Wanlu mountain is a vast mountain with a radius of nearly ten thousand li.

At the junction of the Terran and the ORC.

The mountain was originally owned by the orcs. I don't know how many years ago, in order to obtain the resources in the mountain, the Terran monks gradually gained control of the mountain.

Taking this as the boundary, to the south is the wild land of the orcs, and to the north is the resting place of the human friars.

The East is occupied by the underworld, while the West belongs to the demon.

At the beginning of this day, Wanlu mountain, which used to be garrisoned by tens of thousands of monks, suddenly became lively. Many monks came here from the north to attend the once-in-a-decade Longmen Shengzi election meeting.

There is only one destination in the sky, which is Wanlu Valley in Wanlu mountain.

Before Wanlu mountain belonged to the friars of the human race, it was once the habitat of deer demons among the orcs. This valley is the core of Wanlu mountain. Although it is a valley, it is also equivalent to a small plain with a radius of about 100 li.

Among them, there was a young monk who was brave and indifferent. He walked alone in the sky with his sword. He was not fast or slow. He was carefree. He was in sharp contrast with other monks who were in a hurry.

It was Ye Tian who left Fengyun city more than a month ago to seek the land and practice in seclusion.

In the time and Space Tower, ye Tian uses the spirit material to refine pills day and night. Although he still hasn't broken through the middle stage of the Longmen realm, his cultivation has reached the peak of the middle stage of the Longmen realm. If he is given another month or half, he is likely to break through to the later stage of the Longmen realm.

It's a pity that tomorrow is the day for the dragon's gate Saint son to apply for the qualification test. He has no time to continue to practice.

Although there is no real breakthrough in the realm of time itself, the velocity of time in the space-time tower is three times slower than that of the outside world. More than one month is equivalent to three months inside. After this period of tempering, the mana of Ye Tianjing has been solidified to the extreme. Both the mana and combat effectiveness have been improved by more than one chip compared with a month ago.

In this way, ye Tian is more confident about Longmen Shengzi.

Tomorrow is the day to apply for the test. There is plenty of time. Ye Tian is enjoying the scenery of the great wilderness and flying leisurely.

Looking at those dodging lights, I had a wonderful feeling of Impermanence in my heart.

At a certain moment, he suddenly noticed it and flashed to the side. Within the scope of his mind, a group of monks were flying quickly from the north to his own direction.

It turns out that groups of friars are not rare, but this group of friars is very different from other friars. Not only he, but also other friars stop to wait and see.

Soon, the friars were in sight.

What attracts Ye Tian's attention most is not the number of monks, nor the realm of monks, but ostentation.

Nearly 100 monks of Jindan realm are surrounded by a magic car pulled by three white tigers. There are more than 50 monks in the front and more than 50 monks in the back. The white tiger car is in the middle of the car. In addition to the monks of Jindan realm, there are more than a dozen monks of Yuanying realm, and even two monks of Huashen realm.

The speed of the team is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it has been flying like lightning from not far away from ye Tian.

In this instant, ye Tian has sensed that the three white tiger monsters are all five level monsters, which is equivalent to the realm of Yuan infant of the human friars.

Although the car was covered by a special curtain, which could block the monk's spiritual exploration, he could also see the situation inside through the source eye.

There are two people in the car, a male and a female. They are both very young.

Man Xiu is well proportioned, beautiful and handsome, but he has a proud air between his eyebrows. He can also feel the evil emotion in his eyes.

The nun looked like a rare beauty in the world in her twenty-eight years. Her eyes were like autumn water and her eyebrows were like spring mountain. She was dressed in plain white neon clothes and her hair was twisted with a few wisps of drooping hair. She set off a beautiful melon seed face, and she couldn't say how soft she was.

Both of them are in Longmen realm. The female is only in the early stage of Longmen realm, but the male has reached the peak of Longmen realm. He should be less than 30 years old. It's not common for him to reach this realm at such an age.

