Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 197: Liang Xinwu's toughness

Orcs are well-known for their toughness, especially the royal family's Beamon. It is simply a human-shaped siege device. Basically no one can stop them, but the weakness is obvious. They are afraid of magic. Orcs are born to be an excellent warrior. Coupled with acquired training, in the same level, humans cannot beat orcs, but orcs have no way to practice magic, as if they are abandoned by magic elements. Apart from the sacrifices passed down from generation to generation among orcs, there are no orcs. Can use magic, even the royal family is no exception.

Therefore, it can be said that magic is the nemesis of the orcs.

A coin fell from the sky, and Mu Xiaoxiao's body flashed with thunder, but his body did not retreat but moved forward. An orange beam blasted at the orc in front of him. The lion's eyes widened, and he came to his chest in the blink of an eye. With a roar of light, the grudge covered the surface of his body.


The super-electromagnetic gun blasted on the vindictive armor, and it was suddenly bloody. The seventh-level elementary vindictive was indeed unable to stop the more powerful super-electromagnetic gun. The orc held his chest and retreated in horror, but Mu Xiaoxiao But he won't give him a chance. After the lightning dissipated, he had already rushed to the front of the orc. The dragonfly in his hand was cut and wrapped by the lightning, and it instantly pierced into the scar on the orc's chest, and by the way it stirred twice.


"Uh...Uh..." The orc looked at the silver spear that came out of his chest, struggling to make a hoarse cry, and then fell down.

"Huh," Mu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head, and saw four giant cannons tens of meters long in front of the antlers. The tongue of fire kept gushing out.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!!"

The orcs trapped in the explosion were continuously bombarded for ten minutes. After the smoke dissipated. Looking at the unrecognizable Lion on the pitted ground, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but silently mourn for him, poor child.

"Roar!" The lion man who was fighting with the black rabbit roared. The more he fought, the weaker he found himself. Not to mention that he couldn't touch the opponent. Even several accidental collisions, he was shocked to find that his strength was unexpected. Not as good as the rabbit girl in front of her, she shouted in desperation, "You guy! Obviously an orc. Why do you want to take refuge in humans? With your strong strength, it is impossible to be captured by them and become a slave, right? !"

"Sorry, I'm not an orc," the black rabbit snorted and punched him in the stomach, "you don't understand after you say it, I'm just for the master..."

"Master? You guy... Puff!"

Before I finished speaking, I saw the rabbit girl in front of me suddenly catching her fist, her long blue hair turned pink, and the sound of breaking through the air in that small fist. It hit his chest hard and only spit out a big mouthful of blood. His eyes rounded up and flew out, then he lay on the ground and twitched twice before he could not move.

"His... As expected of the black rabbit, hanging from the sky," Mu Xiaoxiao gasped as he looked at the deep smoke on his chest, is this a crush?

As for Yan Qishi's side, it was much simpler, the virtual knife flow was not blowing, a pierced upright willow green bonus directly shattered the internal organs of the orc, until he died, he didn't understand how he died.

"Are these guys all perverted?" The many mercenaries and muscular man Thomas shook their bodies when they saw this scene, and a chill came over. It was so simple to solve the orcs, it would not be himself. Are you dazzling?

"Damn human!" Angus, who was fighting with Liang Xinwu over there, also discovered the situation here, and roared, he couldn't think that the powerful and powerful he had brought was actually killed like this? The furious Angus swung down a huge axe that was twice as big as Liang Xinwu's knife.


Liang Xinwu backed up a few steps, only feeling that her tiger’s mouth was tingling, but the Red Tiger Jie was worthy of being the Red Tiger Jie. After fighting with Angus again, he gradually adapted to this force. Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao The pupils shrank, only to see a burst of blood red energy gradually gushing out of Liang Xinwu's body.

"This should be the special vindictiveness of Sister Liang's cultivation, right?" An Ran said.

"Special grievance..." Seeing Liang Xinwu under this grudge, his eyes began to turn red again, his momentum rose steadily, and his strength gradually became equal to Angus, and even surpassed him! The airtight of the Dadao Wu in Liang Xinwu's hand suppressed Angus, and Mu Xiaocao was full of shock. What kind of vindictiveness is this? Too tough, right?

