At the mouth of the empty valley, ye Tian slowly shows his figure.

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