Alice's Dream Club

# 25. Alice! The half-immortal was captured!

The vortex formed by the resentful spirits became a natural protection for the castle, and it took a lot of work for the two of them to get in without disturbing them.

But at this moment, the gate of the castle opened slowly, and the breath of chaos rushed towards the two of them like waves.

There was no targeted harassment, it was just releasing the atmosphere in the castle.

It was dark inside the gate, and nothing happened after waiting for a while, Mu Xinyi gently pushed the mirror frame.

"It seems to be inviting us?"

Just after she finished speaking, she found that Lynch's mind was not on this open door, which was a bit strange.

"The atmosphere that was brewing well was ruined by you... By the way, what are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think about anything," said the slide, and the exquisite gun was loaded with a crisp sound, "I was just looking for where those members of the Kishi Society came from."

"Did you find it?"


The corner of her mouth twitched, and Mu Xinyi handed Lynch a tissue again.

"Then let's think about the problem at hand first."

Nodding his head, Lynch turned off his telepathy and focused on the dark door leading to the unknown.

Lynch didn't know if the "hostile parties" he met had discussed it well. From the environmental protection institute at the beginning to the suspected Jishihui lair now, every time a door was opened, the inside was pitch black. This way of creating a sense of mystery and panic is not only not new, but also makes people with active minds start to "maliciously" speculate based on their own experiences.

Now Lynch feels that the Jishihui may also have a fault with the aging of the home line.

It's more likely that you haven't paid the electricity bill.jpg

After the door opened, there was a situation that could not be fully grasped. Naturally, Lynch would not choose to enter through the main entrance, but when he was about to look for the window and turn in, a soft crisp sound lingered in his ears from far and near. side.

The sound is very slight, but very clear.

Most of the female compatriots are familiar with the sound. It is the sound made by the contact between high heels and the ground. The length of this heel must not exceed 5cm, otherwise the sound of stepping on the ground will be very hard, not this light feeling.

There was a rustling sound followed by the sound of the soles of the high heels. The current situation could only mean one thing: a boss-level existence was about to appear.

At least one must be an elite in the Tao, the kind with a lot of affixes who can be persuaded to quit at any time.

After thinking about it for a while, Lynch finally landed on the ground, facing the dark hollow, waiting for the existence inside to gradually emerge.

The footsteps are getting louder and louder, and the distance between the owner of the footsteps and the two is getting closer.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped.

Its owner was still in the dark, and Lin Qi and Mu Xinyi also felt a sweep of sight at this moment.

The emotions contained in the line of sight are complex and chaotic, but the emotions are strong and violent enough to be reflected in the breath it releases.

Unknown, dead silence, surprise, hesitation...

All kinds of emotions were mixed together, and even Lynch couldn't read the other party's thoughts for a while.

The only thing that is clear is that there is no hostility in the other party's emotions, even if Lynch completely reduced one of the dead mutants used to cross the passage to nothing.

In this regard, the other party only expressed the idea of ​​"it's a pity".

The two sides stood at a distance like this, and after an unknown period of time, the sound of high-heeled shoes sounded again.

The re-echoing crisp sound has a higher frequency than before, as if running, trying to get out of the darkness as quickly as possible.

Soon, the owner of the high-heeled shoes walked out of the deep void, and her image shocked Lynch even more.

It is the representative of death songs, the mature Queen Elizabeth II.

In other words, she is Death Song itself.

The characteristics exuded from her body are exactly the same as what Lynch saw in Cronus, and both her figure and appearance are more real and visible than her in Cronus.

She stopped at a very polite distance, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and bowed to Lynch to salute.

The performance of the Age Walker inside Kronos was enough for Lynch to clean his hair, but he couldn't figure out the reason. Now that he finally met this existence that has been haunting the world in the dark, Lynch naturally didn't rush to think about it. frame to take care of this hassle.

After pondering and observing the agent for a long time, Lynch finally spoke.


Before the question was asked, the agent showed a troubled expression, and pointed to his own neck.

The palm of the other hand waved outward, making a simple and easy-to-understand sign language: she can't speak.

It's not that she doesn't answer any questions, but she is expressing that she has no voice.

After explaining his abnormal generation ability, the proxy then made a disrespectful gesture, and then ran towards Lynch.

This huge source of pollution just rushed towards me on the 11th road, and the horror it brought was no less than a bomb truck coated with white phosphorus driving towards me at a speed of 160 miles—fool We all know that it is lucky to have a whole body left.

