Ye Tian nodded slightly and threw the nun in his hand to Qiu Changchun: "if they kill innocent people indiscriminately, kill this woman immediately!"

"Don't worry, Lord, you will live up to your mission!" Qiu Changchun nodded calmly. His sword was on the nun's shoulder and close to the snow-white neck. With a little effort of his wrist, his head would fall to the ground.

"Everybody, go to that mountain first!" Ye Tian pointed to the mountain in the distance and said with a smile.

Friar Lu took a cold look at the nun under the sword and took the others to fly in the direction pointed by Ye Tian. However, they did not fly to the top of the mountain, but stopped over the field three or four miles away from the manor.

"Here it is! It should not affect the qinjiazhuang village! " The friar surnamed Lu said categorically, and there seemed to be no room for discussion in his tone.

"All right!" Ye Tian thinks that although this distance is not an absolute safe distance, if the other party has any tricks and he has enough time to deal with them, he doesn't care about it.

"Who's going to fight

Friar Lu's eyes swept over the other 11 people one by one, and finally fell on a young man with square mouth and wide ears: "brother Leng, go!"

Although she said that, she said to the man with a divine voice: "this man has suppressed the realm of cultivation. Her cultivation should also be a sea watching realm. Otherwise, even if she is attacked by stealth, she will not have the power to fight back. You have a way to get rid of invisibility, but you must be careful. Try to capture this person alive, discard the elixir field and exchange for Zhiyuan's younger martial sister. It's not too late to slaughter the village. "

"Understand!" the cold surname Friar's divine voice should be a, out of the line more than ten Zhang distance, came to Ye Tian nearby, the expression on the face did not change at all, it seems that there is no such thing as the previous voice.

"Come on, Lord Ye, let Leng learn your magic skill!"

The friar surnamed Leng released his flying sword. At one point on the body of the sword, the flying sword hummed and vibrated, then turned into a cold light, circled half a circle in the air and cut it down to Ye Tian. Almost at the same time, there was a whine sound in the mouth, and the visible circular ripples spread to the four directions with themselves as the center, just like the ripples aroused when the stone fell into the quiet pool.

"I see!" There was a sneer on Ye Tian's lips. Before the flying sword fell, his figure suddenly flashed. The flying sword in his hand suddenly fell to the friar. Almost at the same time, he drew a vague shadow at his feet. In a moment, he was in front of the friar Leng.

As soon as the monk's face changed, a blade of wind came out and floated back.

Ye Tian smashes the wind blade with his right hand. His body is like a maggot of tarsal bone. He follows the friar surnamed Leng with another blow and hits him on his belly.

The friar with the surname Leng snorted and slowly piled on the ground.

All this only happened in a flash. With the help of the spirit weapon boots, ye Tian completed this attack perfectly.

"Brother Leng, how about it?" Friar Lu rushed forward and asked in a deep voice. He already had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Elder martial brother Lu, I'm useless, too! Kill this man, revenge The cold friar with square mouth and wide ears looks at Ye Tian angrily with a dejected color on his face, and his eyes are about to burst out anger.

"Well, you're fine! Do you dare to ask whether Lord Ye is from Fangcun Lingyu The friar surnamed Lu looks away from the younger martial brother Leng, looks at Ye Tian, and asks in a deep voice.

"Only now? Are the disciples of Danxia blessed land so backward Ye Tian smiles and his eyes are full of banter.

"I can't see that you actually know that we are from Danxia Fudi? Now that you know it, you dare to fight against Fudi. It seems that you have something to rely on? Come on, who are you? " Friar Lu's eyes twinkled.

"Now that I've said that, there's no need to hide it. You won't be so forgetful about the Liangzi between Dongzhen market and Danxia blessed land, will you?" While ye Tian was talking, he nodded a few times on the cold friar who collapsed on the ground and restrained him with a unique technique.

"Dongzhen market? You, a disciple of Dongzhen market, are not looking for death here? " The young man surnamed Lu snorted coldly. A short black gun appeared in his hand and shot hard at Ye Tian.

The short gun is only one meter long. It turns into a black line and makes a dizzy whine sound. It shoots in front of Ye Tian.

