Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 336: living hell

"Da da da da..."

In the quiet dungeon, the needle drop can be heard, and a clear sound of footsteps can be heard. At the same time, a black shadow slowly emerges under the candlelight reflections on both sides of the dungeon, and enters a somewhat deep dungeon. A man in a dragon-clad armor walked in the passage, but he didn't take two steps. There was a sound of footsteps.

"This...this is..." As far as I could see, the iron fence of the dungeon had been smashed. There were a few breathless guards on the ground, from their peaceful faces and necks. It can be seen from the scars that he didn’t even react to the reaction and was killed by a single blow, and the prisoner who was originally locked in the dungeon...

"...It's not good——!!!" After two seconds, the man yelled without hesitation, "An enemy sneaked into the dungeon! The prisoner was rescued!!!"

In the man’s cry, the dungeon that was still very quiet soon became noisy. Soon they discovered the death of Pean Cili, and they also noticed that the two most important characters, Ji Knight Alicia and Princess Prim! Countless mercenaries and monsters moved out to search for the attacker who sneaked in.

"Stop! Go here!" Mu Xiaoxiao took the lead and walked around the dungeon with the women behind him, bypassing the guards on patrol. Although Mu Xiaoxiao didn't have to be afraid of these guards at all, Now it's better to avoid the grass and startling snakes. It is not too simple for him to bypass those guards who have seen and heard domineering. When they discovered the situation and searched for Mu Xiaoxiao and others, they had already left the dungeon.


As soon as they walked out of the dungeon, the pupils of Mu Xiaoxiao and the women shrank. Looking at the street in front of them, or the whole city, the shocking sight made them all startled.

The whole city was full of noisy sounds, crying, screaming, and laughing. Although it sounded chaotic, what shocked Mu Xiaoxiao and others was the countless ogres, orcs, and black dog mercenaries. Human beings, catching women who are struggling in the street. Then he tore off his clothes and blatantly performed a qj fornication on the street.

Obviously night, but on those women. Even the ground, walls, pools, doors, stone statues, steps, and chairs are covered with countless certain white liquids. At first glance, it looks like this certain white turbid liquid spreads all over the world.

For the black beast. There was only one feeling that Mu Xiaoxiao once felt, and that was that Nima's fluid output couldn't bear to look directly at him. Could it be a bit more cruel?

There was a strong fishy smell in the air, which made Mu Xiaoxiao nauseous and nauseated, and almost vomited out. He said that he would rather see the scene of corpses all over the wild than the scene of jy all over the wild in front of him. , Not just him, the women even covered their mouths and suppressed the surging stomach.

The noisy voice, the turbid liquid, the disgusting smell, and finally, the women who were treated roughly by the monsters turned from struggling and screaming to blurry and moaning. When everything was combined, Mu Xiaoxiao and the others suddenly felt like they had come to **** on earth.

The struggle of those women originally gave Mu Xiaoxiao a glimmer of hope. But now, seeing the laughter of the monsters and mercenaries in front of him combined with the women's desire-seeking-dissatisfaction-satisfaction combined, let him once again deeply understand the world... Place! ! !

The **** system, except for cursing in his heart, Mu Xiaoxiao had nothing to do.

"...It turns out to be... damn!" Seeing that the former companions of the Black Dog Mercenary Group are now doing things as if they were beasts, although Mai Ya wanted to disbelieve it. But the shocking scene I saw with my own eyes this time, of course, can no longer be ignored.

Volut. Have you really fallen? Maia bit her lip and thought, and she felt a pain in her heart.

"This!" Alicia who saw this scene widened her eyes, not only shocked, but to the extent of shock, "These nasty monsters! And those betrayers! Actually did this to my fortress. Things!!! I can't spare them!!!"

Primm was scared and hid behind Alicia, shivering.

"What do you want to do?" Croyer saw Alicia want to rush out, and grabbed her. "Although I know it's abhorrent to this situation, don't forget our current purpose, if we go out like this , But it will attract a large number of enemies!"

