Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 134: Alzenar

   "Master, why didn't you kill that prince?" The black rabbit asked curiously, "You can see that that fellow is very annoying. Master, do you hate him too?"

"Of course, but we can't kill him right now," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and said, sitting in the driver's seat in True Red. "After all, when the Mislqi Empire is in great danger, the king is concealing Norma. If you are not trusted, you are sure to step down. The queen is seriously injured and Angelique is not in power. Then only Giulio and Silvia are left. You said that you killed that Giulio. Can Ya alone control the entire country?"

   "Master, what do you mean..."

"Well, if Giulio is killed, this Mislqi imperial country may be taken away by other interested people. This is not what I want to see," Mu Xiaofiction showed a sinister smile, "So I I just taught the smelly prince a little bit, and this country will be managed by him for the time being, and soon, it will be all taken back."

   "That's it! You are the queen, because of this?!" Black Rabbit's eyes lit up and exclaimed.

"Of course," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, lowered her head and looked at Sophia who had passed out. "She was fatally hit, but fortunately, I gave her electrotherapy for cardiac resuscitation at a critical moment, and the blood stopped, temporarily. There is no danger, but the bullet still stays in the body. If it is dragged, it will be life-threatening."

   "What do you do then?" Fima stood aside holding Serra, and said worriedly, "There is no one who can treat us here?"

   "Not here, but there are other places," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "Our destination, the only place where Norma can survive..."

   "You mean Alzenar?" Fima had also heard of this place and was surprised, "But I heard that it is very dangerous..."

"No way, don't forget that no matter which country you are in, Norma can't survive, you can only go here, and all in Alzenar are Norma, can we just complete our plan, isn't it?" Then, he looked at Fima, "Also, Alzenar is indeed dangerous, but if I am there, don't worry, Fima, what do you think?"

   "Since I have decided to follow the adults, I will follow them wherever the adults go," Fima said, "so I naturally go with the adults."

   "Well, then we will set off! The Queen's can't be dragged down...Pino! Go!"

   really blushed into a red light and disappeared into the sky.

   "Master, why didn't you save the emperor just now?" The black rabbit suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously, "When you saved the queen before, you can save the emperor Angelique, right?"

"Huh, why do you want to save that woman?" Before Mu Xiaoxiao spoke, Feima gritted her teeth a little angrily, "That woman...If it's not an adult, I might be separated from Sierra. Unexpectedly, she is also Norma now, what a retribution!"

"Well, Feima, don't be too angry," Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head, "Actually, she can't be blamed. The rules of this world are like this. Norma is hated and hated by everyone, no matter which country she is in, it is the same now. This kind of education made her just like this. If you really say it, it's just the world's fault..." (World: Blame me again?)

   "Sorry, sir," Feima said apologetically when she heard Mu Xiaoxiao's words, "Because I'm so angry, so..."

"It's okay," Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head. "Although she is not to blame, her thoughts are still wrong. The reason for not saving her this time is also the same. The spoiled eldest must suffer a little bit. ...And since she is Norma, she will definitely be sent to Alzenar, so don't worry."

"But, will the people on Alzenar agree to us?" Black Rabbit said worriedly, "We had a fight in the Mislqi Empire. We will definitely be wanted? If Alzenar... ..."

"Don’t worry. Although the Misrchi Empire is very powerful, it is impossible to influence Alzenar, because Alzenar is the gathering place of Norma. In addition to the inspector, the commander, including the commander, is noble. Ma, they will more or less have some grievances against various countries in their hearts. Do you think that if they take us in, they will tell the Mislqi Empire about our news?"

"......makes sense."

"Also, the inspector of Alzenar only monitors the movements of the Norma and prevents them from betraying. For us, it doesn't matter what we have done before, as long as there is no chaos in there," said Mu Xiaoxiao paused, and said with a sly smile, "Of course, it's not impossible to mess around, but at the very least, you have to wait until the alliance is successfully formed..."

  Speaking of this, Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly turned to look at Fima, "Fima, entered Alzenar, Serra may be taken away by people there because she is Norma..."

   "What?!" Fima was shocked and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in a panic, "My lord! Where are they going to take Serra? No! No!"

   "Calm down," Mu Xiaoxiao quickly calmed down, "Don't worry, Serra is still in Alzenar, just to receive their education, you can see it anytime you want."

   "Really?" Feima was relieved when she heard this, and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Well, so don't worry, Serra will certainly not be separated from us," Mu Xiaofiction looked at the rapidly regressing scenery outside, "Now, let me tell you about Alzenar's information and the dangers. , You can be ready at that time."

  Fima calmed down and listened to Mu's short stories.

"Alzenar is a military base for dragons. The black rabbit already knows that dragons are a kind of terrifying creatures that are enemies of humans. Norma here, their duty is to become soldiers and fight these dragons, that is to say..."

   "In other words, Serra will fight those dragons too?" Unexpectedly, Feima didn't look excited, and Mu Xiaoxiao was ready to calm her when she saw her emotionally unstable.

" But don’t worry, Serra is still young. It will take at least more than ten years to fight. This period of time is enough for our plan to be completed," said Mu Xiaoxiao Smiled slightly, "And I'm very curious about those dragons, if I can catch one or two big guys as a mount..."

   After thinking about it, Mu Xiaoxiao started to drool, Feima was surprised, can't you think that an adult would still have this expression? The black rabbit was helplessly covering his cheeks.

   "Master, the destination is here," Pino suddenly appeared on the screen and said.

"Really?" Mu Xiaoxiao quickly looked outside. The upper limit of true red's calories is 100. If it reaches 100, you can't move. Fortunately, true red's speed is fast enough. They have already come to the sea, and what they see now is a huge fortress-like structure on the sea. Directly in front, there are dozens of passage openings, which seem to be the orbit from which Palamel took off.

At the moment when True Red flew downwards, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone in Alzenar. They had never seen such a strange Paramel. They all started talking about it, and they saw this Ramel' stopped in Alzenar. Some people had already notified their chief. After a while, a woman in a white cloak and black ponytail came over. She was wearing a navy hat behind her. , The woman in uniform, stared at the real red in front of her with dignified eyes.

   "Welcome, welcome, I can't think of Alzenar, there will be guests coming," the commander of Alzenar, the black ponytail woman Jill walked up and said with a smile, "How many guests, can you come out?"

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