
Almost at the moment when his hand fell, the ground suddenly began to tremble for no reason, making people almost unstable, as if a low-intensity earthquake suddenly struck!

"What's going on?"

Underground sudden upheaval, so that the leader of the strong man in black eyes a stagnation, residual light toward the surrounding sweep, but a glance swept, his face expression can not help but solidified.

Except for the area where they are, the people in the car in the distance seem to have noticed nothing, as if the earthquake was just for them.

However, how can there be such a strange earthquake in the world?!



Almost at the same time when he was puzzled, the ground under the feet of his companions was cracked for no reason. More than ten people, like dumplings, fell into the cracks.

What's more strange is that without waiting for these people to make a scream, the cracked soil layer suddenly merged and directly sealed them into the soil layer.

What's more, there is no crack on the closed ground, as if all that just appeared is just an illusion.

"Dream It must be a dream

The leader, a strong man in black, has been completely absent-minded and keeps explaining to himself.


But the next second, he felt that his feet were empty, and the whole person felt a sense of falling. Then he saw that the dark soil around him was rapidly approaching him. Before he gave a dull hum, the world became dark.

At this moment, he knew that it was not a dream, but a reality.

But from now on, he can only dream underground.


Mandala was stunned, constantly pumping air-conditioning, eyes in addition to horror, is no other expression.

"Now that the world is clean, you can tell me something about you."

Ye Tian turns his head and looks at the mandala.

"I used to be a killer of Tiangong. To be exact, I was a killing machine cultivated by Tiangong. From small to large, we learn how to kill a person quickly. At the beginning, I thought that what Tiangong asked us to do was right, and what we were asked to kill were some heinous people to be killed... "

"But then, on a mission, they asked me to kidnap a little girl and cut off her ear to give it to his parents, I realized that I might be wrong. I resisted that time, but I was severely reprimanded "

" later, I got a task assignment. The task was to work for the leader. He asked us to go to a family in Europe to get something. His attitude at that time was very urgent, and 20 killers were dispatched at one time, as if that thing was very important to him. That mission was successful, but I was the only one who died, and that thing was in my hands. "

When Mandala heard Ye Tian's words, she woke up with a touch of bitterness and determination in her eyes, and said slowly: "I don't want to do such things for the prisoner of heaven, nor do I want to have innocent blood on my hands, and I don't want the dragon head to escape because he got what he wanted. As for the next thing, you should be able to guess... "

The truth is that Mandala's situation is pretty miserable!

Ye Tian looked at the mandala. For a moment, he was sighing.

"I've told you all about me. There is no difference between me and the people you just killed. If you can't see it, I have nothing to say about burying them with me. I deserve all this. However, even if it's death, you should let me know. I want to know how these people find me again and again! "

Mandala bit his lower lip, then raised his head, staring at Ye Tian's eyes, stubborn way.

After escaping from the prison, she went to the hotel to change all her clothes and dress up. She also went to the hospital for a general examination to make sure that there was no tracking device implanted in her body.

But even if she was so cautious, the prisoners in heaven seemed to have opened their eyes. No matter where she hid, they would come after her for three or five days, or one or two days at least.

If this matter is not clear, even if she is dead, she feels that she can't close her eyes.

"In fact, it's very simple. You've been left with a Taoist art similar to the one I just used. This kind of Taoist art is called Suozhou. No matter how you hide, the performer can use this kind of Taoist art to detect your position. "

Ye Tian looks at the mandala with a faint smile, and then the mana runs. He grabs the mandala with empty hands and says: "shoot!"

Before the mandala reacts, she feels light, and then a translucent, faint halo, seed like thing floats from her to Ye Tian's palm.

"That's why they've been able to find me all along?"Mandala stares at the "light seed" in Ye Tian's hand for a long time, then his face shows a look of consternation and says: "if so, isn't the dragon head a strong cultivator like you?"

"He should be called a cultivator for such a superficial means? Don't laugh off my big teeth. "

With a sneer, ye Tian's mana works. With a pinch, the seed of light immediately disintegrates and disappears in the air.

Mandala has been a little stunned, she really did not expect that the problem that plagued her for so long was solved so easily by Ye Tian.

"My doubts are clear. You can kill me."

After a long time, Mandala raised her head, closed her eyes and said slowly.

"To kill you? Why am I doing this? "

Ye Tian looks at Mandala strangely, shakes his head, and then says: "you are just under duress, but you are just evil. Why should I kill you? On the contrary, from now on, you will be free, and the killers of Tiangong will never find you again. "

Ye Tian is not a saint who is jealous of evil. He understands that many people in this world will do many things against their heart because of many difficulties.

Are these people villains?

Not necessarily!

Those who use these difficult words to coerce them to do things are the real villains!

At the beginning, Xu Zhaoyun would punish Xu Zhaoyun, but he would not kill him, if he only helped taiyimen do things because taiyimen was forced to stare at his parents.

But unfortunately, in order to survive, Xu Zhaoyun took the initiative to help taiyimen and extended his black hand to his parents.

Therefore, Xu Zhaoyun can't live!

"What are you two doing? You can't talk about love in the car. Do you have to be in this dark corner? A whole load of people are waiting for you two! "

At this time, the driver came panting, looking at the two people, not angry rebuke way.

Ye Tian smiles at the driver and follows him to the bus.

Mandala stares at Ye Tian's back, hesitates for a moment, and then walks quickly.

After getting on the bus and waiting for the car to drive onto the highway, Mandala hesitated for a moment, took out a small bag from her backpack, handed it to Ye Tian, and said, "the things in this bag are what the tap asked us to find. It's useless for me to keep it. Maybe you can use it. Take it as a gift to help me solve my problem. "

Ye Tian looks at the mandala. After opening the bag, there comes out a hollow copper ball the size of a child's fist.

The carving of the hollowed out copper ball is very fine, with various patterns of birds and animals carved on it. At first glance, it is often played by people. The copper is bright, and it looks like pure gold.

Not only that, ye Tian also felt a faint fluctuation of spiritual power from the hollow copper ball.

"Linglong ball, a little interesting..."

Ye Tian holds the hollowed out copper ball and puts it in front of his eyes. After a careful look, his eyes are slightly surprised.

"What does that mean?"

Mandala was obviously curious about the secret of the hollow copper ball and asked in a hurry.

"It's a secret tool for collecting things..."

Ye Tian holds the Linglong ball and bumps up and down, saying: "every Linglong ball must be opened in a corresponding way. If it is broken by brute force, a spirit fire hidden in it will burn the things stored inside, so that the destroyer can get nothing..."

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