The two friars were so frightened that they flew up from the tree and away.

At this time, they couldn't distinguish things, and beat the wire ants on their bodies. They ran for their lives in the same direction, but one thing was the same. They didn't fly tens of meters, and then they fell to the ground with a thump from the air.

Ye Tian was shocked in his heart. The power of the tiexian ant was much stronger than he thought. This time, he used tiexian ant to attack the enemy, mainly to try their combat effectiveness!

Two people fell to the ground, at the beginning, they were still struggling, but soon they did not move any more, let the wire ants gnaw, even did not move.

In this case, there is only one possibility!

Ye Tian calls back the tiexian ant, and goes to one of them to have a look. The head of the man has completely separated from his shoulder, and his whole neck has disappeared. It is obvious that he has been bitten off by tiexian ant.

Not only that, even on the body is also terrible, many places have been bitten by the wire ant exposed bones.

Another person's situation is roughly the same, just as miserable.

Ye Tian takes two people's Xumi commandments and takes out the things inside. Xumi commandments are still thrown away, and then disappear from the original place.

Half an hour later, a group of black shadows appeared out of thin air on a cliff outside the forest where the miasma was extremely strong. Just in a flash, they were attached to the two monks on the cliff.

The fourth level tiexian ant's realm is the same as the Jindan realm of the human friars. Although the body is small and the strength is insufficient, the speed and agility are not comparable to those of the Longmen realm friars.

Just like the remake of the previous scene, the two monks in Longmen had little resistance. The iron line ants were as hard as magic weapons, and the power of fighting could not do any harm to them. In this way, after a simple struggle, the two fell.

Two hours later, in front of a cliff, in the fog, stood a monk with a gloomy face. Ye Tian, who was hiding his breath, was suspended three Zhang behind him.

This man is Yan Tianfang, the leader of Shenjian sect who entered into the valley of spirits.

Up to now, ye Tian has successively cleared four sentries of shenjianzong, which means Tianfang is the last sentry. He is the only one.

Yan Tianfang was looking in the direction of the miasma forest where he was hiding. His hands were behind him, and he kept holding them up and releasing them, which made him feel very restless.

Ye Tian looked around and didn't find any ambush.

Just as he was about to release the tiexian ant, Yan Tianfang suddenly turned around and looked at Ye Tian's position and said coldly, "I've been waiting for you for a long time. Today I'll see where you're going."

While he was talking, he hit a place on the cliff with a magic power. With a bang, a trapped array field with a radius of about 10 Zhang appeared out of thin air and locked Ye Tian and Yan Tianfang in it.

Yan Tianfang looked at Ye Tian's position and laughed: "I don't care how many of us you killed. Today you are dead. Can you still escape here? Remember, you died at the hand of shenjianzong! "

"It seems that I don't need to run away?" Ye Tian shows his figure, and then he releases all the more than 300 Clematis. A black shadow flashes and pours directly at Yan Tianfang.

"What the hell is this?" Yan Tianfang reaches out his hand and wants to kill those Clematis. Although his magic power is powerful, he only flies dozens of Clematis. The rest of the Clematis pounce on Yan Tianfang.

He beat dozens of wire ants fly is not injured, a circle and launched an attack.

"Damn it! Yan Tianfang scolds angrily and casts a mana on the cliff again. The field just started disappears, and Yan Tianfang flies to the distance with the flying sword.

Ye Tian was also a little surprised that the friar could escape so far when he was attacked by the wire ant. Then ye Tian drove the fierce sword to chase him.

Finally, when he was more than ten miles away, he saw the friar shaking on the flying sword and falling down.

Along with him fell to the ground, there are more than 300 wire ants.

Ye Tian is not close to each other for the time being, but hovers in the low air to observe this person. Now Yan Tianfang has no breath, and is obviously a dead man.

However, his body was not as damaged as others. Apart from his ragged clothes, his eyes were the only ones injured by the termites.

there were two blood holes, and several of them were coming out.

Such a scene is really strange.

Ye Tian opens yuan Tianyan's eyes and looks at it carefully. The next moment, he finds something abnormal and falls to the ground. He reaches for Yan Tianfang's body and touches it.

