Leaving the ground, ye Tian flies to Fengyun city with an ordinary flying sword.

Along the way, I guess what kind of task will it be?

His goal is very simple, finish the task as soon as possible, and then come back to continue to practice, so a month has passed.

If you finish another task, you can practice for another month.

If you can find out the best way to leave the spiritual realm in the wilderness during this period, if you can't find out, wait for your cultivation to improve, and then think of other ways.

It's not what he really wants to come to the great wilderness spiritual realm, but there's no way now. Let's go step by step!

Before he arrived at Fengyun City, ye Tian saw some friars busy outside the city gate. A lot of big black rocks had been piled outside the empty city, and some people were using their magic power to dig a deep ditch underground.

This should be the beginning of the construction of the city wall!

Ye Tian just glanced at it, then flew over from the city, and soon found the location of the first level Mission Camp in the courtyard.

At this time, the courtyard, crowded, has gathered hundreds of people, many people gathered together to talk about something in a low voice.

The arrival of Ye Tian didn't attract much attention. A few people who saw him were surprised and didn't pay attention any more.

In a corner of the yard, ye Tian stood there alone, waiting for the task to be assigned.

Later, some people came one after another. After falling down, they looked for familiar friars and talked in a low voice.

Ye Tian looked a little, the ratio of male and female friars is about one to one, the specific age can not be seen, they are all thirty or forty years old.

Many of them have strong evil spirit, which is much stronger than those monks he saw in the square inch spiritual realm.

While observing, there was a flash of light in the sky, and another monk came down.

Ye Tian looks over and sees that this person is the commander with the surname Zheng.

"Take out your ID card!" As soon as Zheng Tong led him here, the friars in the courtyard immediately calmed down. He said so without a word.

Ye Tian didn't know why, but he took out his identity card according to Zheng Tongling.

The other friars seemed to be familiar with it, so they took out their identity cards and went up to the sky.

Zheng Tongling takes out the round spirit weapon and holds it in his palm. Ye Tian finds that his identity card lights up for a while, and then returns to its original dim color.

"Five hundred and ten!"

Chief Zheng took a look at the round spirit weapon and said in a loud voice.

Ye Tian nodded silently, as if he understood the role of the round spirit weapon, which should be similar to the role of sign in registration. Count the number of people to see who came and who didn't come.

So you can also record who performs the task!

"Urgent mission, more than 300 friars of the second level Mission Camp in Longmen territory fell down during the mission, and their bodies were stored in a stronghold by the underworld. Our task is to take back or destroy the bones of the Taoist friends. We must not let the underworld make flesh or bones. " Chief Zheng said in a deep voice.

The monks in the yard were silent, but no one spoke.

Ye Tian estimated that this kind of thing may often happen, everyone has been numb, eyes only angry flame, and will not shout any righteous slogan.

Zheng Tongling continued: "in the strongholds, there are mainly the underworld generals and the demon king level of the underworld cultivation. There are a few underworld kings. But the second level mission camp of Jindan will cooperate with us. They will distract the underworld. The remaining underworld generals and underworld kings are our main targets. "

"This operation was carried out in the dark fog. We are at a disadvantage, not in how much we killed the enemy. The goal of the mission is not to let the dark cultivation get those skeletons. That's the point! "

"I understand!" The monks in the courtyard answered in unison.

"Remember, if you can kill Mingxiu, you can get back their storage and bones as much as possible, and calculate the credit according to the amount you get. According to the old rule, individual credit is calculated on an individual basis, while the credit of each team is calculated as a whole. There are 510 monks in the first level mission camp of Longmen. Because the underworld stronghold is too large, I decided to divide it into ten teams, each team has 51 people, and the next team is the next one. "

With that, commander Zheng called the names of five friars and asked them to serve as team leaders and select their own team members.

In order to achieve relative fairness, everyone takes turns to name the players they choose.

