Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 340: Maia, the destruction of the first fortress


Alicia and the others took the girls and left the first fortress. Although most of the girls suggested to go back and take Mu Xiaoxiao with them, they were not stopped by Alicia. Since they all escaped, then It didn't make sense to go back, and it would make Mu Xiaoxiao's efforts in vain, so the group of them quickly moved away from the first fortress and came to a forest. >> novel x.

"Just rest here, I don't think they can find it here," Alicia said.

"What about him?" Croyer frowned and asked, "Should we not go back and help him?"

"My lord said before that he has a way to escape," Alicia glanced at her and said faintly, "So we'd better wait here honestly. If we don't come back, we will go back and find him."

"..." Hearing Alicia's words, Croyer could only shut his mouth bitterly and glared at her. She and Alicia really did not match each other.

Just in silence...

"No! I have to go back!" Maia suddenly stood up and said.

"Mia?" Alicia looked at her blankly, then frowned, "What are you doing? Why are you going back? Are you still to that man..."

"What about the facial features, I have to go back!" Maia gritted her teeth and looked at Alicia apologetically, "Sorry, Alicia..."

"..." Alicia looked at Maia seriously, and then sighed deeply, "You can't do anything about it. Let's go. I'll go with you..."

"No." But Maiya refused, shook his head, "I can do it alone."

"...Well, be careful, if you see an adult, take him to this place."

"...Well," Maia nodded thoughtfully, not knowing what she was thinking. Turned around and ran in the direction of the first fortress.


"Master?! Are you okay!" Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's strangeness, Sunlight asked anxiously.

"It's okay, it's just a little loss of strength," Mu Xiaoxiao breathed heavily, a trace of sweat leaked from his forehead, and smiled bitterly, "No matter how strong I am, I am just an ordinary person now, and I can't keep up with my physical strength. There is no way," I can only say that the opponent's use of this crowded tactic is really rascal. But there is no way, if someone else got down early. Only Mu Xiaoxiao could hold on for so long, and judging from the sight of corpses all over the field, the enemy had paid a painful price.

It's just that Volut didn't care about these costs at all. Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's strength, he cocked the corner of his mouth and revealed a successful smile. As long as he can solve this serious problem, it is completely worthwhile to kill some of his men.


Seeing a mercenary rushing towards him, Mu Xiaoxiao turned his wrist, and the Holy Sword Sunlight plunged into his neck fiercely.



At the same time, turning the holy sword Sunlight in his hand, looking at the wide-eyed mercenary and the blood that kept coming out of his neck, Mu Xiaoxiao curled his lips and threw him out abruptly, "I can't hold on anymore. But Alicia and the others should be almost running, right?" Thinking, now they have two choices, the first is to eat fairy beans and continue to fight, but now they have only three fairy beans, which are very precious, and continue to fight. It also doesn't make sense.

The second is to take Zhenhong and leave. Mu Xiaoxiao deeply believes that they can't deal with Zhenhong, so...

Just when he was about to take out the real red, there was a sound of footsteps, and he turned his head reflexively, and saw a woman rushing towards this side.

is her? ! Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, why did she come? Haven't you already left? But it looks like she is the only one, which is okay.

"Oh?" Volut smiled slightly, and found the person coming, "It seems that things are getting more and more interesting..."

Maia walked over with a long sword and looked around. The sight of corpses and blood everywhere made her frown very uncomfortably, and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao a few times.

"Then Maia, why are you back again?" Volut smiled evilly, "Is it because of the little fantasy in my heart?"

"...Although I don't understand why you are here, let's leave here first!" Mu Xiaoxiao took a rough breath, leaned against the wall and waved his hand, and the scarlet black mecha appeared behind him.

"Quick! Stop him!!!" Seeing this weird big guy, Volut immediately yelled out, but he still remembers the last time he let the other party escape, this time he can't repeat the same mistakes anyway! "Just stop him and it will be solved! Everyone will attack me!"

"Roar——!! Kill!!" Upon hearing this, the monsters and mercenaries roared, and then rushed over aggressively with their weapons, and soon approached Mu Xiaoxiao, but at this time. .....


Maia drew a long sword to block in front, intercepting their attack.

"Mia! It seems that you are planning to go against me!" Volut's face instantly darkened when he saw this scene.

"You are no longer the original Volut, and I won't let your conspiracy succeed!" Maia said, her body slowly being forced back, facing so many enemies, she suddenly It feels quite exhausting, and I really don't know how Mu Xiaoxiao killed so many monsters.

"Come up!" Mu Xiaoxiao's pupils suddenly shrank, and a few beams of light passed through the heavy silhouettes, and immediately rushed to his eyes, "Is it a spell?!"

"Boom boom boom!!"

Raising his right hand, all these spells were smashed into pieces. Under Mu Xiaoxiao's urging sound, Maia put away the long sword, turned and jumped on Mu Xiaoxiao Zhenhong, grabbed him, stretched out his hand, and jumped. Go in, "! Start!" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the large group of monsters and mercenaries who surrounded the real red group and took up weapons to hit them.

"Understand the master," the screen nodded, the real red eyes flickered, the huge body slowly moved, and the Japanese sword around the waist was suddenly pulled out. The monsters around the real red instantly Was cut in the middle, and turned into a corpse with the screams.


Amidst the timidity of the remaining monsters and the expressions of Volut gritted their teeth, the true redness turned into a red light and flew into the sky.

"Wait," Mu Xiaoxiao stopped her suddenly, her eyes were cold, "The first fortress has completely fallen, so even if it is destroyed, it doesn't matter..."

"What do you want to do?" Maia widened her eyes when she heard this, and looked at him in surprise.

"Huh, naturally I gave him a big gift..." Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes, and then in Mai Ya's horrified expression, a huge beam gun appeared in Zhen Hong's hand, a black hole gun. There was a wave of energy from the mouth, and a strong light flickered, even if it was on the ground.

"That...what is that?" All the monsters raised their heads to look at the red light above the sky, their eyes widened in surprise, even Volut was no exception, and then they stared at them. Down, the light suddenly fell down at an extremely fast speed.

"No! Commander, be careful!" Jin, who was wearing glasses beside Volut, suddenly shrank his pupils, screamed and rushed over, and began to chant spells at a very fast speed. Although the monsters didn't know what was going on , But I also felt a sense of crisis, anxiously a little messy.




"Run away——!!!"

The monsters are The mercenaries are crying, pushing and shoving around and screaming, but where can they escape? They can't escape here, can't escape the first fortress, the first fortress will become their burial place!

Under everyone’s gaze, the red energy came in front of them instantly, the strong light pierced everyone and the monsters unable to open their eyes, accompanied by the howling wind and strong suction power, as well as the nuclear explosion. The red energy exploded, and all the monsters and mercenaries disappeared into nothing in an instant, and even the entire first fortress turned into a dead city in an instant, as if it had been broken into pieces after thousands of years of wind and frost.

"This...this is..." Maia in the real red cab saw from the beginning to the end, seeing such a shocking scene, a scene that can only be achieved by miracles, and opened his mouth and said no. Talking.

"The first fortress has basically been destroyed, I don't know if Alicia will be angry," Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand, "It's really red, let's withdraw! Go in Alicia and the others!"

"I see, master." (To be continued...)


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