Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 21: Sledgehammer

"Yes. Tame a dragon." Buccephalas repeated.

"That's... That's" Alexander sputtered as his mind spun rapidly.

He stood up and began to pace about the raised dais of the throne.

"Hmmmm. Actually.... That's a pretty good idea. Having a dragon by my side would mean having an extremely powerful ally..."

"Why am I stuck with this dumbo..." Buccephalas sighed.

"Hey! What's wrong this time?" Alexander protested.

"A tamed dragon is not an ally. Why would you need a dragon ally? It's like using a greatsword to cut steak. Or using the Companion Cavalry to hunt down an apple-thief. Or asking Aleyria to catch rats. Or..."

"Alright, alright I get the idea." Alexander laughed. The image of Aleyria hunting rats tickled him. "So what should I do with the tame dragon, considering I manage, against all odds, to find one. And then, against even more odds, somehow tame it?"

"Fuse with it." Buccephalas said simply. "Be the Dragon Knight of old, where man and dragon join to become one soul and one body."

"What?!" Alexander was stunned. "Dragon Knights were fusions between men and dragons? What... How did... You... You're kidding!"

"I am serious." Buccephalas said flatly.

"How do you know of this?" Alexander demanded. "King Aloxandros was a very learned man. And there wasn't even the slightest indication or clue that would have led anyone to this conclusion."

"I... I don't know how I know. I simply know this to be the truth, just as I know that planets are spherical in shape and that stars are burning balls of fire." Buccephalas replied.

"Incredible. Fusion between men and dragons. No wonder they were able to withstand the two evil Gods for hundreds of years as they bought time for Paladinos, the God of Life, to recover." Alexander murmured. He sat back down on his throne and began to wonder if he could actually pull this off, and what it would do to his invasion plans.

"Who would be in control? Since you mentioned 'tame' a dragon, I'm assuming I'll be in control?" Alexander asked Buccephalas.

"Yes, absolutely. For some reason, the fusion would only work if the human is in control. It may have something to do with the blessings Paladinos bestowed upon humans. Paladinos, afterall, was the eldest God and his power level was above Magius."

"And after I fuse with it, I'll just simply gain all of its powers?" Alexander asked. It sounded too good to be true.

"If you know how difficult it is to tame and fuse with a dragon, you wouldn't be saying this." Buccephalas muttered. "Besides, there are levels to the fusion. Yes, technically a complete fusion would give you all of its powers. The dragon would be part of you, as you would be part of it. But you wouldn't be able to do a complete fusion right away. Not for many, many years. Don't worry about this yet. For now, your main goal is to find the dragon."

"Do you have any information on the whereabouts of a Dragon?"

"Of course! I have the most complete database on the current situation of the entire Universe controlled by Symphonia. I wouldn't suggest this plan otherwise. It's impossible to find a dragon if you don't know where to look. They are, afterall, masters of magic and nature." Buccephalas answered rather proudly.

"And that database also has information on how to tame and fuse with a dragon?" Alexander asked doubtfully.

"Well that... is actually not information from the database. I... Somehow I have full knowledge on how to get that done. Don't ask me how I know. I have no idea. I just KNOW." Buccephalas sounded rather frustrated.

Alexander narrowed his eyes. He was rather frustrated himself. As a general, he prized reliable information greatly. He knew that the success of every single mission hinges on accurate and dependable information. Any misinformation or misdirection could very well result in failure of the mission or worse, a complete wipeout of the task force. In this case, it would be him personally.

Yet now he was about to organize an extremely dangerous mission based on... a sentient AI who "just KNOW' that the information it was providing to be true.

"The benefits really far outweigh the cost. It's a dragon!" Alexander mumbled to himself. He was trying to psyche himself up.

"What dragon?" Aleyria's voice rang out.

Take by surprise, Alexander turned to his right and saw Aleyria looking at him suspiciously. The space around her shimmered slightly then stabilized. Apparently she had just teleported in.

Alexander hesitated. Should he take Aleyria into his confidence?

No, he finally decided. It's too dangerous for her and it'll be rather difficult dealing with such a strong headed woman.

"Yes you should." Buccephalas snapped. "Stop thinking with your heart and other organs and start thinking with your brain. How do you think you'll tame a dragon without her help?"

Alexander was surprised at Buccephalas's sudden and rather strong response. He narrowed his eyes slightly. "Why was it that everytime the issue of women arose, you would react so strongly?"

"I.. I.." Buccephalas stammered. "Just get her on board! You won't make it without her help."

"Alright, alright." Alexander said to Buccephalas. He was a smart man. He suspected that Buccephalas liked him somehow.

"Erhm." Alexander said aloud this time.

"Yes?" Aleyria raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Damn she's so beautiful!" Alexander thought. He winced slightly, expecting a furious retort from Buccephalas. But it never came. Hmmmm.

"Well... I am in possession of crucial information about Dragon Knights. I'd like to go and tame one and then fuse with it to become a Dragon Knight. Would you like to come with me?" Alexander dropped the bombshell with a smile.

Aleyria's jaw dropped open. Literally. She gaped at Alexander for a moment as she processed the information.

"Come, come have a seat." Alexander stepped aside and gestured at the throne. "You must be tired after that battle!"

Aleyria was so shocked and was having so much trouble recovering from Alexander's bombshell that she allowed herself to be led to the throne. She sat down daintily, placed her elbows on the armrest and rested her chin on her hands.

Alexander could already imagine her mind whirring at full speed. A real dragon? Here in this world? And it can be tamed? Amazing! And he has the ability to somehow fuse with it to become a Dragon Knight? Wow!

He smiled. He must seem so cool to her right now.

"You...are serious?" Aleyria asked.

Alexander nodded, his smile still as wide as ever.

Aleyria looked at Alexander closely for a moment, and then sighed deeply.

"You look healthy. You really do. I have no idea how that firespell could have impacted your sanity so much, but do not worry. I will make you well again."

"What?" Alexander frowned and stared at Aleyria in confusion.

Aleyria stood up and placed her hand on Alexander's shoulder and stared deep into his eyes. "Alexander, when you wake up, you'll be fine. I promise you."

It was Alexander's turn to gape at Aleyria. He looked at her beautiful and elegant hand on his shoulder and finally realized what she intended to do.


Darkness hit him like a sledgehammer.

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