Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 127: Dorcia's offensive

"These guys are really arrogant enough," Mu Xiaoxiao muttered to himself along with the five Al Elf people. Forget about the time, it is estimated that the Dorcia Army is about to come. Mu Xiaoxiao is not so much. Worried, it is safe to hand over the above matters to the black rabbit, and now just follow them into the basement research room of VVV, and you will basically be able to do it.

"Hey, I've said it, try not to contact the students here," Adelaide sighed and looked at Al Elf in the underground passage, but the latter did not speak and looked silent beside them. A blue-haired Ix Aiyi was holding a small electronic device connected to the socket of the tunnel.

   "Isn't it okay?" Seeing that there has been no movement, Gufia, a red-haired boy who was impatient, said.

   "It's still a bit worse..." Ix Aiyi said lightly.

   "Wait," Suddenly, Al Elf didn't wrinkle. He looked behind him, but found nothing, "You don't feel anything?"

   "What's the matter?" Seeing Al Elf's posture as if he was facing an enemy, Gufia was stunned, "What does it feel?"

   "It seems... from the very beginning, it felt like someone was following us..." Alfer said with some uncertainty.

"Stalking?" Gufia clutched his stomach and laughed, "Aleph, are you right? We are agents of the Dorcia Army, don't you think the students here who have never seen war dare Follow us?"

Hearing Gufia's Hua, Al Elf frowned, Adelaide next to him looked at him, "Could it be wrong? I don't believe those students have this ability... ."

   "Probably," Al Elf didn't delve into it, but he said something uncertainly, and there was nothing to say.

   "Okay!" At this moment, Ix Aiyi stood up and said, "I got the code!" After speaking, he pressed a few times on the electronic button, and the steel door opened one after another.

   "Hehe, I can't wait," Gufia took out a gun and showed a bloodthirsty smile.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who looked at them from a distance, breathed a sigh of relief, that Al Elf was far worse than himself, but he was very sensitive, and almost found himself, but fortunately, as long as he followed them in, he wouldn’t It needs to be broken open with violence. When Mu Xiaoxiao was following Al Elf, the battle had already begun.



   Over the entire Dyson Ball, more than a dozen of Dorcia’s mass-produced weapons, equipped with a large shield "Iron Ghost", were flying, spraying out flames in the sky, and there was a burst of roar on the ground.

   "What's going on? Isn't it a drill?!"

   "It's the Dorcia Army! The Dorcia Army has attacked us!"

   "Why the **** is this? Gior is a neutral country!"

   "Are they planning to start a war?!"

When those armed weapons fired on the ground, it caused countless chaos. Most of the streets, squares, shops, etc. were turned into ruins, and the students of Sakimori Academy did not expect this to happen. Some The unlucky students were either shattered to pieces by shells or buried by the collapsed building, and there were screams and crying.

"The master is right," the black rabbit stood on the square of Sakimori Academy, watching the chaotic scenes around him. Because the black rabbit had to guard this place, he flew a few shells from time to time, and the black rabbit also I had no choice but to flash back and forth, not daring to get too far away.

   On the other side, Haruto Shizane, Shoko Shishiko and others who also noticed this situation hurriedly returned to Sakimori Gakuen, and the school was a little precarious.

   "This...what the **** is going on?" Shi Yingqing gritted his teeth, looking at the armed weapons still hovering in the sky, "War?"

   "It's Dorcia! What do they want to do? Are they crazy? How dare you actually do it to Ogier?" Inuzuka Kuma gritted his teeth.

   "Our Ogier is just a small neutral country. Of course they dare to directly start a war..." Ryukino Saki said, "However, this will attract ARUS. They are not afraid to go to war with ARUS?"

   "As long as you occupy here first, you won't be afraid of going to war, right?" Inuzuka Hisama said.

   "Don't say so much," said Gui Xiangzi, "Let's meet up with the classmates! Now that this kind of thing is happening, we need to settle down for the time being!"

   "No, be careful!" At this moment, a ray of light was shining in the sky, Shi Yingqing yelled, everyone raised their heads in horror, and found a beam of light falling aggressively towards their side.

   "Oops! Get away quickly!"

   "No! It's too late!"

Seeing that the light was about to fall on their heads, Shi Zhenqing couldn't help but close their eyes. At this moment, there was a'boom', and the few people who found that they hadn't received anything raised their heads. stunned.

   I saw a girl with long pink hair and two long ears standing in front, wearing a weirdly dazzling armor like the sun.

   "Ah, it's so risky, it's almost too late," the girl patted her chest and turned her head, "Are you all right?"

   " are you?" When everyone was stunned, Shi Jingqing was the first to react and asked blankly.

   "Me? My name is Black Rabbit... As for the others, I can't tell you..."

   In front of the computer in a small black room, a young girl looked at the black rabbit on the computer screen, her eyes widened, "What...what is this?"


the other side.


   "Ah—" A gunshot sounded, and a scholar wearing a white coat in the basement research room suddenly bleeded on his body and fell down. Before the white coats next to him had time to react, there was another gunshot.

   "Boom, boom—"


   "Damn it! Who are you?!"

   The door was opened, and the five Dolcia Army agents did not talk nonsense with them. They shot at them in a burst.

"Wait! Wait! Al Elf, leave me some too!" Before the militant Gufia could shoot, he saw Al Elf had shot everyone to death. Can't help but curl his lips.

"This is...Valvrave?" Looking at the crimson mecha in front of him, Al Elf murmured. At this moment, the sound of'Zira' came and the five people felt nervous. Hurry, quickly turned his head, and saw a face that was gradually enlarged with a wicked smile.

"You!" Al Elfer was the first to react. As soon as he raised the gun in his hand, Mu Xiaoxiao was holding her wrist, and Mu Xiaoxiao twisted it slightly, Al Elf The gun in his hand fell to the ground, and immediately after Mu Xiaoxiao punched Al Elf in the stomach.

   "Puff wow——"

   Al Alfer spit out sour water, there was not much strength left.

"Asshole! Let go of Al Elf!" The other four raised their guns and pointed them at Mu Xiaoxiao, but did not dare to shoot because Mu Xiaoxiao was dead. Strangled Al Elfer's neck tightly, and a silver pistol was pressed against his forehead.

   "Be careful, otherwise, your companion will say goodbye..."

"How can it be!"

   The four people were quite shocked. Who is this guy? Overcome Al Elf in an instant? The Al Elf with the title of ‘One Man’s Brigade’? Are you kidding me? ! Not only them, but even the person involved, Al Elf, was a little unbelievable, but the immense power coming from behind made him compelled to believe.

   "Who are you?! Are you from Gior?!" Adlaiy cried, but Al Elf was very important in his heart, and he had to be nervous when he saw this situation.

"Me? I can't tell you who I am, but don't worry, I won't do anything to him," Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up and he slammed Al Elf violently, and then his body arrived in an instant. On the deck of the mecha, at the same time, an underground hand stretched out and pressed a button.

   "Boom, boom—"

The moment he pushed Al Elf away, he took out another gun, and fired without looking behind him. At the same time, the four people on the other side also shot, but Mu Xiaoxiao had already hidden behind the mecha. , Looking at the table that was gradually rising, Al Elf and the five people could only watch him leave.

   "Damn it! This guy should have been behind us! Even the mission will fail!" Al Elf thumped the table severely, and the rest of the people looked at each other.

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