Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 472: The counterattack begins!

"You... why..." was caught off guard, it was Takano Sansi, even a well-trained coyote troop. It was completely unexpected that someone suddenly rushed out. ,What's happening here? Not only them, but even Ewha Meiyin Rena and others did not expect it at all, and looked at this scene in surprise.

"You want to say why they are here?" Mu Xiaoxiao said with a curled mouth, "Of course it was because of my help..." Then, he took out the clothes that had been hidden from the beginning, pretending Holding the wound on his abdomen, it was actually the hand holding a mobile phone, and shook the vibrating mobile phone in front of Takano Sansi.

"did you see that......"

" use the phone to ask them for help?" Takano Sansi couldn't help but cried, " is this possible?! You were in an outbreak of Hinamizawa Syndrome at the time. , And still in the desperate situation surrounded by so many of us..."

"For me, it's not impossible," Mu Xiaoxiao curled up her mouth. "You can send messages and ask for help quickly without looking at it. It couldn't be easier for my otaku, plus yours. Hinamizawa Syndrome is too weak..." Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but stagger, but fortunately Yuri quickly supported him and let him lean on him.

"Really, it's like an're still playing handsome like this..." Yujin couldn't help pouting.

"In addition, we sent a message to Xiaoxiao as a signal after we came to support," Irie Kyosuke walked to the side of Ewha and the others, helping them to untie the rope. "Takano Sansi. Now the Libra of victory is no longer on your side!"

"All this...Thanks to your cooperation with Yingye. It has delayed me so much time..." Mu Xiaoxiao stabilized his figure and smiled.


While they were talking, Oishi Tibetan, Akasaka Wei, and Tomitake Jiro who wanted to pounce on Takano Sansi were stopped by the mountain dog troops, but now the sky is completely dark, and the distance is too far. He would accidentally injure Eagle Ye Sansi, or the coyote troops would shoot directly.

Now their guns were all shot into the grass, and they were forced to fight with the three of them helplessly. Now if it weren't for Mu Xiaoxiao, there would be no way to participate in the war. He would definitely rush over, but now Mu Xiaoxiao could only stand helplessly behind, relying on the little figure beside him.

"Unexpectedly, Yu Jin, you weren't caught," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, then suddenly looked at her and asked, "You should have known the problem of 54 a long time ago?"

"..." Yujin was silent when he heard this.

"Since you weren't caught, you must know any movement of 54. Why didn't you say it?" Mu Xiaoxiao said lightly, "Don't you know that this is dangerous? What's more, this is the last chance. , If it fails this time..."

"But... it didn't fail this time, did it?" Yuri whispered.

"That's just good luck!" Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but shouted at her. "If I failed just now, then Ewha and the others would have died. And there is no chance to come back! Do you know?!"

"...Ah...I just..." Yu Jin shrank his head, "I just believe you can save them... and... ...If I say it...Ewha and the others will definitely help Xiaoxiao, and will be difficult to save Goshi-kun..."

"Do you hate Xiaoxiao? It's not Wu Shijun's fault after all," Yu Jin glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao cautiously, "It's only because of Hinamisawa Syndrome that it becomes like ....."

"Relax, as long as I didn't cause any harm to Ewha and the others, I would naturally not hate him, and Hajime, did you make a mistake? After all, I took away some of 54 things, so I should say it was him. You hate me..." Mu Xiaoxiao cocked the corners of her mouth.


"Xiaoxiao!" Ewha, who was relieved, rushed forward first, and then Rena and others also rushed over and surrounded Mu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao?! Are you okay?"

"Little..." Sha Duzi's face was a little gloomy, "Sorry..."

"Why did Shaduzi apologize? There is nothing wrong with you," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "and it's no fault of 541. After all, it was because of Hinamisawa Syndrome that it became like this... ."

"..." Shiyin opened her mouth, trying to say something but didn't say anything.

"Brother..." Sha Duzi turned his head and looked at Hojo Goshi not far away, looking at him with a complicated expression. "Brother..." Even though Mu Xiaoshu didn't care, Sha Duzi felt On the contrary, Hojo Satoru sat there blankly, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao and Shatozi Rika Rena and others.

"Okay, don't talk about it now, you guys pay attention to some safety, now is a good time to fight back! If you miss it..." Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "and now Dashi and the others are about to be unable to carry it. I live, so I have to help them!" After all, there are too many coyote troops. Even if Oishi Tibetan, Akasaka, and Tomitake Jiro are strong, they can't deal with so many people.

"No!" Yujin helped Mu Xiaoxiao and yelled first, changing his previous weak image, frowning, "Now you have just been injected with that thing...If this continues... ...."

"This is just a small problem," Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head, "To be honest, although this Hinamizawa syndrome is terrible, it is still a bit worse to interfere with me...Although I still feel a little uncomfortable now, But it's not a big problem anymore," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "No matter what, this time we must catch Yingye Sansi!"

"Wait..." Yu Jin was still about to call him, but he saw Mu Xiaoxiao break free from her support and rush towards the Dashi Tibetan people.

"Forget it, Yuri, since Xiaoxiao has said that," Rika smiled, "I don't think he will do things that are uncertain, and now is indeed the best chance to catch Takano Sansi... ..."

"..." Everyone looked at each other and fell silent.


"Boom, boom, boom—!"

The sound of machine gun shooting...

"Futake! And Irrie! Are you two going to betray me?!" Takano Sansi roared under the protection of a few coyote troops. It is dark now, and she can't see the surrounding scene clearly, so she His expression has always appeared very alert, guarding his surroundings.

"I'm sorry, Takano," Tomitake Jiro's voice sounded, and they hid in the invisible darkness, using the big tree as protection, "Although I want to stand with you, this time... .." He shook his head, "Your approach is too extreme...I will not allow the slaughter of the village or something."

"...It seems that you know it too, the little brother told you?" Takano Sansi said calmly, looking around, "But what does it matter? Our purpose was originally. It’s not just studying Hinamizawa Syndrome. Now our research has been basically completed. Do you still care about the lives of these people?"

"Takano..." Tomitake Jiro gritted his teeth, "Why did you become like this..."

"Is it useless to talk about these nonsense now?!" Mu Xiaoxiao rushed over, taking advantage of the messy scene, he spared him from the side, and gradually felt close to Yingye Sansi without knowing that he shot the gun in Xiaojianmu's hand. Fly out.


"Damn it! Smelly kid!" Xiao Zimu found someone rushing towards him, and quickly raised his hand to block Mu Xiaoxiao's punch, "Unexpectedly, you can still be alive and kicking...but it looks like...feeling Your strength seems to be insufficient."

Xiao Zimu soon realized that Mu Xiaoxiao's strength was much smaller than before, smiled slightly, grabbed his fist, then flew up and kicked his abdomen Hiss..." The wound that had healed a little bit opened, and the blood came out. Mu Xiaoxiao took a breath, and saw the profitable Xiao Mamu immediately bully him, but was stopped by Tomitake Jiro. Come down, "Xiao Zhanmu... let me fight you. I don't know if your strength has regressed after such a long time. "

"Huh...Fuzhu..." Xiao Zhanmu twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's just what I want..." Although he said that, he suddenly turned around, and at the same time several times. A member of the mountain dog army rushed towards Mu Xiaoxiao.


Akasaka Wei rushed to Mu Xiaoxiao's two coyote units and smashed away, and then shouted, "The enemy here, let us solve it! Xiaoxiao, you find a way to solve Takano Sansi!"

"...Don't die!" Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, seeing that Takano Sansi and Xiao Jianmu disappeared in this place, and fell into the darkness with Tomitake Jiro. (To be continued...)



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