"Damn it! Is this the strength of the Scarlet Tiger Fairy?" Angus felt more shocked than Mu Xiaoxiao. He and Scarlet Tiger Fairy are both Tier 7 advanced strengths, but they are stronger than humans by virtue of orcs' combat talents. The Scarlet Tiger Ji, who thought that his strength didn't need to be blown out, even boasted Haikou in front of the general, but now. .


"Puff wow!" Liang Xinwu's big sword was already turned into blood. With the blessing of **** fighting spirit, he knocked Angus's great axe into the air. Liang Xinwu bullied himself, and the **** fighting spirit hit hard. On Angus's chest, he smashed his vindictive armor and knocked him into the air.

Angus flew upside down like a broken kite and fell to the ground. He coughed twice and barely got up. He stared at Liang Xinwu fiercely, "Damn Red Tiger Girl! I will ask you to pay." It's a price!" As soon as the words fell, under the horrified eyes of Mu Xiaoxiao everyone, they turned and ran.

"Damn! Orcs would be so shameless?" Mu Xiaogang was about to chase her. Suddenly she had a physical halt and saw that Liang Xinwu had turned into an afterimage and chased her with a big knife in front of her. Covered with his armor, all turned into blood, and he shouted, "Blood battle in the sand!"

"That is.."

Liang Xinwu's body turned into a blood-red arrow, and instantly came to Angus's back. Under his horrified eyes, countless red rays of light surrounded him impenetrable, and Liang Xinwu turned into an arrow. Ya constantly shuttled beside him, leaving a series of hideous scars.

Angus roared, and the fighting spirit on his body exploded fiercely, trying to force Liang Xinwu back, but the red light around him instantly bound his whole body, including his limbs, and what was even more terrifying was that red color. The light is actually gradually melting Angus's grudge!

"Die!" Liang Xinwu paused, then turned into an arrow and pierced Angus's heart.


"..." Looking at the big knife in his heart in a daze, Angus spit out a mouthful of blood and opened his mouth, but in the end he fell down without saying anything.

"Cough cough..." Seeing Angus was killed by herself, Liang Xinwu breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes slowly regaining clarity, and Mu Xiaoxiao who had originally thought she would lose consciousness also breathed a sigh of relief, Liang Xin Wu knelt on the ground while holding the knife, coughing up two mouthfuls of blood.

"Sister, are you okay?" Seeing Liang Xinwu's seemingly weak appearance, Mu Xiao was taken aback and hurriedly took out a bottle of life medicine and handed it over.

"This is?" Liang Xinwu looked at the bottle of medicine blankly.

"Good stuff," Mu Xiaoxiao didn't explain much, and asked her to drink this.

Liang Xinwu didn't hesitate, she seemed to believe that Mu Xiaoxiao she swallowed it all when she raised her head, smacked her mouth, and a faint sweetness came. Liang Xinwu was surprised to find out afterwards. At first, I didn't have the strength to stand up again, and the pain in my body was even worse. After all, my own vindictiveness also hurt myself, but after drinking this medicine, my body actually recovered a lot.

"Brother, I don't think you still have such a good thing," Liang Xinwu looked at him in surprise, "My sequelae can only be recovered by slowly training. Your medicine can even recover from this. It's simply It is a priceless treasure. If it is thrown at the auction house in the Imperial Capital, it will probably cause countless people to fight for it."

"Really? Ahaha..." Speaking of it, I haven't tasted this taste yet, Mu Xiaoxiao thought to himself.

"Are you an adult Mu Xiaoxiao?" At this moment, Thomas, the muscular man next to me, walked over and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, "My lady wants to meet you."

"Me?" Looking at this muscular man, Mu Xiaoxiao felt a little inexplicable, but she realized that she was shocked by her own strength, so she wanted to see herself, right? Although thinking about it this way, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that it didn't seem to be the reason.

"Well, I'll meet the lady you mentioned." To be continued. . ()

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