"That's the only son of marquis Jing'an There is no limit to Wei

When ye Tian was about to leave, he suddenly heard two flying monks talking quietly. One of them introduced him to the other.

Oh, it turned out to be the son of marquis Jing'an.

It suddenly occurred to Ye Tian that when he once rushed to Fengyun city with Jinzhi and Yuye, the two girls had introduced the so-called privileged class of Wanyu League to him.

The supreme ruler is Yanlie, the leader of Wanyu League.

In addition, there are four kings, eight Marquis and sixteen garrison envoys at the top of Wanyu League.

The power of the four kings was next only to Yanlie, the leader of the alliance, followed by the eight Marquis, and then the sixteen garrison envoys.

Even the last garrison envoys are powerful. More than 600 cities are under the control of 16 garrison envoys. Each garrison envoys controls 20 or 30 cities.Each of the eight princes was in charge of two garrison envoys, and each prince was in charge of two princes.

The city master is the bottom of the authority, but it is also the existence of many people.

When Jinzhi and Yuye introduced them, they didn't go into too much detail, but they roughly mentioned Marquis Jing'an, so ye Tian had some impressions.

There are still too many things that Wan Yu Meng doesn't know. Ye Tian's short board is that he came to the great wilderness spiritual realm for a short time, and he was practicing most of the time, which is very bad for him.

Just now, the two friars were flying all the way, talking about Wei Wuyan, the only son of marquis Jing'an. Ye Tian pretended to stop behind them and began to listen.

One of the two friars was fat and the other was thin. They looked like they were only in their thirties. They were both cultivated in the golden elixir realm.

It was the thin friar who introduced Wei Wuya just now. At this time, the fat friar heard the words and said with emotion: "Alas, they are all friars, and their fates are different. Wei Wuyan was born in the Lord's family. He was well-dressed and well fed. He had all kinds of resources at his fingertips. He didn't need to perform tasks or do chores. It was as if all the good things in the great wilderness were waiting for him in line. This time, it is estimated that the number of places in which city has been occupied to participate in the election of Longmen Shengzi. According to my estimation, there must be one person in the three places. "

The thin friar said with a smile: "brother Liao is right, but this is the way of the great wilderness spiritual realm. There can't be absolute fairness. Wei kuohai, the old man of the family, said that he worked hard and became a great monk in Yupu realm. It's unreasonable for his only son not to touch the light. After all, the Wei family also paid a lot. Brother Liao can also cultivate diligently. Even if he can't enjoy the treatment like Wei Wuyan, he can give some rich legacy to future generations. "

"Ha ha, brother Yan is joking. We are so busy with resources all day long, and we are also tired of various tasks. It's lucky that we won't fall in danger any more. It's not easy to be a strong man like Hua Shen and Yu Pu Jing!" The fat friar had no choice but to shake his head and smile bitterly.

The thin friar heard the words and looked at the distant sky with a gloomy look. What the fat friar said is true. All achievements need to be based on the premise. The wish is always good, but the reality is often more cruel than the imagination.

Especially the friars who have been promoted step by step from the bottom, like them.

After that, they stopped talking and continued to fly forward.

Ye Tian slowed down a little, and his heart was also a little turbulent. In his last life, he was rescued by Ning Yao when he crossed the square inch spiritual realm. From then on, he fell in love with each other, and finally became the emperor of Dan after receiving a lot of care from Ning Yao in the blessed land of Qingming.

He imagined in his heart that if he didn't meet Ning Yao at that time, what would happen in the future?

What didn't happen can't be assumed, but ye Tian knows very well in his heart that even if his talent of Dan Dao is so powerful, he won't become a great friar in Yupu realm.

Ning Yao, for your sake, I must become strong as soon as possible, find Sansheng Sanshi lotus, and revive your true body.

Thinking about this, he urged the fierce sword at his feet to turn into a light escape and fly to Wanlu Valley quickly.

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