Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 256: Celebrate the finalists

"Fourth place...μs?!" Looking at the screen in front of her, Honoka opened her mouth wide, "μs...μs?" She turned her head and looked at Xiao Tori Haimi waiting for someone, her eyes full It was a shocked look, "We...are us μs?"

"Really, µs from Otonokizaka Academy," At this time, Sonoda Umi couldn't calm down, "It's us! It's us µs! Are we really shortlisted?!"

"Fourth place! We can participate in the regional finals!" The bird was full of excitement.

"Great, Huayang!"


"I said you guys are too happy too early, right? It's just the preliminaries," Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but shock when seeing them excited, "Don't forget that this is just the beginning, and the next finals. Are you guys directly on the a-?"

"God, the teacher will really hit us," Tojo Nozomi said with a smile, "but that's right. Only one team can be selected in the next regional final. We must compete with a-, and said To be honest, the opponent's strength is too strong and we have no hope of victory..."

"From my point of view, their dance is indeed considered a professional level," Ayase Eri also nodded and said.

"I'm talking about you, isn't it good to say this horrible scenery at this time?" Nishikino Maki stroked his forehead, "Anyway, we also took a step forward? And seriously, even if it's a- Is very strong. We also have our strengths!"

"...Oh? Unexpectedly, Zhen Ji, you would actually say this kind of thing," Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes, "It really surprised me..."

"Me too." Tojo Nozomi also smiled weirdly, "It feels like Shinhime-chan has been infected by Honoka..."

" guys, don't talk nonsense, I just..."

The Honoka group next to each other glanced at each other, and then raised their hands and said, "Today we got a good news. We successfully broke through the preliminaries and entered the regional finals. How about we celebrate at the small house?!" Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao with a smile, "Xiaoxiao. What do you think?"

"......I do not mind......."

"Good idea!" The first respondent was actually Nicole. Her eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly, "Let’s have a banquet in a small house! Seriously, although we have been here all the time. But banquets are rarely held. What...what do you think?"

"Um...this proposal is also very good..." Hai Wei nodded, and at the same time glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao without a trace.

"I think it's good too," the little bird said with a smile.

"Well, I don't care anymore," Nishikino Maki's face turned slightly red and said, turning her head.

"I...I have no opinion..." Koizumi Huayang whispered.

"Rin is also meow~"

"Since everyone said so," Tojo Nozomi smiled, "I'll stay, too, Eri, you?"

"Me?'s useless if you all agree to my objection, right?" Xuanse Eri saw Mu Xiaoxiao's weird eyes. My heart burst, and I glared at him and turned his head quickly, suppressing the shyness and blush on his face.

"Then it's so decided!" Nicole cheered. "I want to go out to buy ingredients, who of you accompany me?"

"I'll go with you," Xi said, standing up, blinking at Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly before leaving, making him bewildered, what do you mean?

"The rest of you should just clean up the room," Sonoda Haiwei claps his palms and suggested, at the same time he gave Mu Xiaoxiao a weird look. Suddenly he had a bad feeling in his heart. After a long while, sure enough...

Seeing Hai Wei's solemn expression looking for something in his room, Mu Xiaoxiao's face twitched, "Hai Wei...what do you want to do?"

"Huh, just looking for something bad," Sonoda Haimi snorted softly, "In order to prevent you from going astray, I will search every once in a while!"

"..." Isn't this too broad? Fortunately, I threw everything into the space package wittyly...

"Bad thing? What's that?" Nan Xiaoniao and Hai Wei were responsible for cleaning Mu Xiaoxiao's room. She looked at Hai Wei and Mu Xiaoxiao curiously, and asked, "Is it something bad?"

"This..." When the bird asked, Sonoda Kai was not embarrassed. She opened her mouth, but because of her character, she couldn't say it at all and could only hesitate, "This... .... The bad thing... is that... that thing..."

