Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 241: Copy, LL

Mu Xiaoxiao discovered that the second floor of the Sky City was a small world. At least he hadn't reached the end. On both sides of the forest, mountains and rivers, there were boundless grasslands and unsightly wasteland. Mu Xiaoxiao I found it was a good place to hide.

Even if the Sky City is breached, as long as you press the teleportation array or the portal in this small world, you can completely escape...How come you always want to escape?

After watching here for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao returned to the top through a relic gate on the back mountain of the palace, and let the dream come out with a wave of his hand.

"Meow..." As soon as the dream came out, he yelled two joyfully, and then looked around curiously with his big eyes open, and Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head helplessly, "Fantasy, you can be in a human form. Speaking, but I can't speak by myself, I really don't understand..."

"Meow," Dream circled Mu Xiaoxiao twice, then raised his neck and rubbed Mu Xiaoxiao's chest.

"Okay, okay, you can go and take a look around, this will be our home in the future," Mu Xiaoxiao touched her dreamy head, then looked around, thinking that it is almost time to put the Qishi Black Rabbit They took it, and after the heroes of the dark night base came out, they could let go of the affairs of the sub-base...As long as they build a teleportation array that can be teleported, they can pass at any time...

Wait. Speaking of the teleportation array, Mu Xiaoxiao just remembered that she seemed to have two teleportation arrays as a gift, right? Mu Xiaoxiao quickly opened the system interface. Sure enough, there was a faint blue teleportation array lying in the package. This teleportation array was in the shape of a circle similar to that of a sitting platform. Mu Xiaoxiao tried to click on it.

"Does the host build a faction building [Teleport Array] here?" The system's voice sounded.

"Wait." Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly stopped, then rushed into the small world on the second floor of the Sky City, and walked all the way to the woods not far from the entrance to the mountainside ruins. "The system is here to build the teleportation array. Bar."

"Okay," the faction building is different from the base building. Surprisingly, Mu Xiaoxiao saw a flash of white light in front of her eyes. The faction building [Teleportation Array] was built instantly.

Looking at the five-meter-high pillar made of an invisible blue stone, a circle with a radius of about four meters next to the stone pillar remains, and there is a faint light in it, sighing. "This is the teleportation array? It looks like it is really tall..."

A teleportation array is useless. At least two are needed to transmit to each other. The teleportation array can only be regarded as a relatively poor type in the camp building. I think that the portal that Mu Xiaoxiao has seen can be used not only by a portal. , And there is no limit to the number of teleports, and the portal can become larger or smaller, which means that it’s no problem for the huge tree of life to pass through the portal.

More importantly, the portal is not a fixed-point transmission. Install a portal in the main base, and Mu Xiaoxiao, the owner of the base, can open the portal anywhere, allowing the friendly forces on the other side of the portal to kill. Therefore, portals are one of the few faction buildings that can be used even outside the range of the base.

It's just that the portal actually requires 500 diamonds, which is equivalent to the price of a Seed of Life! However, the teleportation array also needs 300 diamonds, two can be used, 600 diamonds, if you think about it this way, it is almost the same...

And although it seems that the portal is more convenient and practical than the teleportation array, it also has the weakness that the cooling time is too long. It can only be used once a day, and the teleportation array has no cooling. Can be used all the time.

I bought the Guard Mansion and Sky City myself, and now there are 2600 diamonds left on him. Mu Xiaoxiao wondered if he should exchange some equipment, but the equipment card in Dragon Quest is quite easy to get, so you don’t need to spend diamonds. Now, it’s better to buy some practical camp buildings.

Mu Xiaoxiao scanned the faction buildings in the mall, then stretched out his hand, and without hesitation directly purchased [Simulation Training Field], [Portal Gate*2], [Transportation Array*2], [Simulation Training Field] requires 800 Diamond, but very powerful, can simulate any opponent you have ever encountered, and it is perfect for training.

In an instant the 2,400 diamonds were gone. Looking at the few diamonds left in her package, Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, really careless...

Putting both the simulation training field and the portal on the grassland on the second level, Mu Xiaoxiao walked out of here, and there are still three portals and one portal. The portals will be placed in the dark night base. As for the portals, Wrap the Dragon Soul in his package, exactly one of the three sub-bases are placed.

But I don't know when to get three sub-bases.

After Mu Xiaoxiao saw that everything in the Sky City was almost done, she wanted to go back to the Dark Night Base to have a look, but now the Elder Altar hasn't been finished yet, right? After thinking about it carefully, it's better to enter the dungeon first. Anyway, after entering the dungeon, the flow of time in this world will slow down. It seems that I haven't seen Honoka and the others for a long time.

"System, let me enter the dungeon," Mu Xiaoxiao called to the system.

"Consuming the dungeon key*1, the host wants to enter which dungeon?"




"'s not good!!!"

"What's wrong with Huayang?" Xingkong Rin looked at Koizumi Huayang who rushed in in a panic in the activity room of the Idol Research Department. It's really strange..."

"Oops! Oops! It's not the time to say this, the big thing is not good!" Koizumi Huayang rushed up, holding a laptop in his hand, with a look of panic on his face.

"What's wrong? What bad things make you so panicked?" Ayase Eri raised her head curiously and looked at the school girl in front of her.

"Didn't it say that it will be re-hosted in March? Could it be that this time will be cancelled?" Nan Xiaoniao's words made everyone else nervous.

"No... this is not true, but it is also very bad news!" Hua Yang put the computer in his hand on the table and pointed his finger at one place, "Look here... ..."

"What? I'll take a look..." Everyone leaned over, looking at Hua Yang's fingers...





Seeing the above information, everyone was silent for a long time before shouting together, "What?!!!"

"Where is Honoka?" Sonoda Kaimi turned his head and looked around. "Such important news must be told to her. After all, she is the leader of μs!"

"I didn't see it," Nan Xiaotori didn't see Kosaka Honoka's figure, "Could it be in the student council room? After all, she should have a lot of work to do when she just became the president of the student council..."

"Let's go and take a look," Ayase Eri stood up and led everyone straight to the student union room, but did not find Honoka.

"Is it possible to be in the classroom?" Nishikino Maki asked. The group went straight to the classroom again and again, but they also didn't see her, even though they asked the three classmates Hideko, Fumika and Mika who often helped them. They also don't know where Kosaka Honoka went.

"Couldn't she have gone home?" Xingkong Rin asked, frowning.

"Hmph, I must be playful and I don't know where I went," Yazawa Nicole was a little dissatisfied. "It's obviously the leader of μs and still so loose..." The tone was sour.

"Well," Nan Xiaoniao waved his hand awkwardly, "This is not so clear..."

" Did you forget a place?" Suddenly, Tojo squinted his eyes and said, "I think Honoka is 80% where..."

"Could it be that..." Sonoda Kaimi looked at each other and seemed to think of something.

In front of a house that seemed nothing special, Sonoda Umi, Minami Kotori, Ayase Eri, Tojo Nozomi, Nishikino Maki, Koizumi Hanayo, Hoshizora Rin, and Yazawa Nicole stood in front of the door. Before Tian Hai stepped forward, he put his hand on the doorbell and pressed it down.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong—"

Then he reached out and put his hand on the doorknob...


"It's not locked, it really is here, Honoka seems to be coming to Xiaoxiao's house more and more frequently these days..."

With that said, Sonoda Umi and others all walked in. (To be continued)

ps: I went to see the ll dubbed in Cantonese specifically, and I laughed for some reason...

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