Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 328: Maia the Free Maid

Seriously, Mu Xiaoxiao doesn’t know much about the Black Beast...Cough cough, okay, I know a little bit more or less, how can I say it’s the annual hegemony for three consecutive years. If you haven't read it, you can't justify it. +

It should be said that it is this kind of helpless world, even the air exudes a rotten and dirty smell, which is disgusting.

From that boss, Mu Xiaoxiao learned that the current Black Dog Mercenary Corps has just emerged, accepting the Seven Shields Alliance’s commission to end this war that has lasted for hundreds of years. That is to say, they have not betrayed, so there is no such thing now. Into the Black City?

Mu Xiaoxiao’s task is a bit difficult to do. Building a town without the base seed requires a lot of manpower and material resources, but it can take a ready-made town. First of all, the Dark City of the Dark Queen is a good choice. Now The dark elf queen's power was exhausted to the extreme, and it was a good opportunity.

It's just a pity that in addition to the queen, there are countless monsters in the Black City. They are powerful. Now that Mu Xiaoxiao is injured, there is no way to fight them. Not to mention injury, even if he is not injured, most of his abilities are sealed. He didn't have the strength to fight against all monsters alone.

The second is to ask the Seven Shields Alliance for help, but now that the war is nearing its end and victory is in sight, they won’t agree to a stranger’s request, so it’s better to wait until the Black Dog Mercenary Corps rebels and consider this matter. , So currently...

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated for a while, and now he has recovered most of his injuries due to Moon Water, but with Xiandou, he doesn't need to worry too much about his injuries. As for using fairy beans to recover from the injury. Mu Xiaoxiao, who had only three fairy beans, couldn't bear to use it. And the minor injuries now have no effect.

So the first goal is to go to the Black City, right? First of all, rescue the two dark elves. After all, the future enemy is the Black Dog Mercenary Group. Maybe the dark elves and humans can unite? Speaking of the Black Dog Mercenary Group, Mu Xiaoxiao thought of the declaration issued by their leader Volut after the rebellion.

The [Serving the Country] Declaration for Domestic Women to Serve All Men Visiting...

This made Mu Xiaoxiao deeply feel that it was even more cruel than Zhantong.

"I said little brother, did you really decide to go to the front?" The owner of the tavern took a horse and came to Mu Xiaoxiao, saying hesitantly. "Even if the war is about to end now, it is still very dangerous there, brother, you..."

"Okay, uncle," Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand, "With the blessing of the goddess, how could something go wrong? And I have already decided like this..."

After having a good conversation with the barkeeper uncle, Mu Xiaoxiao told him that he wanted to go to the front line of the war, and entrusted him to help him get a horse.

"Hey, since you have decided so," the uncle shook his head. "Then I won't say much..."

"Then bye bye uncle..." Mu Xiaoxiao turned on her horse and waved at him. Leaving this town.


Although Mu Xiaoxiao’s location is also Eos in the west of Cernus, it is still some distance from the front line. I don’t know how long it will take to rely on my feet alone, so I borrowed a horse here and put it on. Wearing that black cloak, he drove his horse awkwardly across the plain.

"Is it coming soon?" Mu Xiaoxiao gradually felt a heavy, first-level depressive aura spreading all over, frowning, and the plain where there were some flowers and trees was gradually replaced by the dry and desolate land, and the sky was covered. Dim and blood-red, this barren land and blood-red sky indicated that Mu Xiaoxiao had entered a dangerous area.

Looking at this situation, it seems that he is about to reach the Black City.

Rumor has it that after the appearance of the Black City, there is a powerful dark elf queen in the city. Her magic has made the surroundings of the Black City become sterile. The sky will always be a dim red, regardless of day and night, but the monsters in the city, power It will be greatly improved. In simple terms, it can be seen as a two-way buff bonus for the increase of the friendly army and the decrease of the enemy.

But now that the dark elf queen's power is exhausted to the extreme, the buff of the natural black city is almost out of effect, and it is also the time for the Seven Shields to counterattack.

"At this time almost the Black Dog Mercenary Corps has already attacked the city, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, speeding up, but his expression suddenly condensed, and he took the reins to stop the horse, and narrowed his eyes. Looking over, a few ogres came towards him.

"This is a monster..." Not far away, I looked at a sturdy humanoid monster with brown skin all over his body, bulging muscles, two orc-like teeth protruding upward, and two horns on his forehead. , Mu Xiaoxiao stroked his chin, muttered while looking, "It looks terrifying indeed, the strength should also be quite strong..."

"Hahaha, I'm so lucky. I didn't expect to see humans here." The ogres naturally found Mu Xiaoxiao, and they couldn't help but grin and laugh, waving the mace in their hands and aiming at Mu Xiaoxiao. , "Hey! Smelly kid! Come down and become my uncle's food!"

"...You want to eat me?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked strangely.

"Of course, although we can also eat some other foods, for us, humans are the most delicious!" One of the ogres laughed, "Just like you humans, an ordinary plate Grilled meats, delicacies and seafood, which one would you choose?"

"Naturally it is the delicacy of the mountains and the sea."

"Isn't that right, ah ha ha ha! Since you know it too, then come down obediently!"

"...I'm a member of the Black Dog Mercenary Corps, are you still going to eat me?" Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes and smiled suddenly.

"Black Dog Mercenary Group? I know, I heard that it was the mercenary you humans invited to fight us?" The ogre still didn't change his face, "Don't you think we won't dare to move you if you sign up for a name? ?? And it’s too naive for a mercenary group to try to break through our Black City? It’s great. It’s good to catch you and ask the Queen for credit. Maybe you can get a lot of rewards."

"..." At this time, the Black Dog Mercenary Group had not yet penetrated the Black City? Or is it that these two goods have broken the city but don't know? Just as Mu Xiaojing was thinking about it, a bitter female voice suddenly sounded.

"Unexpectedly, you can still see monsters at this time, don't you know that your Black City and even the Dark Elf Queen are at stake?"

Mu Xiaoxiao and several ogres turned their heads, and saw a girl with short red hair coming over with a big sword holding a big sword, with a little chill on her face, staring coldly at the ogres in front of them.

"Is it a human again? And a woman?!" The ogres couldn't help but slobber after seeing this woman, with a greedy look on their faces, "Unexpectedly, our luck was so good that we could meet Such a beautiful woman, hahaha, blessed now!"

"Hmph, I think it might be your doomsday," the woman snorted coldly, drew out the long sword from her waist, and rushed towards the ogres.


The mace and the big sword collided Soon these ogres realized that the woman in front of them was not a good stubble. In just an instant, their two companions were pierced into the heart.

"You... **** woman! Ah----!!!"

Mu Xiaoxiao still sat on the horse and didn't make any movements. Watching the woman neatly dealt with the ogres, she estimated their strength in her heart. There is magic in this world, but there is no vindictiveness, so she is like a magical, magical, witchcraft god. These things are more powerful than martial arts.

If you don't count these spells, and just talk about martial arts, Mu Xiaoxiao is still very advantageous, at least facing the woman in front of him, he can defeat her in a minute.

"Now, you said you were from the Black Dog Mercenary Corps? Then why haven't my Mai Ya seen you?"

Just when Mu Xiaoxiao was thinking about it, the voice of this woman named Mai Ya awakened him. (To be continued...)



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