Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 131: Mu Xiaoxiao's plan

   "Asshole! Stop me!"

   "Stop! Otherwise I will shoot!"

   "Smelly boy..."

   "That group of fools, still want to catch me? Too naive," Mu Xiaoxiao's figure continued to shuttle among the crowd, behind him was a loud yelling and cursing, Mu Xiaoxiao curled his mouth in disdain, and shot? If you want to shoot, you have already fired, but you are running towards crowded places. Do you dare to shoot?

  , while muttering, suddenly turned a corner without knowing the prophet, but on the other side, several guards armed with guns rushed out and pursued them.

   Many of those guards have been transferred to implement a round-up plan for Mu Xiaoxiao, but is this useful? He has a domineering look, and it is just a joke to round up the horse. Mu Xiaoxiao can escape from the weakness of the guards every time. Of course, it is easy to kill these guards, but he does not want to be with this country. The noise was too stiff, because he already had a good plan in his heart.

Those passers-by did not dare to stop Mu Xiaoxiao. With Mu Xiaoxiao’s momentum like a broken bamboo, those who are already immersed in a stable life, let them use their mouths to denounce Norma, but it’s no problem, but in actual action, they don’t have the courage. Yes, as long as you see Mu Xiaoxiao's figure and give way one after another, your own life is the greatest!

   After turning a few more turns, Mu Xiaoxiao had completely dumped the guards.


The captain of the guard threw the earphones in his hand to the ground fiercely, a face full of anger, and angrily shouted, "What a bunch of idiots! So many people can't catch that kid? What do you do for food? He is Norma! Does Norma know?! If something happens in the imperial capital, none of us can escape responsibility!"

   "But," a deputy next to him said with an ugly face, "that kid is too slippery... and he seems to be very clear about our position. I can't catch it at all..."

   "I don't care about these!" The captain of the guard said with a cold face, "In any case, you must catch that kid for me! Tomorrow will be the baptism ceremony of the princess! You must not make a mistake, go! Send the wanted order!"

"Yes, I understand!"


"His Royal Highness, are you okay?" After Mu Xiaoxiao led a large group of people disappeared, Tao Xiang turned her head and looked at Angelique. She was also the closest one just now, and she clearly saw that the young man's hand was caught. She could see the position of the princess, even after squeezing it twice, she blushed a little when she thought of that scene.

"Huh...I have nothing to do," Angelique shook her head, glanced at the direction where Mu Xiaoxiao had disappeared, and grinded her teeth. "He can't escape the chase of the guards, let's go back first. After the baptism is over, I will teach him a lesson!"

   "Angelique, are you okay?" Seeing Angelique coming over, Prince Giulio said with a smile, "I just saw it, it's really dangerous."

   "Sister-sir? Are you okay?" Silvia was worried. She also saw the previous scene and was a little worried about her sister.

   "Don't worry Silvia, I'm fine," Angelique touched Silvia's head, "Let's go, there is no need for things here..."

   said, Angelique was taken aback suddenly, and she turned her head abruptly, "No! That Norma?!"

   Lisa Landog also woke up, she looked forward, opened the car door and stood out, "Gone?"

"Did someone take it away?" Giulio also discovered the situation, frowned, looking at the woman and the empty space where Norma had disappeared, "We didn't find anyone... .It has something to do with that kid? Could it be that this kid’s purpose was this from the beginning?"

Everyone looked at each other, and the guards couldn't help lowering their heads. They also didn't notice. Angelique felt like she was being put together. In order to save that Norma, she did this kind of thing. Is her innocence better than that? Is the last Norma? Would you rather sacrifice the innocence of my dignified first emperor to save that Norma? What do you mean? You look down on me so much? Where's Hang Sister? Before she knew it, Angelique had even more opinions on Mu Xiaoxiao, and of course, this opinion became more and more deviated from the subject.


   In a hotel room at this time, Mu Xiaoxiao jumped in from the window with a candy in his mouth, and immediately saw the black rabbit and the woman sitting on the sofa holding the child.

