Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 264: Halloween

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In the student union room, Sonoda Umi and Minami Kotori finally couldn't bear Honoka's gaze, raised their heads and looked at her stiffly, "Honoka? Why do you keep staring at us?"

"That's right, the student union work is not over yet, right? Don't be half-hearted, hurry up and finish the work and then you can go to practice!" Hai Weiyi criticized in a righteous manner, but why are your palms sweaty?

"Really?" Honoka squinted her eyes and looked at the bird and Umi before pouting, "It feels like you have become a little strange...Since returning from the school trip... ."

"Odd... weird? Don't talk nonsense, I don't have anything weird," Hai Wei twitched, "Aren't we normal?"

"Yeah, it must be your illusion that Honono jams," Xiaoniao also grinned stiffly. "Is the student union doing too much work? If you are too tired, you can leave it to us."

"That's right!" Hai Wei also nodded repeatedly.

"It's really weird. If it were Haiwei before, you wouldn't be so easy to talk," Hui Naiguo became more and more suspicious. The little bird had a look, but the next sentence made them breathe a sigh of relief, "But forget it. Since you are willing to help me deal with it, then leave it to you. I'll go to the idol research department first!"

Finished. Honoka stood up, smiled slightly, turned and ran out.

"Um..." Hai Wei and Xiaoniao looked at each other with a bitter smile, blushing in a tacit understanding, and then lowered his head to continue working on student union affairs.

Hoonago, who walked out of the room, did not have the heartless expression, but rushed to the office of the Idol Research Department with a solemn expression. He banged the door open and looked at the members of μs inside. Yelled, "It's not good!"

"What's the matter? So impatient?" Ayase Eri looked at her strangely, "Is there too much work in the student union?"

"It's not this problem, it's much more serious than this problem!" Hui Naigo sat on the chair out of breath. After a glance at everyone, he said, "Have you noticed that Hai Wei and Xiao Niao have become a little strange recently?"

"Strange?" Nishikino Maki thought for a while, "It's nothing strange...wait," she said, "It seems that a few times, Hai Mi and Xiao Niao both left early. Bar?"

"That said," Nicole nodded. "I also think about it, it seems that every time we go to Xiaoxiao's house to gather, they are the first to arrive..."

"Honoka. Are you trying to say what happened to them and Xiaoyi?" Ayase Eri looked at Honoka and asked suspiciously.

"Yes," Honoka nodded and patted the table, "It must have happened with Xiaoxiao! Since returning from school trips, Haiwei and Xiaoniao have often ran to Xiaoxiao's house, and sometimes the student union was busy. Work is also absent-minded! This is enough to show that there are some secrets between them that we don't know!"

"That's what I said." Tojo Nozomi suddenly turned his gaze, "It looks like it was at the beginning. What happened to Nicole and the teacher, right?" Nozomi's words made Nicole's expression tense.

"Then Maki..." Nishikino Maki's expression was also tense.

"In the end, Rin..." Xingkong Rin's face stiffened.

"Hey?" Honao looked at the three of them in surprise, "Is there such a thing? I don't know!" She squinted her eyes, "As a result, only the four of us were excluded? It's really unfair. Ah...Mahime, Nicole, and Rin, hurry up and tell me what happened to Xiaoxiao..."

"Hey? Nothing about this," Maki smiled awkwardly, "Nothing happened, you guys think too much..."

"Yeah, yeah, we are just normal...Nicole Nicole~" Nicole made her standard move.

"Ahahahaha..." Xingkong Rin just smiled dryly without speaking.

"..." Huayang Suinoguo, Eri and Xi looked at them for a while, but Xi said to relieve them, "Since you all said that, then forget it. Let's talk about this issue later. There are more important things now. It’s Halloween now, and we have been invited to be guests of Halloween performance..."

"Indeed, Halloween, if we perform on Halloween, the popularity will definitely rise," Honoka nodded excitedly, "In this case, our contest has a higher winning rate!"

"Honoka, you think too much," Eri sighed. "Although we were invited, a- was also invited."


"Well, no matter what, we have to think of a way, absolutely can't let the a-comparison go down!" Nicole shook her fist and said resolutely.

"Wait! Come and see!" Koizumi Huayang who had been staring at the computer suddenly screamed, "Big news! Hurry up!"

"What? What's the matter?" Everyone who heard the words gathered around.


"...Hey," Mu Xiaoxiao, who was walking on the road, sighed while looking at a piece of letter paper in his hand.

"Ah! It's the author of the light tone girl! So young, and also a little handsome!"

"Where? Really! Hurry up, I need an autograph in the past!"

"That... are you the author of the light tone girl?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the two women in front of him. I don’t know how many batches it was. After sighing, Mu Xiaoxiao reluctantly pulled out a smile. After signing the two fans, she took out her phone without hesitation. A number was dialed.

"Hello? It's Mu..."

"It's your sister! Hurry up and tell me what's going on?!" Mu Xiaoxiao directly cursed when he heard the voice, "Why is my identity exposed! Do you comic clubs eat shit?! "

"Mr. Mu calmly and calmly," Nakata Masaru on the phone quickly soothed, "This is no way, how can I say that the light tone girl has become more popular than usual since the re-serialization, so of course the reporters are more sensitive. And as a manga author, it is very rare to hide it..."

"Speaking of it, it's not all your fault," Mu Xiaoxiao curled her lips, "I gave you all the manuscripts all at once, and those reporters wanted to catch my little tail and it was impossible. Only you have leaked the information, am I right?"

"Um...this is true," Nakata Masatake wiped his sweat, it was indeed their negligence that caused this, "Or? Our boy manga can consider some compensation..."

Compensation for compensation? Two-dimensional is so easy to talk, but it is a pity that Mu Xiaoxiao no longer cares about money and the like, and said lightly, "Forget it, anyway, I have nothing to lose. It will be a little troublesome to go out in the future, so let's stop here," Mu Xiao Xiao hung up the phone directly, looked at the letter paper in her hand, thought for a while, put the letter paper in her pocket, turned around and left.

Of course, it is inevitable to be recognized by some light-tone fans on the road, and then there are a bunch of troublesome autograph photos and the like.

The members of μs haven't come these days, so are Haiwei and Xiaoniao, and Mu Xiaoxiao is also rare to be free. Don't you say that you are free every day? He knows that everyone in μs is preparing for the Halloween performance. In fact, it's not just them, but also themselves...

Mu Xiaoxiao walks down the Seeing the shops on the street are full of festive atmosphere, pumpkins, witches, demons, etc., this kind of festival full of western atmosphere still makes him Somewhat curious, Mu Xiaoxiao, who was walking on the road, was taken aback for a moment, only to see three girls not far in front beckoning to herself.

"That's..." Mu Xiaoxiao frowned and walked over, "It's you? Is there anything wrong?"

"It's been a while since I saw you, Mu Xiaoxiao," Qi Luoyi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, "Let's go to the coffee shop and sit down, how about it? You don't want to stay here until you are surrounded, right? Manga artist? "

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao looked around and seemed to recognize his passers-by, his face twitched, "Well, I will go with you, but instead of going to the coffee shop, I can just go to an ordinary restaurant and say I haven't had dinner yet..."

"Come on, then, I know a good Japanese restaurant."

After Mu Xiaoxiao left, at a corner behind, several heads poked out, looking at the back of Mu Xiaoxiao and a- in the distance. (To be continued)


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