"..." Alicia also understood naturally, and she fell silent when she heard her words.

"It's better for us to leave here as soon as possible," Kroyer breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her silence. "As for them, we will have a chance to take revenge, let's go!"

However, when she said these words, Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, her hands exposed, her eyes looked forward, and then she walked over directly in the surprised eyes of several women.

"Ahahaha, so comfortable~"

"Um... it's really comfortable, this feeling... is really bliss on earth..."

"I want to... hurry up... hurry up..."

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao walked towards a place not far ahead with a cold face. There was a woman with short brown hair, naked all over, seriously speaking, in the whole city, except for Mu A few small people, none of them are intact wearing clothes... Several ogres and orcs around her body surrounded her, so she was almost twice as large as her body. Violent violence was applied on the body.

The brown-haired woman had blurred eyes, flushed her face, and her face showed a soothing expression as if she had sucked du. She was constantly panting and making some intermittent sy sounds in her mouth.

I don’t know why, looking at this hell-like scene, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that it would be too uncomfortable if he didn’t vent, so he coldly walked behind the ogres and orcs, and waited for a while. , Just gritted his teeth and squeezed out a word from his mouth, "Hey..."

Wait, did he think... Except for Prim, Alicia, Olga, Croyer, and Maia all reacted to this situation and their eyes widened.

"Ah? Who?" The orc who was refreshing bounced back and turned his head, and at the same time waved that big hand to pull Mu Xiaoxiao away, but...


Seeing the hand of the orc in front of him hit his left hand, Mu Xiaoxiao's pupils shrank, a terrifying aura released from his body, and an ordinary long sword that had just been picked up from the side of the road appeared in his right hand, swinging. An afterimage came out.


A broken arm flew to the sky, blood raging wildly.


The orc instantly withered, clutching his arm and fell to the ground screaming, constantly rolling, and at the same time looking in horror at Mu Xiaoxiao, whose head was bowed in front of him, exuding a weird aura.

"You are disgusting, do you know?" Mu Xiaoxiao grinned, with a horrible expression on her face that she had never seen before. His pupils were wide open, and he stared at the wailing orc in front of him without blinking. Dirty hands, dare to touch me..."

With that said, Mu Xiaoxiao lied in front of him, thrust his left hand fiercely, and instantly inserted his left hand from the orc's broken arm, splashing with a large amount of blood, hurriedly out like a fountain.


"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!!"

The screams this time were more ferocious than the last time, the heart-piercing wailing resounding through the sky caused everyone around him to stop their movements and turned their heads to look over.


Mu Xiaoxiao's left hand was completely inserted into the internal organs and blood of the orc, and then turned his arm, looking at the wailing orc, the corner of his mouth curled, "Although you are sick to death everywhere in your body, but compared to that dirty Dirty liquid, I think your blood is much cleaner, what do you think?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!!"

"So sorry, just use your blood to let me wash my hands..."


"Um..." Mu Xiaoxiao directly took out his hand and took some of the remaining blood. The orc's pupils shrank and stagnated for an instant, then fell to the ground, losing the breath of life, and the noisy street was instantly quiet. The needle drop was audible, all eyes widened, looking at the center position.

From that location Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at the orc lying on the ground, curled his mouth, then shook the blood from his hand, and turned his eyes to the brown-haired woman next to his feet.

Is he trying to save that woman? Alicia and several people thought of this in unison. The impact of the previous shocking killing of the orc gradually faded, not so shocked, but soon, they fell into a strong shock again.

"Um... why didn't you come? I want more..." The woman fumbled her eyes, her face was flushed and her body was covered with dirty white inexplicable liquid. After a while, he hugged Mu Xiaoxiao's feet and said, "Come on...I haven't yet...Ah!!!"

Before he finished speaking, under everyone's dull gaze, Mu Xiaoxiao instantly flew up and kicked the brown-haired woman away... Then Mu Xiaoxiao followed closely. He raised his foot, stepped on the woman's head, and slammed her head into the wall.


A loud noise... (to be continued)


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