Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 224: Strategic flicker

How to do?

Allies are needed.

The Germans need allies.

Now, there is one person in China, maybe he can become an ally of the Germans?

This person's name is Wang Bu'an.

"And..." West hesitated, "That engine..."

"What engine?" Wang Bu'an asked knowingly.

"Does your tank's engine really need to consume fuel?"

"Didn't you follow along all the way yourself?"


West was speechless.

Yes, he did follow along the way.

According to his estimation, Wang Bu'an and their tanks had already used up the fuel they carried.

You know, most of the time, tanks are on the wild and off-road.

This is very fuel-consuming.

No tank of any country can last for such a long time.

The Leopard 2 tank, which the Germans are proud of, has the largest road trip, which is more than 400 kilometers.

This is still a road trip! The most economical fuel consumption!

If it is off-road, fuel consumption will definitely double. You have to strike if you walk up to 300 kilometers.

There is a problem with this engine.

It must be some novel technology.

"Does your tank engine export?" West said tentatively.

"As long as it is allowed by the Ministry of Commerce of our country, I can export finished products to you. And provide certain technical support." Wang Buan said readily.

Now that you have changed your mind, come with a more tempting product.

The Germans also lack oil.

They are also eager to have new energy.

As long as there is enough new energy, we can get rid of our dependence on American imperialism.

Now, the Germans have a strong economic power.

However, the German military strength is very weak.

This is unbalanced. This is the result of deliberate suppression by the US emperor. The Germans must be unconvinced in their bones.

It is a good thing to have the opportunity to tease.

Let the Germans and Americans slow down.

"Thank you." West said in a deep voice.

"No thanks. Our interests are the same." Wang Bu'an said meaningfully.

West left with satisfaction.

Wang Bu'an slowly returned to the side of the road.

"What did you say to him?" Leng E said curiously.

"Do you want to know?" Wang Bu'an briefly described the matter. There is no concealment at all.

He didn't know what was wrong, he actually trusted Leng Ejing.

In other words, he also wanted to use Leng Ejing to convey information indirectly.

Are you not a beauty spy?

Then just borrowed your mouth to let out a little wind.

It is best to let the American emperor and Dongying people know that I have reached an agreement with the Germans.

If you are unhappy, go to trouble the Germans.

It is best to stop it forcefully.

In this way, the resentment of the Germans has become deeper.

When resentment accumulates to a certain level, a new head of state may be born. At that time, the world will change drastically.

"Mr. Wang..." Watanabe Jiro came over again.

"Mr. Watanabe, do you have any questions? Excuse me." Wang Bu'an replied calmly.

He is the best at imagining snakes and swords.

This Watanabe Jiro must be the same.

"Your Huaxia's technology is advancing so fast!" Sure enough, Jiro Watanabe complimented.

"This is all the efforts of the Chinese people." Wang Bu'an responded neither humble nor arrogant. "Mr. Watanabe, if you have something to say, you can speak up. I know everything and say nothing."

"Well, may I ask, what principle does your engine use?"

"Have you heard of combustible ice technology?"

"Combustible ice?"

Watanabe Jiro secretly shook his head.

Is it really combustible ice?

Not very similar.

Is combustible ice so durable?

At present, the development and utilization of combustible ice in the world is still in the laboratory stage, right?

Has Huaxia been able to apply it to reality?

Why did the previous intelligence never mention this?

something wrong.

There is definitely a problem.

This Wang Buan's answer is definitely false.

But he could not continue to ask.

It is useless to continue to ask questions.

Wang Bu'an will definitely not tell the truth.

It's him Watanabe Jiro, it is impossible to tell his opponent the secret!

Yes, it is the opponent.

At any time, Huaxia and Dongying are rivals.

It used to be like this.

This is the case now.

It will be the same in the future.

"Are you going all the way to Sacheng?" Watanabe Jiro continued to ask.

"No." Wang Bu'an shook his head, "We are going to cross the city of Sa, cross the Kunlun Mountains, then enter the Taklimakan Desert, and then cross the core area of ​​the desert to reach Jiayuguan."

"What? Are you going to cross the Taklimakan Desert?"


Watanabe Jiro was shocked.

This time, it was a real shock.

Wang Bu'an's answer was simply too surprising.

How can the Taklimakan Desert be mentioned?

What does Taklimakan mean?

It means going in but not coming out.

Also called the sea of ​​death.

It is the tenth largest desert in the world and the second largest mobile desert. Its degree of danger is only second to that of the Sahara Desert.

How could such an old Type 59 tank convoy pass through Taklimakan?

Even crossing the plateau of northern Tibet is very dangerous!

"Impossible..." Watanabe Jiro said to himself.

"Of course it is possible." Wang Bu'an replied with a smile, "We have enough water and food, and we don't need to add fuel. Why can't we cross the Taklimakan Desert?"

