"Mr. Charlie Close:

The news of the recovery of Proden City has spread throughout the city of Ankerton. Walking on the streets, you can hear the voices praising you and the Fourth Army. I am also proud of your achievements. I think if you can It must be very happy to hear those voices.

Grandpa Debra's injury began to improve under the care of Uncle Gunilla and Mrs. Melissa. When I went to see Rosa yesterday, I saw that he was able to get out of bed, so you don't have to worry about family affairs. Holy Spirit, I wish I could hear the good news of your elimination of the rebels soon.

Mrs. Melissa chanted your name every day, prayed in front of the statue of the Holy Spirit, and hoped that you would triumph in peace. Rosa misses you very much, and so do I.

Do you remember Caroline from the Cole family, I ran into her when I went to the theatre with Rosa today, and she looked very irritated when she saw me, just said hello and ran away, I guess It must be your credit, and if I could, I would really like to thank you in front of your face.

The atmosphere in Ankerton has become a little tense recently. Citizens often gather in the streets, as if they are starting to return to the way they were before the outbreak of the Great Revolution. My brother is going to let my mother and I leave here first. I am not willing to leave. If you leave, I won't hear back from you...


Sophia Signa, Ankerton, 28 May 1751"

After reading the letter from Ankerton City, Charlie put down the letter with a blank expression, raised his hand and rubbed his temple, and sighed deeply.

In the past year, Charlie has received envelopes from Sophia almost every two or three months. In the envelopes, she often shares some interesting things in her life, as well as her thoughts about herself, even if it's just from words. Look, he can see Sophia's secret feelings for him.

He didn't know where Sophia's feelings for him came from. In fact, he didn't get along with Sophia for a long time. The only close contact seemed to be touching her hair after coming out of the theater.

Ask yourself, Charlie doesn't have deep feelings for Sophia. In his opinion, Sophia is just a beautiful, unmanned little girl. The reason why he accepted her invitation at the banquet was because he didn't want to travel through time. Still alone after that.

Shaking his head, he hid the entanglement in his heart. Charlie wrote a random letter and ordered someone to send him back to Ankerton. Now that his career is the most important thing, he can't be distracted by the love of his children.

The two food processing factories on the eastern outskirts of the city were nationalized by Vasily after the meeting, but in fact they became Charlie's private property. He visited the factories during the day, perhaps because they hadn't started production for a long time. , The inside of the factory is full of smog, sewage is flowing, garbage is everywhere, and the wooden barrels that once contained the food that needs to be processed exudes the stench of the food after it has rotted.

The workers in the processing factories have long been empty. Most of them have fled here after the outbreak of the civil war and no longer work for the capitalists, so if Charlie wants to restart the two factories, he must recruit from the citizens. Worker.

He is not worried that no one will come to work for him. After the restoration of order in Proden City, citizens who have lost their jobs due to the war can be seen everywhere. As long as Charlie releases news about recruiting people, it will not take long for people to flock to him.

What Charlie is worried about now is the raw materials processed, the process of making cans, and the materials and machines needed. The first canned food in history was to put food in a glass bottle and then plug the mouth of the bottle with a wooden stopper. This kind of glass bottle Cans, like most glass items, are fragile and inconvenient to store, so Charlie is ready to skip the mason jar cans and make tin cans that are easier to store.

Of course, the manufacturing process of tin cans is a little higher than that of glass jars. Not only should the pursuit of lightness be pursued, but also the inside of the can should be tightly fitted to prevent leakage. The craftsmen who add these two requirements are busy - first of all, he is a layman and is random Intervening in guidance is likely to lead to self-defeating, and secondly, if he is required to end the game in person, what are the subordinates to do?

He only needs to write down his ideas and hand them over to his subordinates. As long as the canned food is made, other problems will be solved easily. The sterilization problem of canned food is very simple. He can completely use the steam sterilization method to kill the bacteria with high temperature.


The news of the recruitment of five factories that Charlie took over quickly spread, and there was an endless stream of unemployed citizens who came to apply for jobs. Under Charlie's advice, the scope of recruitment was mainly based on those who had corresponding experience. People blocked out, but still received enough candidates.

Before the canning container was released, the two food processing plants were still operating according to their previous work content, but Charlie also bought a few steam engines from abroad, ready to let the workers get started first~www.readwn.com~ Practice in advance High temperature sterilization process.

In addition to running factories, Charlie also promulgated compulsory military service through Mayor Vasili and the city hall, but this system was not proposed by Charles himself. As early as the outbreak of the civil war, the National Assembly had already implemented this system, which is also the national One of the reasons why the parliament was able to call up hundreds of thousands of national troops in a short period of time.

And Charlie just took out the order of the National Assembly and implemented it in the recently recovered Proden City. Although it was not proposed by Charlie himself, the system still admitted that he unlocked this technology - he also received the technology itself. buff.

Unlocking the compulsory military service in the game will reduce the happiness of civilians by 2, but it can also add a recruitment grid in the capital region. In reality, the former has little effect on Charlie, and the latter is no longer an increase in recruitment grid. Instead, it has fully increased the number of training people that can be accommodated in the 500 barracks at the same time!

In other words, Charlie can now train 3,500 people at the same time every month.

And after unlocking the compulsory military service system, Charlie was surprised to find that he had also unlocked the national mobilization!

What happened?

Just when Charlie was surprised, the system took the initiative to explain it for him:

[National mobilization refers to the whole people of a country fighting to defend the country or some noble idea. Since the Great Revolution, the Rumen Republic has unlocked this idea, and the host, as an internal faction of the Rumen Republic, automatically unlocks this idea]

After listening to the system's explanation, Charlie understood it, and the doubts that had arisen also dissipated.

After unlocking the national mobilization, Charlie can also build the next level of the barracks, the Military Academy. After the Military Academy is completed, the Grenadiers will be unlocked - that is, the elite troops in the line age.

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