Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 223: Step up the pace, battleship base

The miracle tree and the hunter's hall have been completed. \\ .\\

The ancient miracle tree is the night elf mall. There are various items in it, but these items have a storage limit. You can only purchase so many in the ancient miracle tree. If you want to continue buying, you must wait for it to refresh. Yes, the time to refresh the CD is basically very long.

For example, Mu Xiaoxiao’s [Moon Stone] is used to create a solar eclipse, block the sun, and create an artificial night. It lasts for one minute, but the price is very expensive. 1,000 money is equivalent to a seventh-order magic crystal, and it is miraculous. The storage limit in the ancient tree is one, and the refreshing CD is 24 hours.

There is also a life-saving artifact [antibody potion], which can be freed from magic for a period of time. [City Return Scroll] can be directly teleported back to any sub-base or main base. As for [life potion] and [magic potion], not to mention Mu Xiao There are also a lot of [Life Potion] and [Energy Potion] in the small body. The Moon Water in the Moon Well is stronger than them, so Mu Xiao Xiao does not plan to buy these potions.

After the completion of the Hunter’s Hall and the Ancient Miracle Tree, there is still a gap between the Ancient Protector and the Elder Altar. The Ancient Protector is a powerful tree warrior, but the cost is too high. Create the Elder Altar first. You should almost have a hero. After all, But there are many plans.

Watching the elf start to build the Elder Altar, which takes ten days to build, Mu Xiaoxiao began to research skills. The skills in the war story are still not available to learn. The most basic [hard bow] that increases the range of the archer’s attack is also Need [Ancient Tree] as a condition, but now there is no wood to upgrade the tree of life. Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the empty timber resources. Crying without tears.

fortunately. The skill learning in the Hunter's Hall does not require conditions, nor does it require wood, just money.

【Power of the Moon】Increase a small amount of attack power for archers, huntresses, bladed carts, and Hippogryph Riders

[Moon Armor] Increased the defense power of archers, huntresses, bladed carts, and Hippogryph Riders

[Wild Power] Increase the attack power of Druid of the Claw (Bear Form), Druid of the Raptor (Crow Form), Dryad, Hippogryph, Mountain Giant, Faerie Dragon, and Chimera.

[Enhanced Concealment] Increase the defensive power of Druids of the Claw (Bear Form), Druids of Raptor (Crow Form), Dryads, Hippogryphs, Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, and Chimera

[Night Vision Ability] Enables night elf units to see clearly at night as well as during the day

[Moon Well Spring] Increase the production of moon water that can be stored

Except for the last [Moon Well Spring] learning that requires the Eternal Tree, other skills can be learned now, and what Mu Xiaoxiao learned first is [Night Vision Ability]. In the game, this ability looks like a tasteless, but in reality Zhongke is quite useful.

The previous ability to improve attack power and defense power is also all learned, because they are all elementary. So the money spent was only 300. After everything was settled, Mu Xiaoxiao originally planned to go to sea, but saw that the sky had darkened, so he had to give up.


But when he woke up early the next morning, he heard the news that Jana had left with Liuli, and he was speechless. As for the question, it made him seem like a scourge in this place.

"What? Are you planning to leave?" Yan Qishi raised her head in surprise, and her voice attracted several other girls around.

"Leave? What do you mean?"

"Master? Where are you going?"

"Brother. Are you leaving now?"

Hearing what Yan Qishi said, the black rabbit with antlers and the others gathered around. Facing Mu Xiaoxiao, he continued to question.

"..." This black belly guy is definitely on purpose! Mu Xiaoxiao was embarrassed, but he didn't intend to hide it, and nodded, "I plan to return to the point where I reached the critical line into the depths of the Dead Sea and set up a battleship base there..."

"Then we can go too?" Black Rabbit frowned.

"It's better for you to stay here. The development of the dark night base is too slow. If you really encounter an enemy invasion, maybe..." Mu Xiaonovi opened the system interface and clicked on it. "I changed the master of the Dark Night Base to Qishi. You can stay here. I will be back in about ten days. Qishi, the development of the Dark Night Base will be left to you for the time being."

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's resolute attitude, they also knew that it was difficult to change Mu Xiaoxiao's decision, so they nodded unwillingly. Qishi had no complaints, and smiled and agreed, and handed over the matter here. Giving Qishi is the most reassuring, most certainly her appearance is smaller than Wendy.

However, Qijin is the smartest and most stable one.

To be honest, Mu Xiaoxiao only realized that there seems to be a lack of a commander-in-chief girl here who can control the overall situation, such as Altria's type. Although Qishi is very good, but it is more powerful than Altori. Asia is far behind, and the power will grow stronger in the future, so she must summon more girls of this type.

"Brother, be careful," Wendy was very reluctant to give up to Mu Xiaoxiao, but she was not the kind of girl who likes to play tricks, said before Mu Xiaoxiao left.

"Master...," Aisha next to her also whispered, "I am now learning cooking with Sister Antlers. After the master comes back, I will let the master **** cooking..."

"Then I'm really looking forward to it," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and waved his hand. Seeing everyone'send to the emperor for thousands of miles', Mu Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly, "I will be back in ten days. Don't be so exaggerated, I'm going now, and everything in the base will be handed over to you!"

Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand and turned into a meteor and stepped onto the vast ocean.

The dark night base's development speed was too slow. Mu Xiaoxiao discovered that the construction of units and buildings in the future took dozens of hours. Sitting there waiting for nothing, but wasting countless great times, so Mu Xiao Xiaoxian handed over the matters of the Dark Night Base to Qishi, and opened up another sub-base himself.

Coupled with the news that Princess Feliya was captured yesterday, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't sit still and decided to take action. This sub-base is naturally a battleship base. After all, it is on the sea. The elves cannot fight at sea. Therefore, this shortcoming had to be remedied. Mu Xiaoxiao decided to build a naval battleship base. There were quite a few battleship bases in the system mall, but Mu Xiaoxiao only liked one.

It’s just that the two bases are developing at the same time, which also represents a shortage of resources. Fortunately, the dark night base’s money will not be too short. Well, this is also the reason why the violent soldiers have not yet begun. It is not enough for the small plan to start violent soldiers At the very least, all the buildings must be built, and this will take dozens of days. During this time, it only needs to develop its own battleship base.


Looking at the huge sea beast in front of him, Mu Xiaoxiao was not surprised. Without the sea soul, he met the sea beast within two minutes of going out to sea, but this is not a bad thing. Now there is no magic crystal on him~www.readwn .com~ It happens to be able to trade some resources. Since the dark night base can be exchanged, there is no reason why the battleship base cannot exchange resources, right?

Coupled with increasing the awakening of his bloodline by the way, Mu Xiaoxiao is very welcome to these deep-sea behemoths, but...

Based on what happened last time, it has been determined that as long as he is injured, relying on the recovery ability of the true ancestor, his awakening will increase the fastest, and the heavier the injury, the faster he will increase. Unfortunately, he is not trembling, seeing that sea beast. Biting his hideous mouth, he really couldn't help but shoot...

"Die!" Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes turned golden, and the seventh-order deep sea squid was quickly killed. He skillfully picked out a magic crystal exuding magical power fluctuations, and Mu Xiaoxiao went on the road again. At the same time, do not forget to open your own system interface.

【Awakening: 11.5/100】

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. With the increase in awakening, Mu Xiaoxiao found that her violent power and recovery ability have also improved a lot. Could it be said that with the awakening of blood, this immortal body and violent can both increase ? In the thinking and fighting along the way, after several hours of trekking, I finally came to the critical line in the depths of the Dead Sea...(To be continued...)()

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