"That? Something?" Nan Xiaoniao blinked his eyes and turned to look at Mu Xiaoxiao, but saw the corner of his mouth curled up and smiled mysteriously at him. Suddenly there was an extra CD in his hand with a restricted-level picture on it. In the naked-naked picture, the little bird who saw this suddenly made a big red face and shouted, "Little actually..."

"Huh? Little Bird? What's wrong with me?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her curiously. Next to him, Hai Wei also looked at the little bird confusedly, then looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, but found nothing.

"..." Looking intently, she found that Mu Xiaoxiao had an innocent expression on her face, and her hands were empty. The bird's words were choked in her throat, and then she remembered that she was in the autumn before. What happened when Ye Yuan and Mu Xiaoxiao met, he knew in his heart where he must have put the dirty stuff, but...

She couldn't say it at all, she was still in front of her good friend Hai Wei...

So both of them were silent and fell into their own embarrassment.


"I said you guys, the room will be cleaned soon, Nicole and the others are coming back, go downstairs," Shinhime who appeared suddenly rescued one of them, Hai Wei and Xiaoniao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then did not hesitate Leaving Mu Xiaoxiao walked out the door, he smiled secretly in his heart. It was really fun to molest the two girls, especially those of Haiwei and Xiaoniao...

"Ah," Mu Xiaoxiao fell on the sofa and sighed as he looked at the newly renovated rooms around him, "It's so clean. If only you could help me clean every day..."

"I want to be beautiful," Xuanze Eri walked over with a kitchen knife in her hand, surrounded by an apron. The dazzling blade made Mu Xiaoxiao tremble, "Couldn't you do it yourself? ?Slob......"

"...Well, I'm really bad at this kind of thing," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, and at the same time looked up and down at Xuanze Eri, "but I can't tell, you are such a person with blond hair. -Wife's temperament, she will definitely become a good wife in the future."

"You...what are you talking about..." Ayase Erri's face blushed, "I don't... and don't call me blonde!"

"But it really surprised me. You and Maki Xiaoniao are both eldest ladies, aren't they?" Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at Xiaoniao and Makishi, who were wiping the windows not far away. ...Well, it's understandable that Xiaoniao is a maid, but you and Maki..."

"It's not the eldest lady," Maki walked over, "Although the conditions at home are good, we are not the kind of eldest lady who knows nothing. Don't you say that you like the eldest lady type girl?"

"..." Xn, the people next to him looked over with wide-eyed eyes, and Mu Xiaoxiao tugged at the corner of his mouth and touched his nose in a slanderous manner.

"Okay, the cooking is done," Fortunately, Nicole relieved Mu Xiaoxiao and walked out with a large plate, "Everyone, bring the cooking!"

Opening the lid, a burst of white steam came out, accompanied by bursts of attractive fragrance, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, "This...this is Chinese cuisine? Nicole, I never thought you would Doing Chinese food? It’s really good... I like Chinese food the most. I didn’t have any hope, but I didn’t expect it to be eaten..." The saliva flowed unconsciously. come out.

"Chinese cuisine?" Suinaiguo and the others also swallowed looked at Nicole suspiciously.

"Really? Little, you like it, but this is what I learned specifically," Nicole tilted her head back, with a complacent look, her eyes narrowed with a smile.

"Hey? Did you learn it?" Hai Wei suddenly smiled strangely, "I didn't expect Nicole to be interested in learning this..."

"Yeah, yeah," Tojo Nozomi also smiled kindly, "Nicole is really amazing, she can actually cook the teacher's favorite Chinese cuisine..."

"" Nicole said with a stiff face, and said with a dry smile, "Ahhahaha...Okay, let's sit down, we are forgotten. Celebrating the finalists, forget about this kind of problem..."

"...Well, let you go for the time being," Hai Wei turned his head to look at everyone, and took out a glass of juice, "To celebrate our μs shortlisting! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" x9. (To be continued)


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