Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 248: Welcome back

"Are they Suinaiguo?" Mu Xiaoxiao also spotted the μs people behind him. She didn't expect to meet them here. Just about to stop, Mu Xiaoxiao realized that Qi Luoyi was aggressively moving toward her. After a slight pause, the body hurriedly tossed the dog's legs and accelerated sharply.

Mu Xiaoxiao is not difficult for normal people to measure. Although these idols have better physical fitness due to training, they still can't compare with Mu Xiaoxiao. In their horrified eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao's body suddenly changes. As an afterimage, it disappeared in front of my eyes in an instant.

"..." xn.

"How did you run away like this?" Nan Xiaoniao stared blankly at the crowd surging ahead.

"It doesn't matter, he should have something to do? Let's just go to the small house," Honoka smiled, "Go to his house and stop him! Huh..."

μs and his party didn't even come to say hello to a-, so they rushed towards Mu Xiaoxiao's house.


Mu Xiaoxiao wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the people behind him who had been thrown away by him, and he was relieved, "Why do you want to chase me? Why did I do something bad, but I can't think of Sui. Naiguo and the others have already returned, should they be in their own room now?"

"Go back... I just didn't expect to meet in this way. I don't know how they are doing..."

Mu Xiao thought carefully, turned and walked towards the house.

"Hmm..." Standing in front of his house. Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the door and said, "I don't know how they will welcome me? Well, I haven't seen you for a long time. I still look forward to it," Mu Xiaoxiao opened the door and walked in. .


The entrance was completely dark, and Mu Xiaoxiao looked around and found that none of the rooms had lights on. Wouldn't they go back to each house? But when I lowered my head, I could see their shoes again... Mu Xiaoxiao put on slippers and walked into the living room full of doubts, and was immediately stunned.

The nine girls all sat on the ground around a wooden table, their eyes closed tightly. There was no expression on his face, and he opened his eyes only after hearing Mu Xiao's footsteps. The serious expression and Gu Jing Wubo's pupils looked a little gloomy and weird in the dark, and Mu Xiaoxiao, the true ancestor, couldn't help shaking his body, his face stiffened.

"You...that...long time no see..."

"...It's been a long time since I saw you," Hai Wei twitched at the corner of his mouth. Skin Xiaorou said without a smile.

"It's been about three or four months, right?" Little Bird also had a smile on his face.

"When I left, I didn't even say goodbye. I left for so long," Shinoguo's eyes flashed with dim light.

"And I won't let you know when I come back," Rin didn't even bring her mouth addiction.

"More importantly, it seems to know a-?" Ayase Erri's original serious face is now even more serious.

"I didn't notify us when I came back, but it has something to do with a-," Nishikino Maki said lightly.

"We really want to hear what funny things have happened to you~" Tojo Nozomi smiled, covering her mouth.

"Little brother..." Only Huayang lowered his head and said nothing.

"Huh, really an irresponsible community consultant. Oh, I have to add the word'Front'..." Yazawa Nicole rolled her head and gave the final blow.

"...You..." Mu Xiaoxiao's cold sweat ran down. Looking at the girls who were all staring at him except Huayang, Mu Xiaoxiao's body was stiff, and it took a long while to say in embarrassment, "I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask, but... I'm just now. Come back, just say this. Is it too..."

"God, teacher, don't want to perfuse the past." Tojo Nozomi said with a smile, "Also, I feel that the teacher seems to have changed a lot, in terms of temperament, and eyes... actually become Red? Color pupils?"

"I'm not that boring, it's only because of some I'm not a teacher anymore..."

"So Xiaoxiao, don't try to perfuse it!" said Sonoda Haiwei, "answer us quickly!"

" have too many questions..." Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were erratic, "Would you like to ask next time?"

"The other issues don't matter," Nan Xiaoniao said suddenly, "Little, we want to know where you have been so long? Did you return home?"

"This..." Mu Xiaoxiao was full of entanglements. This question is the most difficult to answer. Do you want me to say I went to another world? It's not to be regarded as a neurosis! "Well... about where I went, I can't tell you yet... but I will say it later, ahahaha..."

"Well, forget it," Maki Nishikino said suddenly, "Since Xiaoxiao always said that, there must be something difficult..."

"Indeed," Eri Ayase nodded, "Then, I won't ask those questions for now, but don't run away in the future! Also, Xiao Xiao, close your eyes."

"Hey? Why?"

"Don't ask so much, just close it as soon as possible!" said Hui Naiguo.

Mu Xiaoxiao could only close his eyes. He wanted to be domineering with what he saw and heard, but since they didn't want to let himself know, he didn't break the surprise. There was no movement for a while. When he was about to open his eyes, he realized that there was something in front of him. Bright, and then a'bang' sound came.

Mu Xiaoxiao opened his eyes and saw that the room had been lit up, and there were countless gorgeous flowers in the room. A color cannon was on the top of his head, and the table was filled with steaming food. Seeing this The scene of Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, her mouth wide open and speechless, "This...this is..."

"Welcome back~!" x9.

"..." For a long time, Mu Xiaoxiao gave a wry smile, "Unexpectedly, you guys made such a show, but thank you..."

"It's not right, it's not this sentence!" Sonoda Haiwei frowned and said suddenly.


"Are you a fool?" Nishikino Maki sighed when he saw his silly look. "What should you say?"

"What are you talking about?" Mu Xiaoxiao still didn't understand.

"Little, we said'welcome back', so what should you say?"

"Um..." Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment before she woke up, glanced at the girls looking at her expectantly, and smiled slightly, "I'm back..."

Hearing these words, everyone smiled, and Honao grabbed her chest by the collar, then rushed up and hugged Mu Xiaoxiao's waist, "Xiaoxiao!"

"Sui Naiguo?" Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback.

"Xiao Xiao, you're finally back! Originally I thought..." Honoka suddenly choked up, "but...I didn't expect to see Xiao Xiao again. It's great. ....."

"Hinao jam..." Tears flickered in everyone's eyes when they saw this scene.

Seeing that the scene seemed to be getting uncontrollable, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly said, "Don't worry, haven't I already returned? And I won't leave in a short time, so..."

"For a short time? That means I will leave in the future, right?" Nan Xiaoniao asked suddenly.


Everyone was shocked. Mu Xiaoxiao also fell silent, and the atmosphere became serious in an instant. Fortunately, Tojo Nozomi waved his hand, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this heavy problem. Finally, teacher We should celebrate when we come back."

"That's what I said," Hui Naiguo let go of Mu Xiaoxiao, and walked to the table, "Today we made these foods specially to celebrate Xiao Xiao's return, so don't talk about any problems."

"What? It's obviously whether I did it..." Nicole muttered dissatisfied.

"Well, we also helped ~ Honoka smiled, "And we are about to participate in the re-organization soon, and Xiao Xiao will be surprised by then! "

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "but a- is very strong, you have to work hard..."

"Speaking of it, what is the relationship between you and a-?" Nishikino Maki frowned and asked, "It sounds like you know them well."


"Yes, yes, say it quickly!" Hearing this question, Honoka nodded repeatedly. Just like everyone else, they stared at him steadily, and asked.

" don't mean you can't ask..."

"We have changed our attention!" Hui Naiguo said without hesitation, "Be sure to ask clearly today!"

"Okay, okay," Anyway, this is not a shameful thing, and Mu Xiaoxiao had to say all the things before. (To be continued)


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