"But. The temperature in the desert is very high."

"We have air conditioning."


"If Mr. Watanabe doesn't believe it, you can go in and have a look."

"May I?"


Wang Bu'an smiled slightly.

What's wrong?

Just let you go in and have a look. Then make you sleepless.

Sure enough, when Watanabe Jiro entered the tank, his inner horror was even more difficult to contain.

There is really air conditioning in the tank. And the effect is very strong.

The space inside the tank is also spacious...


This is not the cockpit of a Type 59 tank.

From the outside, it is indeed a Type 59 tank. But there is a big difference inside. Many equipment and parts seem to be different.

Watanabe Jiro is very familiar with the Type 59 tank. He believed his eyes.

"We used a brand new tank chassis." Wang Bu'an explained intentionally or unintentionally.

"New?" Watanabe Jiro was dubious.

"Of course it's new. We are equipped with a brand new engine. The maximum output power reaches three thousand horsepower."

"What? Three thousand horsepower?"

"Yes! Three thousand horsepower."


Watanabe Jiro took a deep breath.

It's incredible.

Three thousand horsepower engine!

No wonder these ancient tanks of China can rejuvenate their youth and vitality. It's easy to climb mountains and ridges along the way.

Dare to say that China's tank engine technology has been so violent.

You know, Dongying's own Type 10 tank uses an engine of 1200 horsepower.

3000 horsepower...

1200 horsepower...

Is the gap too big?


It is absolutely impossible.

Wang Bu'an must be lying.

He must be exaggerating and then let himself make a wrong judgment.

It must be so.

It must be like this.

Huaxia people must be releasing smoke bombs.

They must have used some special means to deliberately drop themselves into the mist.

No way.

He must be cautious.

He must find the truth of the matter.

"But why haven't the turret and rifled gun changed?" Watanabe Jiro asked seemingly inadvertently.

"Perhaps it is to install electromagnetic guns." Wang Bu'an babbled.

"Really?" Watanabe Jiro was not calm again.

Electromagnetic gun?

Electromagnetic gun again?

Huaxia actually wants to install electromagnetic guns on the tank?

You know, on top of China's latest 055-class destroyer, the latest electromagnetic gun is installed!

Could it be said that China's electromagnetic gun technology is actually terrifying to the point of flooding?

Even such an old tank needs to be replaced with electromagnetic guns, what about other tanks? What about other weapons and equipment?

Doesn't this mean that Huaxia's other weapons have to leap several steps?

If the fighter is also equipped with electromagnetic guns...


It's absolutely impossible!

I have never collected any relevant information before!

Inferring from this, Wang Buyan is definitely a big fool.

He must be like Zhao Zhong Zhang, the director of the Strategic Fudge Bureau of their China, full of nonsense, specifically releasing false news.

Fortunately, he is a witty intelligence officer who will never be fooled easily.

He decided to filter out two thirds of Wang Bu'an's words.

Filter out the remaining two thirds.

Well, the rest is a little bit, and I need to continue to filter, filter again... Finally, I can't believe even a punctuation mark.

"Worker Wang, ready to go." Ding Mao greeted loudly.

"Okay." Wang Bu'an nodded.

He made a please gesture.

Please leave Jiro Watanabe.

Jiro Watanabe wisely left beside the tank.

Leng Ejing also stepped back.

The other onlookers also reluctantly backed away.

The tank company began to form a team.

set off.

Go all the way.

Wang Buan quietly looked back.

Jiro Watanabe was not found. It is estimated that he has no interest in him.

Nor did she see Leng Ejing. Maybe it was going to report the news to Yu Zhilei. What a pity. Why did the reporter from Leng Da get together with the beautiful spy?

Along the way, there are still undulating mountains and ridges, all above three or four kilometers above sea level.

Most of the roads are winding mountain roads, which are very difficult to walk.

The ruggedness is not a problem.

The problem is detours and narrow roads.

Basically, the leader of the vehicle must come down and command each time to pass safely.

Part of the very narrow section of the road is definitely a great test for the driver's attention. Fortunately, in the end it was passed without risk.

After entering the Hengduan Mountains, the situation is even worse.

The Hengduan Mountains is the biggest roadblock across the Sichuan-Tibet border.

It is one of the mountain ranges with the strongest seismic activity in my country, and it is also the youngest mountain range. It is still in its growth period and its geological conditions can be said to be very complicated.

After National Highway 318 arrived here, it can be said to have reached the most dangerous section.

On the left, there are mountains and mountains.

On the right is a cliff.

If it accidentally fell, it was absolutely crushed.

In order to ensure safety, Ding Mao, Peng Deming and others went into battle in person and drove tanks in person.

They are all masters of masters, so naturally there is no problem.

However, the tank where Wang Bu'an was in had encountered a little trouble.

The fourth one is coming today. Thank you all for your support.


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