Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 191: Hijacking incident

"Damn it!" Luluzi hammered the wall of the underground passage severely. *

"What's the matter? I was educated by my sister. Are you unhappy?" A voice came, Luluzi turned her head, and saw the dress coming over, "I was planning to go and help you out, but I couldn't think of it. ....."

"Huh! If the conditions are equal! I will never lose!" Luluzi shouted.

"Conditions? This is also part of strength," looking at the helmet in his hand, "Isn't Britannia's dependence on this strength?"

"...Then, I will form an organization that can fight Britannia!" Luluzi was silent for a while before saying, "I will let Britannia and That man was taken aback!"

"Compared to this, he appeared..."

"I know, but there was no chance just now," Luluzi shook her head. "Don't worry, he doesn't seem to be dangerous. I don't think Conelia's guards can do anything to him... ..." Luluzi suddenly paused, her eyes flickering.

"Hehe, your heart is moved?" Seeing her look, he laughed, "I think it's more at ease to control such a powerful chess piece in my own hands?"

"..." Luluzi was silent for a long time before turning around, "Don't be kidding..."


Facing the siege of Cornelia's army, Heiying and Mu Xiaoxiao directly ignored them, one of them was unconscious, the other was controlled by Geass. Convergence that I don't understand at all. I didn't know that the runner-up Connelly was shocked at this time. The flickering thunder and lightning and the strange black fire made them think that they were watching a movie, completely unlike the ability that humans can possess.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't attack for a long time, and the black shadow's strength was also recovering little by little. Without any hesitation, he left the black shadow directly, turned and fled, but the black shadow did not catch up. For it, this is a good place to restore strength, and the priority is to restore strength at present.

Ashford Academy...

"Sister Black Rabbit," Nanali was sitting in her wheelchair, and behind her was the Black Rabbit pushing her wheelchair and strolling in the garden. The scent of flowers around her didn't make her face improve, but rather With a heavy face, "Sister Black Rabbit, why hasn't the little brother come these days? Do you hate Nanali?"

"How come." The black rabbit's face is also a little heavy, but he said in his mouth. "Master, he likes Nanaly very much, just because of something..."

"That's it," Nanali's expression was still somewhat low.

"Speaking of it, Nanali seems to know the one called Suzaku," the black rabbit suddenly changed the subject and talked about Suzaku. Suzaku also came to him at school for the sake of small things, the thunder and lightning in Shinjuku. In the middle, Zhuque also thought that Mu Xiaoxiao had lost his life, and he sacrificed for himself and Youfei, which caused Zhuque to feel guilty all the time.

"Yes, when I came to Japan with my sister, I was staying at Suzaku's house. At that time, my sister didn't pay much attention to him. Until later..." Speaking of these things, Nana finally recovered some expression. Said very happily.

Seeing Nanali with a happy face, the black rabbit's mood improved. Luluzi had just told her that she had met Mu Xiaoxiao. Although she could not bring it back, at least his life is not in danger, and he has been worried. The black rabbit breathed a sigh of relief.

"Speaking of it, I feel that after Suzaku came, my sister was not as happy as she thought? It's really strange..."

Just as they were talking, Luluzi also left Ashford Academy. She had decided to form her own forces, otherwise there would be no way to fight the Britanian Empire. At the same time, the Japanese Liberation Front The people hijacked the Britanians in the central hotel of Lake Kawaguchi at the foot of Mount Fuji.

The avatar Luluko, Livar who was working, Cornelia sitting in the base car, and Fujido of the Japanese Liberation Front Headquarters all noticed the news.

"Everyone in the Student Union..." After seeing the news, Karen was stunned, then turned to look at it, in her heart it was Mu Xiaoxiao, and Mu Xiaoxiao was absent from the past few days. It made her believe a few times, "Those hostages, will something go wrong?"

"...No matter what, they won't let the Britanians go."




"Those hateful guys!" Cornelia slammed a fist on the table, "If something happens to Yuffi..."

"His Royal Highness," said Guildford next to him, "it seems that they haven't found His Royal Highness Yuffi, we need to negotiate with them as soon as possible..."

"But we can't agree to the demands of those people, otherwise..." Cornelia said and shook her head, "Can't you break through the underground passage?"

"Well, the enemy's defense is very tight, and with ours transformed into a large super-electromagnetic weapon, there is no way to break through, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless, if someone on special assignment is dispatched...maybe..."

"Special dispatch, you mean the 11th district person?" Cornelia frowned. To be honest, she looked down on the 11th district people very much. If the dispatch was not her emperor's brother, Suzaku would have been caught by her a long time ago. Killed.

At this moment, a soldier rushed over, "His Royal Highness! Coming!"


Sitting in a broadcasting car, slowly drove towards this side, with a slender body standing on the roof of the car, wearing that unique helmet on his head, and inside the car are the nervous Kallen and others. Everyone's attention, after a while, Cornelia appeared in front of the radio car in a red-purple Gloucester.

"Stop!!" Gloucester's hatch opened, and Cornelia appeared on the top of the mecha, looking at the one not far ahead, "We meet again, although it is a special situation now, but I will not Let you go! My brother Clovis's revenge! Let me avenge him!"

"Cornelia," a slightly discolored voice was heard through the speaker in the helmet, "what choice do you have to make?"


"Should I choose Clovis who has died, or Yuphy who is still alive?!"


Sure enough, Cornelia, Luluzi’s mouth rises under the helmet. It is precisely because Euphy is also in those hostages that you dare not ignore the hostages and directly attack them. There is no way to refuse my request!

After successfully negotiating with Cornelia and entering the hotel, two dark shadows also rushed in.


In a room inside the hotel, dozens of Britanians were imprisoned here. Japanese soldiers armed with guns were all nearby. Among these Britanians, there were some prominent figures and some Ordinary students, Mi Lei, Xia Li and others from the Student Union are also here.

"People from District Eleven..." Nina was taken aback when she saw the soldiers beside her, and said reflexively.

"What are you talking about?!" The Japanese soldier who heard this immediately exploded and turned his head fiercely. "What do you guys from Britannia say? We are Japanese! Not from District 11! Listen! Has it arrived!! You bastard! You dare to say that we are..."

"Hmm..." Nina shrank her neck in fright, trembling and hiding her body in Mi Lei's up and correct it! It's Japanese! No one from District 11! "The soldier yelled at her.

"So we will fix it, can you stop yelling?!"

"Ha? What's your attitude?" The soldier glared at Xia Li beside him, "Just a hostage! Come here! I want to educate you!" Then the soldier began to face Xia Li and Xia Li. Nina pulled it up.

"No! No! Let go of me!"

"Damn it! Quickly let us go!"

Yuffi, who was hiding in the crowd, frowned, just about to stand up, but was held by the secret technique next to him, and shook his head gently.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, the glass next to it was smashed, and then a dark shadow rushed in.

"Who?!" (To be continued...) ()

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