   "Master? Are you back?" The black rabbit hurriedly jumped over when he saw Mu Xiaoxiao.

   "Ah," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and turned to look at the woman, "It seems that you are very good Black Rabbit, you know what I mean."

"Of course," Black Rabbit was very proud, and said with his head up, "My master and I have a good heart, but the master, originally I thought you didn't plan to save them, but I didn't know..." As he said, the black rabbit leaned in front of Mu Xiaoxiao and said with a grin, "I don't know that the master is actually a disagreeable dead tsundere...Oh~"

   "Tsundere, you big-headed ghost!" Mu Xiaoxiao twitched and pulled the black rabbit's ears, with a sinister look, "Dare to say Tsundere next time, hum..."

   "Don't dare, absolutely don't dare!" Seeing him like this, the black rabbit hurriedly waved his hands.

   "That..." The woman holding the child stood up, "Thank you...thank you for saving my child..."

   "Well, it's all right," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head indifferently, "By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Fima, this is my child Serra," Fima bowed again and again, "Sir, I know you did that for my child, even pretending to be Norma. Really, thank you very much, lord. If that’s not the case...I really don’t know what to do, Sierra is only two years old now..." As he talked, Fima tended to cry again. .

"Wait, wait! Don't cry," Mu Xiaoxiao said quickly, "It's not as serious as you said, I'm just doing my best. Her name is Serra? It's really a good name," accompanied by Mu Xiaoxiao's words, Serra who was asleep in Fima's arms also woke up, stared at Mu Xiaoxiao with wide eyes, and then stretched out his hand, babbling.

   "It seems that Serra likes you very much," Feima was also very happy, and handed Serra over, "sir also hug you?"

"Um, me? Okay," Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated before taking over Serra. Now Serra is two or three years old and doesn't need to be cautious like a baby, but Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't dare to move too much, but Serra liked Mu Xiaoxiao very unexpectedly. After being held in his arms, she kept giggling, her small hands also tightly grasped Mu Xiaoxiao's clothes.

   "The master is really welcome," Black Rabbit said in surprise, and added another sentence in his heart. It is really popular with girls, even such a small girl likes the master...

Mu Xiaoxiao teased Serra in her arms for a while, and saw that she had fallen asleep again without disturbing her. She sat on the sofa and glanced at Fima with a dignified look, "Although I rescued you, but the current situation Do you know?"

   "..." Fima was surprised.

"Now this country can no longer tolerate us. It must be on a wanted warrant. Sooner or later you will be arrested if you stay here," Mu Xiaoxiao said slowly, "The same is true in other countries. There is no place to stand, you should be very clear, right?"

   "..." Fima nodded and went silent.

   "So, there is only one way now..."

"One way?" Feima looked at Mu Xiaoxiao Yes, but before telling the way, Feima, I will ask you first," Mu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath. Then he looked at her and asked word by word, "You are willing to betray this country for your children! Is it even betraying the world? "

"Betrayal..." After understanding Mu Xiaoxiao's meaning, Feima's face was pale. After a while, she gently looked at Serra in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms and nodded resolutely, "I do! As long as it is. For Sierra! In order for Sierra to live well, I am willing to betray the country and the world!"

"...What a great maternal love," Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth curled up, "Then, this way is, follow me!" Looking at Feima, she didn't look surprised. She should have guessed it. "Follow me and break the rules of this world! Let this world accept the existence of Norma! Fima, are you willing?"

   "I am willing," Feima nodded without hesitation, and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao. In her heart, perhaps she had already agreed with him, right? As long as it is for her daughter, Fima can do anything.

"So," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and turned to look at the black rabbit, "Do you know why I am still here? Now it is estimated that the whole city is looking for us. It is too dangerous to stay here, but before leaving, We have one more thing to do!"

   "What? What's the matter?" Both Black Rabbit and Feima looked at them suspiciously.

   "It's very simple, one thing in the baptism ceremony tomorrow," Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes, "Save the next person! A person who is vital to us!"

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