It's a sudden realization.

Then, he hit Yan Tianfang's body with a magic power, reached for it, and a mass of gauze appeared in his hand.

When you open the green shirt, you can see that it has the shape of a man. It's all available from head to toe. Looking at the material, ye Tian quickly determines that it's a treasure garment made of hanyutian silk.

It's no wonder that even the fourth level iron line ants can't chew it. This monk relies on this precious clothes!This kind of material is made of the same material as his secret hand, that is, there are two silkworms in his spirit beast ring.

The unexpected acquisition of such a treasure makes Ye Tian extremely excited. His mind is imprinted on the treasure clothes, and the treasure clothes flash into his body.

"Unfortunately, eyes can't be protected!"

Ye Tian murmured to himself and put away this man's Xumi commandment and flying sword.

Then he put away the ant, turned and flew to the mountain.

Ye Tian is a little strange. Why does this monk have such a strong treasure coat, but he doesn't go underground in the woods? Is he afraid that others will know about this treasure coat?

It seems that there is only such an explanation!

Come to a hidden place, ye Tian check this person's xumitiao.

There are more than ten jade boxes filled with spirit materials. There are thirty or forty thousand pieces of spirit jade, including three King Kong runes, two small moving runes, several magic weapons, some demon Dan and monster materials, refining materials, and a array plate. In addition, some personal clothes.

In the hidden corner, ye Tian accidentally finds a token and a map.

The token has the word "heaven and earth" on the front and the word "Ling" on the back.

Ye Tian recognized that this was the token of Qian Kun Wu, a large gate in Fang Cun's spiritual realm, but why was it on him?

Could it be said that this man was an undercover of the Shenjian sect in qiankunwu? Only in this way can we explain this man's various behaviors of harming the Shenjian sect!

Ye Tian takes the token and ponders for a moment. He takes out the man's clothes and shoes and puts them on. Then he exerts his magic power and becomes the man. As for Xu Mijie, in order to act like him, he stays on him.

This monk has more wealth than any other disciple of Shenjian sect, and there is more than one such treasure as small moving rune. It seems that he is not an ordinary monk.

Whether it's an undercover agent or not, ye Tian makes up his mind to try it out.

That map is obviously a map of the world of souls. Many places in it have been sketched. The ink is old. It's obviously some years old.

Ye Tian focuses on those remarks. There is no writing on them, just marks. It should be the place where there are natural materials and treasures.

After confirming his position on the map and carefully looking at the marks, ye Tian finally chooses the nearest island.

However, you must go, and you can't be idle on the way.

Ye Tian once again from the time and Space Tower, the green and cicada called out, the two green charm of Ye Tian face change things have been used to, don't think there is any accident.

After confirming the direction, ye Tian's imperial sword flies to the destination. Whenever he finds something along the way, ye Tian will pick back the spirit material.

All the way, more than a thousand miles away, ye Tian also got more than ten kinds of talents.

The island marked on the map is located in the middle of a vast lake. When you see the lake from a distance, ye Tian falls to the ground, and once again sends Yu Qing and Yu Chan into the time and Space Tower.

Take out the Friar's flying sword, and ye Tian flies to the lake.

During the flight, he suddenly frowned, and his face showed a thoughtful look. First he flew to the island in the middle of the lake, and the heartworm had already sent back the picture.

There are two groups of friars confronting each other over the island. One group seems to be the people who are besieging their own Shenjian sect in the miasma forest, while the other group is about the same number as Shenjian sect, which is about sixty or seventy people.

On the ground, there was a giant toad that was apparently dead. It seemed that it was the guardian monster of some kind of spiritual material.

But from the picture, ye Tian did not find any spiritual material.

Ye Tian's flying sword speed began to slow down. Unexpectedly, he met the person of Shenjian sect here. He pretended to be this person. In fact, there are many flaws.

At least one's accomplishments are not as high as the other's, which can be seen at a glance.

However, it doesn't matter, at most the water is muddy, so think, ye Tian a urge foot sword, continue to fly to the island.

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