"Dear Taoist friends, what can I do for ye Tian? Let all Taoists vie to learn from each other? I'm afraid it will disappoint you then. " Ye Tian said with a helpless smile.

"Ye Daoyou, in any case, we have identified you. To be honest, we are all optimistic about ye Daoyou's potential in the future. It's our only chance to worship under the master's door. I also hope that Shifu will not despise our dullness and make it perfect. " It was a young looking nun who spoke. With that, she bowed her hands and bowed to Ye Tian.

"That's what we thought, and we had a chat with Mie Daoyou before. Mie Daoyou, with the guidance of master, was far ahead of us. In fact, when we went to Wanlu valley today, we were just going to pray for our teacher. Who knows that Duan Daoyou actually went ahead to worship his teacher, which made us unable to be reserved any more. Although this occasion is not suitable, we are sincere. Please accept us! " Another male monk also asked earnestly.

"I don't know your name, birth experience, native place and whether you have any teachers. How can you accept so many disciples again?" Ye Tian spread his hands.

"We're all from Qingshan city. We're all casual practitioners. We're all in the wilderness. We're thinking and practicing by ourselves. We don't have any teachers. My name is Huo Ziqing."

"This is Lin Lan."

It was the nun, Huo Ziqing, who was talking. After introducing herself, he pointed to a friar with a jade hairpin in her bun.

"This is mo Kexin." Then she pointed to another beautiful looking nun next to her.

"This is Yu Yan." Huo Ziqing refers to a slightly emaciated man with long hair and shawl.

"Tong an..."

"Guo Shoujun..."

"Shen Tieshan..."

Huo Ziqing introduced all the friars one by one and looked at Ye Tian with keen eyes.

"Well, in that case, it's fate to meet each other. Today I accept you disciples. I hope you can be good and not evil. I have formed a sect in earth, which is called the temple of Miluo. From today on, you are all disciples of the Miluo palace. It's up to you to decide where you can go in the future. " Ye Tian's eyes flashed across the faces of the people one by one, admonishing him with a tone of integrity that was far beyond his age.

"The disciples must abide by the master's instruction. Please accept the salute of the disciples!"

Huo Ziqing's face brightened, and then solemnly said.

As soon as the words fell, five men, two women and seven friars fell on their knees and kowtowed to Ye Tian.

The friars all around are in an uproar again!

"Ha ha, all kinds of wonderful things can happen in the great wilderness. A group of friars in the golden elixir Kingdom worship a boy from Longmen kingdom to be their master. It's really a big glitch in the world!" Not far from ye Tian, a friar with a green crown sneered at the people nearby.

"It's just a group of scattered practitioners. What's the difference between them and going to the doctor in disorder when they are sick? I really doubt the intelligence of these golden elixir monks!" The man beside also shook his head with a smile.

"At the end of the day, they'll find out how stupid this behavior is!" The friar with the green crown mocked again.

Then there was a burst of laughter.

Comments like this are everywhere, and even some jindanjing monks are still cursing in a low voice, saying that these people have lost the face of jindanjing monks, and their words are rude and intolerable.

When they reached the golden elixir realm, Huo Ziqing and others were smart and listened to all the comments. Rao is that they are ready to be ridiculed. Their faces are still blue and white. They look very embarrassed.

On the contrary, ye Tian is relatively calm and turns a deaf ear to those comments. He just observes the changes in the faces of several new disciples. Finally, he sees that these people have put down all their comments and ridicules. As if he had not heard them, he nods with satisfaction.

On the whole, their mind and temperament are fairly good.

"If you dare to lose, I'll bet you Ye Tian and others said calmly after they were calm.

"Master, don't worry. We won't lose face with master!" Huo Ziqing made a solemn promise.

Ye Tian nodded and said, "now that I have been a teacher, I can't say nothing. When it's convenient, I'll give you some advice. I hope I can enter the country in a short time."

"Thank you, master!" After all, the entrance of mieba is there!

This is the way of cultivation. It's impossible to build a car behind closed doors. Sometimes, a word of advice may make people suddenly open up and set foot on a smooth road.