In Ye Tian's hand, there is a mountain axe from Luo Zhan. Facing the short gun, he knocks hard.

With a loud bang, the shotgun was knocked to the distance by a mountain axe containing more than 200000 Jin of force. There's almost no trace.

"Good gun!" after ye Tian's praise in his heart, the axe in his hand turns into a virtual shadow, and he throws it at the friar surnamed Lu.

Almost at the same time, a small mirror appeared on Ye Tian's hand, which could emit cold air. With the magic power coming in, a white mask came to the friar surnamed Lu.

The monk Lu's eyes were slightly fixed and his body was in a flash. He wanted to avoid the white light. He would not easily touch the unknown things. Who knows if he would touch the other's way?

However, although his figure was fast, the white light was faster. As soon as the friar surnamed Lu moved, he was covered by the white light.

A piercing cold seeped into the bone marrow, and half of the body felt a little stiff.

But ye Tian turned into a virtual shadow again and appeared in front of him. At the moment of appearance, his right hand had been patted on the belly of friar Lu."Poof", the magic power penetrates into the elixir field, just like thousands of swords, destroying the elixir field of the opponent.

His powerful mana leans outwards from the elixir field. The years of hard work of Lu's youth are abandoned by Ye Tian.

"Encircle and kill!"

The other ten monks see the scene, eyes canthus want to crack, I do not know who is a drink, many flying swords with a terrible momentum to Ye Tian cut down.


The momentum of Ye Tian's view of the sea exploded in the middle period. Under the control of his mind, the axe in the distance turned into a white light about the size of a house and flew to the monks.

Almost at the same time, his body moves, his right fist blows out continuously, and he smashes six or seven flying swords one after another. With the help of the spirit weapon boots, his body is full of empty shadows of Ye Tian.

We can't tell which is Ye Tian's noumenon and which is Ye Tian's virtual shadow.




The shadow of Ye Tian's fist falls in a riot of colors, and is patted on the Dantian of monk Danxia Fudi time and again.

With the sound of a road issued, some people have been abandoned by Ye Tian cultivation.

Up to now, ye Tian has fully adapted to this immortal body, and even more adapted to the combat effectiveness of the mid-term realm of the sea watching realm.

The shadow of the fist is constantly sent out, and the friars of Danxia blessed land are flapped by Ye Tian one after another.


When the last sound falls, ye Tian's shadow disappears suddenly, and finally he recovers himself and stands on the field.

All the twelve friars, including the friar surnamed Lu, were abandoned by Ye Tian and their ability of action was controlled.

A pair of eyes looking at Ye Tian, face shocked despair expression.

"Lord Qiu, bring people here!"

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd and sent out a message to the distance.

Several figures came here with flying swords. They were the six hall owners. Behind them were many disciples of the Miluo palace and all the people of the Qin family, and even the God of Qin Luo.

Ye Tian walks to the monks who have abandoned their cultivation, takes down their Xumi precepts one by one, and puts away all the spirit soldiers scattered on the ground.

The divine consciousness covers the surroundings, and ye Tian moves again. At a distance, he takes back the black gun that was knocked away.


When they came back again, Qiu Changchun and others had already been on the battlefield. They all cheered excitedly, and their faces were full of adoration.

"Lord Meng, build dungeons in the temple of Miluo, imprison these people and keep them under strict supervision!" Ye TianChao's twelve friars pointed.

"Yes Meng Fang promised to go and collect the prisoners.

"Suzerain, are these the dark monks in Fangcun spirit realm?" Qiu Changchun asked.

Ye Tian shook his head: "they really come from the square inch spiritual realm, but they are not the dark friars. They are another force in the square inch spiritual realm, named Danxia Fudi."

"Won't it be a disaster to keep these people?" Qiu Changchun some don't understand Ye Tian's practice, face confused to ask.

Ye Tian took Qiu Changchun and others to stay away from here, and then said: "you don't know that there is a kind of thing called soul card in Danxia blessed land, which keeps the soul seal of these people. If they die, the soul card will break at the same time, and Danxia blessed land will know that these people have fallen. So we will continue to send people. "

"If we detain them temporarily, though we can't hide them forever, we will fight for some time for us! Go back and search them to see if there is anything else! "

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