Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 338: Rebel! Volut appears


Hearing Mu Xiaoxiao’s words and seeing his indifferent eyes, Alicia and Maia’s daughters stayed in place. They seemed to be shocked, or they didn’t think he could say anything. With such words, in short, now Alicia and others feel an indescribable feeling for Mu Xiaoxiao in their hearts.

What does it feel like? The blood that has been silent for many years? Or is it to fight against the dark, jade-like determination? She doesn’t know, but what she understands best is, “Perhaps he can really save the world...”

Alicia thought, while the pink hair Primm behind her poked out half of her head and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao's back curiously.

Although Croyer still had an expression of disdain on her face, her heart was constantly surging to prove her unrest in her heart. As for the Queen Olga next to her, although her face was expressionless, her eyes were bursting with splendor. He stared at the thin figure over there.

The second time, the strange feeling reappeared in her heart...Can't help but bit her lip.

In the end, Maia turned his head. Mu Xiaoxiao’s behavior was somewhat similar to Volut, who had rescued him at the moment of life and death. No, they were still completely different. Maia couldn’t tell how different they were. Come, just feel that Mu Xiaoxiao seems to be better than him...

Thinking of this, she shook her head quickly, no way, no way, how could he be comparable to must be just a pose!

Those girls are sober. why? Even if Mu Xiaoxiao put her together to vomit blood, she couldn't wake up, even if Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to kill her, she couldn't wake up. Why did she suddenly regain her mind at this time? Only those who have awakened are clear in their hearts. Probably because of what he said, probably because of the ‘worthless’ conclusion he made to himself and others, probably because of the disappointed look at the end, probably the indifferent eyes when he turned around...

Probably...because he saw a fleeting hope in his eyes. Although it is not clear what is going on, the girls clearly see it. That hope is the hope for myself and others. It is hope for this world...

I don't want to be underestimated by him...I don't want to disappoint him...I don't want to make him indifferent...I don't want to...

"I don't want to be labeled as'no value'. Even if it's me, I want to become a valuable person in his mouth ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! His determination and an inexplicable yearning for someone were pierced with a long sword.


Mu Xiaoxiao had a pause. Turning her head abruptly, what came into view was a girl with long chestnut hair who looked a bit cute but looked like a passerby. Her eyes flashed with tenacity, and the long sword in her hand pierced into the pressure. In the body of the ogre on her, there was a wound that was not too big, not too small, but not painful.

The girl's actions broke the calm, and the girls and women who had recovered sober all reacted and immediately understood the current situation. They struggled to resist, even though the resistance and struggle were too weak for those monsters, even though they were all useless. Although I can't get rid of the current situation, but...

Alicia, Prim, Maia, Croyer, and Olga were all shocked to discover that the scene before them seemed to cast a ray of light in a dark hell... even if you didn’t know this Is the light an illusion, even if I don’t know if I can catch it, even if it may be a dream. Still struggling to step forward, like a knight killed in the battle...


Rebellion against the Lifa girl. The ogre didn't care at all, he didn't care about such wounds at all, and his waist was constantly sensational, or it was because the resistance of the chestnut-haired girl further aroused his metamorphosis-desire-hope, and he worked harder.

"Go to hell--!!!"


The Li-Fa girl's eyes widened, and while she was under the tyrannical violation, her sword frequently left scars on the ogre's body, but the helpless girl's strength was too small and did not cause effective damage at all.

"Go to die! Go to die, die to die! I am not the plaything of your dirty monsters!!!"



With a yell, the long sword slammed into the ogre's eyes. The ogre who was suffering from the pain finally stopped the aggression and screamed, "It hurts me to death!" Damn it! How dare you hurt me! Go to hell!"

The mace in his hand was mixed with the howl of the wind and slammed down fiercely. Because of his anger, the ogre didn't want to play anymore and directly planned to kill her.

Are you going to die... But even so, I didn't... let him down... The girl looked at the huge mace that came in front of her in an instant, and the corner of her mouth even There was a smile of relief, in this case...


"What?!" Looking at the teenager who suddenly appeared in front of her, the girl's eyes suddenly opened.

"Life is precious, don't just die casually," Mu Xiaoxiao said with cold eyes, staring at the stinky ogre in front of him.

"" The ogre looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in horror. Before he could finish speaking, he heard three murmurs, lowering his head.


"Puff puff puff--!!!"

The body was cut into several pieces in an instant, and the ogre died before he could say anything, blood rushing.

"Big...sir," the girl with tears in the corners of her eyes, the Lifa girl reacted in a daze for a while, not even the blood on her body, she looked at her and asked in a trembling voice, "I am now. ..... Must... definitely not become the kind of "worthless" person... right?"

"...Ah, of course," Mu Xiaoxiao put away the saintly sword Sunlight, turned her head, looked at the **** the ground looking at her with anticipation eye cream, tilted her head and showed a smile, and stretched out her hand." Well done~"

"..." The girl stared at Mu Xiaoxiao in a daze, and at the smile that was as warm as the sun, shining into her heart, it took a while before she became sober, and a lot of teardrops began to gather in her eyes. , But did not hold his hand, but directly jumped up and hugged him, crying excitedly, "Woo...great...sir! Thank you, really Thank you!"

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment. Originally, her reflex wanted to push her away, but the movement stopped, and then she patted her head, "It's okay..."

Not only this girl, the other girls, Alicia Maia and others saw Mu's small smile and stayed in place. The smile was as hot and warm as the sun, as if the whole world would be affected by it. Warm up, especially for this dark world, it is like a ray of clear sunlight in the dark, shining on everyone's hearts and guiding everyone in the direction.

Since coming to this world, he has basically not shown a smile because of the depressive atmosphere, and he has a huge smile for the black rabbit and others. For the people of Lifan, it can be said that it is a miracle and not a miracle. pass.

"Okay, let's go to the side first. Since everyone is awake, then..." Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Alicia and are you still posting there? stay? Hurry up! All the girls here! I'm all wrapped up! "

"..." Alicia and the others looked at each other and smiled, "This adult's character is really weird, but...I just planned to do this!"

Pulling out the knight's sword and rushing up, Alicia was uncomfortable with the monsters that were so tyrannical to her own people. The sword was covered with a **** mist, and Kroyer also hated the betrayed monsters to his bones, and did not do anything. Be merciful, it also meant to compete with Alicia. After a while, the monsters and mercenaries on the street were basically wiped out.

"Papa Papa--"

At this moment, an applause suddenly remembered, and then in the darkness, several figures came out, "Unexpectedly, it really showed me a good show..."


Seeing this figure, Maia was the first to call out. That's right, Volut, the official head of the Black Dog Mercenary Corps, appeared in everyone's field of vision. (To be continued)


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