They seem to be very familiar with each other, and the process goes on very fast. Round by round, the friars named all stand behind the captain.

In the end, ye Tian was the only one standing alone in the courtyard.

At this time, the captain of the fifth team Lin Zhongkun looked at Ye Tian and Zheng Tongling.

"This Taoist friend just came over from the earth a few days ago. He handed in ten pieces of fairy jade to join our first level mission camp. We will be familiar with him later!" Zheng Tongling said.

"In the future, is there any future? This ye Daoyou is just in the middle of the Longmen realm. Isn't he going to die in the dark fog? " Lin Zhongkun frowned and said: "if you can't replace us, our team will go to fifty people. Don't fail to finish the task and send another body to the underworld. Is the second level Mission Camp trapped in the underworld stronghold? So many people can't do it. Don't you know the danger? ""Don't worry, Taoist friend, I will pay attention to my own safety. No matter what the result is, it's my own choice. If you don't take me with you, then even if I carry out this mission, the next time will be at my own disposal? " Ye Tian said calmly.

Lin Zhongkun's later words are pushed back by Ye Tian's words. Yes, he has no right to refuse his teammates to participate in the task. In that case, the monks with good relations will not have to participate in the action. In a word, they can go back to practice without taking you to play.

"Come back and get ready to go!" Lin Zhongkun finally cheered helplessly.

"Here you are. It's Qingxin grass. It's in your mouth. It can resist the resentment in the dark fog to a certain extent." After ye Tian passed, Lin Zhongkun gave him a leaf like grass.

"Qingxincao? Is there qingxincao here? Why don't you refine Huayuan pill? " Ye Tian frowned and asked.

"Dan, the consumption of Dan medicine is so much, can it be refined? Besides, can anyone refine the Qingxin pill you said? " Lin Zhongkun seems to be very impatient to say a sentence, although suddenly think of what like asked: "how do you know the Hua Yuan Dan?"

"Well, don't talk about it. Let's go now!"

Their conversation was interrupted by Zheng Tongling's cheers, and then he flew out first.

No one else spoke any more. Under the leadership of the team leader, they followed Zheng Tongling and flew out of the city.

After nearly two hours of flight, the crowd came to a thick sea of black fog.

Ye Tian looked around, the fog sea was so big that he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

"This is what the commander said about the stronghold?" Ye Tian asks the middle-aged nun around him.

"Yes, this should be considered as a small stronghold. This small stronghold is only a few hundred Li in circumference, which is used by the underworld to expand outward. Here is no longer within the sphere of influence of the Terran. There are many strongholds of the underworld, hundreds of miles away from each other. When all the strongholds are connected, it means that this land is completely occupied by the underworld. " The nun explained in detail.

"Why do you want the monks in Longmen? For example, in this stronghold, there is no high level of meditation, so it's easy for the Terran friars to solve the problem with a great ability of jade PU. " Ye Tian doesn't understand ground to ask a way, this also is the doubt in his heart all the time.

The nun shook her head: "it's the friars who come from the earth star. Everyone knows that. However, there are many problems that you can't think of. For example, the great friars of Yupu realm, unless there is a big event involving the survival of the human race, they will do it. On weekdays, they are all practicing in seclusion, and they also want to improve their realm. If they are required to do everything, in the end, all their time will be wasted on these trivial things, and their realm and strength will not be improved. Aren't they waiting for the top powers of the underworld, the demon and the orc to break through and destroy the Terran? "

"The strong in other realms are the same. We monks in Longmen realm need to practice, don't they? What's more, they also have their tasks. If these small things need the help of high-level monks, don't they kill chickens with ox knives? Are they willing to do so? For example, I heard that you didn't want to build walls, so you came to the mission camp. Why don't you want to? Don't you need to practice? If you go to build the wall, it must be faster and better than the monks in the cave, isn't it? "

Listen to her words, ye Tian is speechless, only secretly wry smile.

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