Mu Xinyi immediately raised her height to escape, while Lynch raised the gun and emptied the magazine.

bang bang bang—

A series of gunshots echoed in the sky outside the castle, and the sudden noise dispersed a large number of spirit bodies around.

Including Mu Xinyi's sight, those spirits that linger around the agent are enough to make her horrified.

Skillfully replaced the magazine, Lynch fired again.

After quickly emptying the four refilled magazines, his mood calmed down a little.

Because he found that 68 rounds of broken magic bullets are useless to hit the fart.

If I had to say it, the only thing that changed the agent was the expression on her face - she looked very confused now, more of a grievance.

Confused that Lynch wanted to shoot, wronged why Lynch treated himself like this.

But soon this emotion faded from her face, and the rejuvenated agent came to the front at a speed that Lynch couldn't react for a while, grabbed his wrist and forcibly pulled him towards the castle.

The agent's power is so powerful that Lin Qi can't resist, Mu Xinyi reacted quickly, and sharp sword energy attacked the agent, at the same time, Mu Xinyi quickly approached Lin Qi Qi, trying to create a gap that Lynch can get rid of through chaos so that she can better respond.

However, when the sword energy was about to hit, it abruptly hovered in mid-air, and the sword energy condensed with true essence quickly filled with a layer of frost and fell to the ground.

The sword energy lost contact with her in an instant, and Mu Xinyi was even more shocked by the rapid freezing of special energy.

The resentful spirits entrenched around rushed towards Mu Xinyi in an instant. They didn't show any intention of harming, but the wailing and intrusive impact of the real sound were enough to block Mu Xinyi within ten meters from Lynch and the agent. far away.

"Half Immortal!"

Lynch didn't speak, but made a gesture to reassure her.

Seeing that gesture, Mu Xinyi no longer tried to break through the barriers where many evil spirits condense, and did not show an erosion reaction, which does not mean that the power contained in them will really not cause irreversible damage in a subtle state .

After watching Lynch being brought into the castle by the agent and disappearing into the darkness, she followed what Lynch had arranged just now - took out her mobile phone and notified Alice and the Second King.

The amazing thing is that there is actually a signal, albeit weak, that still provides normal service.

Without thinking about the cause of the weak signal, she picked up her phone and shouted to the group in the chat software.

"Banxian asked me to inform you that if you are not very busy right now, you can send me a favor depending on your mood."

"Looking up information, very busy."

"I'm very busy here too!"

After thinking about it, Mu Xinyi said tactfully.

"The half-immortal was taken away."

Alice: "He must be up to something again. Don't worry about him. If you are free, Miss, you can go back to the club and help me look up information. I can't do it alone."

II: "Oh~ There is another idiot confidently catching the boss "doge""

"The one who took the boss away is the agent, the one who looks similar to the second generation."

Immediately, no one sent messages in the communication group, and then Mu Xinyi could see two slim silhouettes appearing in front of her.

Arriving at Mu Xinyi's side, Alice immediately frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Roughly recounting the situation just now to the two of them, Alice unexpectedly did not use force directly like before.

"Second King, did you and the master meet the agent once in Kronos?"

"Yes," the second generation put away his laughter, the fused magic power was glowing with silver light, and inside the silver light package in his palm was a frozen sword energy, "but what I saw that time was more like The image left after traveling through time and space is completely different from the actual existence that the eldest lady said."

Looking up and looking around, Alice made a decision.

"Then you two are here to prepare to meet the master. Since we are called here, it must be a plan that requires others to help him with his funeral."

Seeing Alice floating up slowly, Mu Xinyi asked casually: "What about you? What are you doing?"

"I went to look at it, and I always felt that there were things we might be interested in."

"Oh, then be careful, I don't want to eat at night."

It was rare to show a little helpless smile, and Alice flew to the white light surrounded by endless resentful spirits.

When Alice left, the silly Second King suddenly became serious like a different person.

"Miss, I have an immature plan..."

"Sneak into the castle?"

Hearing this, he nodded, and the second sighed lightly, then raised the frozen sword energy in his hand.

"I didn't feel anything before, but now that the three Elizabeths have been fused, I can truly feel the power of freezing your sword energy, and it has a certain degree of connection with me..."

At that moment, Mu Xinyi's eyes stared straight.

"...Sister, don't scare me..."

"I didn't scare you, look."

As she said that, the frozen sword energy flew up and down under her control.

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