They didn't expect much. Their biggest hope was that when ye Tian grew up in the future, he could give more guidance. No one could have imagined that today's seemingly absurd act of worshiping teachers made them all the way to the cultivation, and they all joined the ranks of the great monks in Yupu realm, and each of them was awe inspiring.

Of course, that's the last word.

Now that you have the title of master and apprentice, you have to abide by the etiquette of master and apprentice.

Ye Tian was standing in front of him. Nine disciples, including mieba and Duan Jingxiu, were waiting behind him. He looked very well behaved and didn't transgress or be impolite.In some cases, it takes a little longer, while in others it takes a very short time.

More than two hours later, all 25 matches were over.

Winners are naturally jubilant, losers are depressed, mood is not high.

Those losers, after this test, no matter how ambitious they are, will return the dust to the dust. It's impossible to be a holy Son in this life. The only thing left is to practice hard and get a way out of the thorns. Otherwise, in the end, Shouyuan will be exhausted and nihility will eventually disappear.

Next, ye Tian and other 25 winners were invited to the field again and stood side by side in a row.

Wei Wuya specially stood beside Ye Tian and said coldly: "Ye Tian, don't you know yourself? Taking a group of jindanjing monks as disciples, are you funny or sensationalizing? "

"Is it because of this small matter that I won over you Ye Tian looks indifferent.

"You have to find out, you beat me? Joke, you and I are tied for the first place, but tied for the first place with people like you is also the shame of Wei Wuyan. In the next test, I will definitely step on you. " Finish saying, seem to disdain to associate with Ye Tian, walk away from ye Tian's side, stand to other position.

On the big chair in front of the hall, the Marquis of Jing'an is happily drinking the spirit tea and is indifferent to what Wei Wuyan has done.

Lanling Hou saw this scene, but he frowned slightly, and didn't say anything.

After the 25 monks stood still for a moment, she got up again to announce the next test.

"The next test is the level of understanding of the five elements. Ten people with the highest level of understanding will be selected and 15 people will be eliminated. The specific test rules shall be announced by the Deacon. "

With that, marquis Lanling returned to his chair.

Then, a yuanyingjing deacon came up and announced the test rules loudly.

"This test is not only to test the understanding degree of the five elements Taoism, but also to test the comprehensive application of the five elements Taoism. You young talents who participate in the test need to use the five elements to create a picture. The minimum requirement is that all the five elements are complete and indispensable. The specific picture depends on imagination, and the final winner is determined by Marquis Jing'an and Marquis Lanling. Next, give all the test monks time to brew a stick of incense. When the time comes, start at the same time. "

This is a very interesting question. I'm afraid few monks can do it well.

So it seems that this question is really arranged for Wei Wuya.

Ye Tian's five elements Taoism has reached its peak. This kind of test is hard for him. After a little meditation, he has a final decision in his heart.

In addition to Wei Wuyan, other friars were nervous when they heard such questions and began to think about them.

It was quiet on the court, but there was another commotion outside.

These friars have never heard of such an examination question, but if you think about it carefully, there is a reason for him. It's just that such an examination question is really difficult. It's hard for ordinary friars in Longmen to complete it.

Even the friars in the golden elixir realm may be at a loss. This kind of test is not a test of the strength of mana, but a test of their attainments and understanding of the five elements. No matter how powerful the mana is, it can't be used for embroidery!

Many of the friars who were eliminated in the previous two items were unwilling to accept this question, but after listening to it, they no longer had the idea of regret.

They asked themselves that even if the first two items could be passed, this one would not be passed.

This question is too difficult!

The time of burning incense passed unconsciously. When the incense in the censer burned to the bottom of the ash, the deacon of yuanyingjing came up again.

"Well, the time has come. Now start your test. Please stand separately. During the test, you can't interfere with each other. Those who interfere will be judged out directly. After creating the picture, it is necessary to inform the Deacon and take the picture at the time of notification as the test basis. " With that, the deacon of yuanyingjing began to arrange the venue, and then the test officially began.

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