Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 153: Scion King

"Timo! Haro! You guys must be getting old and weak! How could you allow a young little pup to detect you like that? Haven't you two absorbed enough blood from all those virgin girls? Maybe you two need to start absorbing blood from old grandmothers instead! HA HA HA!" The disembodied voice laughed uproariously.

Two figures appeared before Prince Marius suddenly. They were in the form of two teenage boys dressed in semi casual wear. With their glasses and tousled hair, they looked just like two geeky brothers.

"Did he sense your bad breath Timo? I told you to brush your teeth this morning. Stop being so unhygienic!" Grumbled the one on the right who had a white T-shirt and casual black pants on.

"I did brush my teeth this morning! It must be your smelly armpits! I told you to take a shower this morning!" Protested the one on the left who was wearing a red T-shirt and casual brown pants.

"I…" Haro stammered.

"Ha! You didn't bathe did you?" Timo shouted accusingly.

"I did bathe! Yesterday morning…"

"So it's your fault! And you still had the gall to call me unhygienic!" 

"You're unhygienic! I remember you didn't let the last little girl you ate to shower first! I can't believe you ate an unshowered girl! Smelly! Yuck!"

Their conversation quickly devolved into a recounting of all the various disgusting things the other person did.

"Don't mind them. All those virgin blood makes them go a little wonky in their heads." The beautiful elven woman smiled at Prince Marius. "Why don't we have a seat while we wait for the other two to come? They should be here any moment now."

She led Prince Marius to the center of the room where there was a large round table with exactly seven comfortable chairs spaced out evenly around it. 

Prince Marius followed her and sat down regally on his seat. 

The elven woman sat down on the chair next to him and with a blink, her chair suddenly moved right next to Prince Marius. 

"Well then, gorgeous. Why don't you tell me how you came to be a member of our conclave? Rufus was so tight lipped about you when he told us that he found a replacement for that miserable golden lich emperor who stupidly got himself killed while playing in Symphonia's little backyard." The elven woman blinked mesmerizingly at Prince Marius and placed her chin elegantly on her hand. An invisible bewitching aura swirled around her and pulled at Prince Marius from all directions.

Any mortal man would have succumbed to it and become her adoring fan instantly.

Prince Marius simply gave her a bored look and remained silent.

"Oooooohhhh sweet Lord, Jules, your bewitching spells are getting stronger. Even I couldn't help myself but to get close to you and tell you everything about myself!" The disembodied voice suddenly rang out next to the elven woman. "I come from a line of Great Kings in the Haran -"

"SCRAM!" The elven woman snapped and summoned a blue sphere of crackling lightning around the area where the disembodied voice came from.

"EAOOWWW! Lightning! Jules you heartless b*tch! You know I hate lightning!" The disembodied voice appeared a little distance away from the lightning.

"Rufus over there has no body, and is immune to my charms." The elven woman said in a normal voice as she dispelled her spell. "You, however, have a body. How come you're immune to my spells too?"

Prince Marius looked at her lazily and blinked. 


The elven woman and her chair returned to their original position. 

A look of surprise flashed across the woman's eyes and she remained absolutely silent after that. 

"What? The mighty Jules, silenced by a mere pup? HA HA HA! What a great day today is! First the two best assassins in the Realm got discovered and now the greatest bane of men got silenced! All by a young man! Wonderful! Wonderful!" The disembodied voice shouted and guffawed loudly. 

"Maybe it is time for us to go on a hunting spree once more to increase our strength." A powerful voice sounded as space rippled gently.


A massive portal opened and two massive undead dragons with impressive looking death knights standing on their heads stepped out one after the other. 

"Lord Garas and Lord Jaras! Finally! We've waited for you for a long time! Come! Come! Let us begin the Conclave meeting! The disembodied voice said excitedly. "First item for discussion, hunting spree!"

"Hunting spree? Count me in!" Timo said brightly.

"Me too! I could do with a dragon pet." Haro said as well.

"They're not pets you fool! We'll be fusing with them to increase our strength!" Timo glared at Haro.

"Enough. Let us begin the meeting." Lord Garas said as he leapt down from his dragon and sat on his designated chair. 

"Indeed. Let us begin. Too many important things have happened in recent days, and we need to respond quickly, lest we be caught unprepared when the situation snowballs." Lord Jaras said, materializing onto his chair.

"Just us seven?" Prince Marius asked.

"Yes. Who else are you expecting? Magius, The God of Magic? HA HA HA!" The disembodied voice laughed at his own joke.

"I had assumed that the remnant forces of Zegaro and Perses would be led by a larger and stronger coalition of powers." Prince Marius mused out loud.

A deathly silence fell upon the room.

A soft chuckle escaped Lord Garas' lips. "The young pup thinks he is too good for our conclave."

"Indeed. Rufus, you've found an interesting replacement for old Bloodless. But he needs to learn how to respect the highest powers representing the will of Zegaro and Perses. Why don't you… 'spar' with him a little?" Lord Jaras suggested.

However, before Rufus could say anything in reply, Prince Marius stood up. "There is no need for a spar. If this conclave truly is the highest power representing the will of Zegaro and Perses, then I will begin now. If not, well… I'll know who the highest powers truly are when I read your memories from within your souls."

"HA HA HA HA HA! What is this? A coup? Rufus! You've got us a spy!" Lord Jaras roared out in laughter.

However, he was suddenly silenced when a golden sphere coalesced into being around each and every one of them. Space constricted powerfully and locked them in tightly, causing them to be unable to move even a muscle. Even the massive undead dragons standing behind the two death knights froze.

Scion King! Prince Marius was a Scion King!

"Thank you for inviting me to this conclave and for your humble offering. I shall partake of them now." Prince Marius said with a little bow to the eight powerful beings in the room. 

He moved towards the beautiful elven woman. 

"My dear woman, most people would save the best for the last. But for me, I am the type to start with the most delicious looking food first. That's why you're first. And no, I do not need underlings. I don't know how you managed to deduce my purpose in coming here, but you're much too juicy a meal for me to spare. So if you have to blame someone, blame yourself! Blame yourself for being the most powerful person among them all!" Prince Marius laughed out maniacally. 

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the elven woman by her neck and smiled hungrily. 

Slowly but with ever increasing speed, the beautiful elven woman shrinkled and within seconds, nothing was left of her. Not even her bones. 

"AHH! Delicious. So it's true. The Conclave is truly the most powerful bunch of weaklings serving the remnant will of Zegaro and Perses… In Symphonia! There are other conclaves in the other Universe Empires! Wonderful! Excellent! Hahahahaha! More food!" Prince Marius cackled crazily.

"Well then, it's time for me to continue eating my breakfast." Prince Marius walked slowly towards Lord Garas. "You and your dragon are the second strongest in the room. And you have the strongest concentration of the Power of Zegaro. Perfect. The Power of Paladinos I have within me is much too strong. I need your power to balance it out. Well done Lord Garas. You've done a great job accumulating the Power of Zegaro for me." 

Prince Marius grabbed Lord Garas by the neck as well and began to absorb him as well.

After a few minutes of walking slowly around the room and absorbing every single one of the conclave members, Prince Marius licked his lips with great satisfaction.

"Well well. So a new power had arisen in Arcanus 26. I think I need to pay them a visit and continue on my culinary trip." 

He waved his hand and a powerful undead dragon materialized from underneath him. It looked exactly the same as the undead dragon that Lord Garas came in with, with only one difference. It had two heads instead of one.

Space shimmered lightly. 

Prince Marius led his undead dragon into it and disappeared, leaving behind a cold and lifeless room that was once the seat of power for evil in Symphonia. 

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